Forbes Magazine: How Trump’s Deregulation Sowed The Seeds For Silicon Valley Bank’s Demise

Legislators were SCREAMING to have Fannie and Freddie get into the subprime mortgage market because there is so much money to be made on them. That's because the fees are all front end loaded. Lenders fees, brokerage fees, legal fees. I've seen borrowers getting $35,000 on a $50,000 loan. The rest went to fees. Then the lender sells the high interest subprime loan to an investor.

The investor will pay $50,000 face value for the loan, because of the higher yield on the money and a supposedly secure loan.
Yeah, legislatures like Barney Frank and the Democrat Party who are responsible for those loose sub prime loan programs and 'standards.'
No government 'rescue plan' has ever worked. In fact, the ONLY thing such programs do is create more useless government bureaucrats. When Biden rolled back Trump's energy policies, he became responsible for record high prices, broken supply chains, and giving billions to Putin to pay for his invasion of Ukraine. You live in liberal la la land, expect more government pain.

Biden didn't roll back Trump's energy policies, because Trump had N0 energy policies. He coasted on the 0bama/Biden policies which were the most successful in American history. Energy production rose 80% under 0bama. How much did it go up under Trump. Drilling slowed down under Trump.

It's another F0X lie that Biden is responsible for the rising energy prices, but you keep believing the people who admit they lie to you all of time.
It was a great deal & a great success. Big thanks to lobbyists( bankers ) & Congress. Such a masterpiece! Make America great great again! lol. :)


Source :
1. Bankers Lobbied for Deregulation, Congress Capitulated, and Now Banks Are Collapsing | The Nation –
2. SVB Chief Pressed Lawmakers To Weaken Bank Risk Regs –
Biden didn't roll back Trump's energy policies, because Trump had N0 energy policies. He coasted on the 0bama/Biden policies which were the most successful in American history. Energy production rose 80% under 0bama. How much did it go up under Trump. Drilling slowed down under Trump.

It's another F0X lie that Biden is responsible for the rising energy prices, but you keep believing the people who admit they lie to you all of time.

He coasted on the 0bama/Biden policies which were the most successful in American history. Energy production rose 80% under 0bama.

Which Obama/Biden policy increased our energy production? Be specific.
Biden didn't roll back Trump's energy policies, because Trump had N0 energy policies. He coasted on the 0bama/Biden policies which were the most successful in American history. Energy production rose 80% under 0bama. How much did it go up under Trump. Drilling slowed down under Trump.

It's another F0X lie that Biden is responsible for the rising energy prices, but you keep believing the people who admit they lie to you all of time.
Biden didn't roll back Trump's energy policies, because Trump had N0 energy policies. He coasted on the 0bama/Biden policies which were the most successful in American history. Energy production rose 80% under 0bama. How much did it go up under Trump. Drilling slowed down under Trump.

It's another F0X lie that Biden is responsible for the rising energy prices, but you keep believing the people who admit they lie to you all of time.
Biden said he’d shut down fossil fuels. There is a video of him promising that. Trump lifted restrictions on fossil fuels with an excutive order which Biden rescinded.
Biden said he’d shut down fossil fuels. There is a video of him promising that. Trump lifted restrictions on fossil fuels with an excutive order which Biden rescinded.

Biden also said the transition will take 20 to 30 years. In the same video.

Trump issued no such executive orders.

The oil industry actually hasn’t done that well under Trump

And here's Trump pushing a deal with 0PEC in December of 2020 - after he lost the election, to CUT PR0DUCTION. Think that might have had something to do with rising prices in 2021????

Biden also said the transition will take 20 to 30 years. In the same video.

Trump issued no such executive orders.

The oil industry actually hasn’t done that well under Trump

And here's Trump pushing a deal with 0PEC in December of 2020 - after he lost the election, to CUT PR0DUCTION. Think that might have had something to do with rising prices in 2021????

And here's Trump pushing a deal with 0PEC in December of 2020

April of 2020. Moron.
NOT everything, some things Trump never got around to fuck it up.
Well joe Biden is taking care of that right now.

Joe will likely figure out a way to crash the stock market like back in 1929. That is supposed to be impossible but as Obama warns us, , "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

I can only hope Joe doesn’t manage to get us into a full out nuclear war with Russian and China that will turn this nation and much of the world into a nuclear waste land. Trump kept us out of the dirty little wars as well as the really BIG ones.

Biden didn't roll back Trump's energy policies, because Trump had N0 energy policies. He coasted on the 0bama/Biden policies which were the most successful in American history. Energy production rose 80% under 0bama. How much did it go up under Trump. Drilling slowed down under Trump.

It's another F0X lie that Biden is responsible for the rising energy prices, but you keep believing the people who admit they lie to you all of time.
First, oil and gas production rose under Barry Hussein on private land, mainly due to advances in fracking technology that Barry Hussein opposed. He had nothing to do with increases on private land.

So the increases were in spite of Barry Hussein, not because of him.

And I assume your claim energy production went down under Trump is because you are including 2020, which any thinking person knows was because of the Fauci Flu.

You are by far the biggest lying assface on this board. Not even close Dragonlady
Low info Franco’s doesn’t like these facts....

That article was written 2 weeks ago so it’s current. I do not see the US on that low inflation list.
China...and they're opening and inflation is starting to rise.

Good link dope
Biden also said the transition will take 20 to 30 years. In the same video.

Trump issued no such executive orders.

The oil industry actually hasn’t done that well under Trump

And here's Trump pushing a deal with 0PEC in December of 2020 - after he lost the election, to CUT PR0DUCTION. Think that might have had something to do with rising prices in 2021????

Yes, because we were supplying too much. You really need better information.

We don’t need ‘transition’ especially when that ‘transition’ requires government sanctions for certain products ‘approved’ by a few so-called ‘experts.’ The real experts are free markets and un-influenced American peiple.
Adding pressure is forcing them.
No, it isn't.
Banks have a choice.
Lenders have a choice.
No one was forced to loan $$$, to anyone.
No one even faced added pressure from anyone.
The banks and CHOSE to lend to people, even with no/bad credit, because they knew they could immediately sell the mortgages to wall street.
Who then bundled them as AAA ranted, when they were junk.
Bless your heart it's really ignorant to continue to support failure and expect a different outcome
Sure...................Banks fail but you blame the government.
Couldn't be the banks fault, it HAS to be the "gubmint".
Deregulate everything, then teabaggers expect a different outcome, because corporations ALWAYS do the right thing on behalf of consumers.
No, Bush warned Congress this wasn’t going to end well. And Frank, you, and others all laughed and said everything was fine. Until it wasn't. But continue your fantasy...
SO, Bush LISTENED to Frank?
ONE congressman from Massachusetts?
BUT didn't listen to him, when he voted NOT to invade Iraq?
No, it isn't.
Banks have a choice.
Lenders have a choice.
No one was forced to loan $$$, to anyone.
No one even faced added pressure from anyone.
The banks and CHOSE to lend to people, even with no/bad credit, because they knew they could immediately sell the mortgages to wall street.
Who then bundled them as AAA ranted, when they were junk.

Sure...................Banks fail but you blame the government.
Couldn't be the banks fault, it HAS to be the "gubmint".
Deregulate everything, then teabaggers expect a different outcome, because corporations ALWAYS do the right thing on behalf of consumers.

And then they flip out when people start looking at shitty alternatives, like socialism.

They're conditioned to mindlessly assume that any regulation is a bane to capitalism. In reality, proper and efficient regulation is a CRITICAL COMPONENT of capitalism.

As we keep seeing.

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