For Those Who Support "Reparations"...

My parents were able to buy a house after WWII because of the GI Bill. That same opportunity was not given to Black vets, per government policy. My parents lived frugally and passed a portion of that home's value to me. The families of those Black vets got nothing.
My grandparents couldn’t afford a house despite the GI Bill, so it did them no good. If your parent served during WWII at eighteen, you’d have to be at least ninety six years old and that’s assuming you father was nineteen when you appeared born. Your math is way off or you are a very rare bird to be posting on the internet at ninety six plus years old. Even if your parents had eight kids, you’d still be in you4 late eighties.
You really think that lackey Truman would have dropped the atomic bomb on Germany?
Yes he would. The bomb was developed and designed to be used against Germany. The same logic worked, the American public wouldn’t accept millions of casualties to inb
Yet the job isn't finished, and the majority of whites now have reverted to their earlier subhuman racist nature.

Cops are rampantly shooting down black people in the street, and how many whites are so blinded by their own fear (racism) that they somehow can't see this as a problem???

Laws are changed, but the practices of many lowlife white-rights have not. But they will... we'll see to that. Racism is NOT going to help any of you out in the future. It is a millstone about your necks.
You are less than thirteen percent of the population. Whites and Latinos are sixty percent. While some whites feel guilty over the past, I don’t know of any Latinos that do. Guess what, the Latinos already outnumber you and are out breeding you as well. Exactly what do you imagine you can do to offset that? Most Latinos already despise Blacks and your constant demands for special treatments just make that worse, so go ahead, and do your worst.
Meaning what?

that a racist white government either local or federal has laws that prevent blacks from getting jobs?

if so please point us to those laws

in America employers hire based on merit not skin color

well most employers anyway

it seems that the TV ad industry prefers black faces hawking its products

but aside from that merit rules in the private sector

Employers decide which employee is worth more or less

your link proves nothing
They do and they should but if race is one of their criteria you're dreaming if you claim "in America employers hire based on merit not skin color". Or can you explain why the same resume but with a Black name gets fewer callbacks?
My grandparents couldn’t afford a house despite the GI Bill, so it did them no good. If your parent served during WWII at eighteen, you’d have to be at least ninety six years old and that’s assuming you father was nineteen when you appeared born. Your math is way off or you are a very rare bird to be posting on the internet at ninety six plus years old. Even if your parents had eight kids, you’d still be in you4 late eighties.
Check your math. Maybe my father served at 18 but didn't have children until he was 38?
Actually Stalin’s incompetence and paranoia resulted in millions of Russian deaths.
Without Industrialization which did cost many lives, USSR would have lost to Nazis. That would have cost the lives of tens of millions of Slavs and additional millions of Jews.
That may not be what the architects of The Soviet Revolution intended, but they had to know that if you build a system that requires everyone to agree with and never criticize your system, brute force is essential for keeping people in line.
Original USSR in 1921-1925 was not Totalitarian. Small business was allowed. Moderate dissent was allowed.
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But as for the ultimate Victory, everything Stalin and the USSR did was unnecessary. In 1946 at the latest, Nazi Germany would have died under a hail of nuclear weapons. No matter what Germany did, or how many countries it conquered the Manhattan Project would have won the war.
Stalin played the primary role of any mortal human in saving tens of millions of Slavs and additional millions of Jews from annihilation.
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but the majority of whites felt sorry for blacks and changed the laws that were unfair
That's not exactly how it happened but we're in a racist forum where some of the moderators let shit like this be said while calling people who counter this crap with the truth racist, or follow them around talking stupud like halfwaite does.
Well, that's a fabulous little story, but it's pretty meaningless in the grand scheme of the discussion, which is about reparations.

Do you have any thoughts on that?
As you have proven white racism continues today. That white racism negatively impacts blacks today. The continuung human, constitutional, and equal rights violations by whites TODAY means reparations are still due. You and others have been shown how your racism impacts blacks today. But since you don't want to pay and still want to practice racism be prepared to face the national financial losses.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

Brentin Mock, “White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakeable”
You talk a lot of bullshit, so you go on up to Mike Tyson and call him what you say you will call black people and see what you get. Bitches like you love Charles Barkely, walk up to him and talk shit. You will think differently about him after he adjusts your attitude. You're a punk son. A white punk behind a keyboard. That's all you are and it's all you will ever be.
And white racism is a thing of the past.
Yep, you never see white lynch mobs anymore. Only black lynch mobs rove our streets in 2021. Their thirst for violent racism apparently cannot be quenched, so their lynch mobs are targeting people on a daily basis all over our nation. Black violence is literally the number 1 problem in our country. What could possibly be worse? Even COVID has a vaccine now, so that problem will go away relatively soon, but black violence and racism will remain, so it is clearly the biggest threat in our nation.
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Not a chance. Especially after Nagasaki.
The nukes would have been used in a Europe first. Remember the “ Europe First” policy of the allies. BesideS there were no recriminations after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A couple of admirals and generals essentially thought the bomb wasn’t sporting or gentlemanly. However the people actually carrying the responsibility of the American deaths just wanted the war over with as few dead Americans as possible. The casualty counts of the firebomb raids on Japanese cities were far higher than from the nukes.
The nukes would have been used in a Europe first. Remember the “ Europe First” policy of the allies. ....
Why weren't ALL German Americans thrown into concentration camps like Japanese Americans were on the West Coast?
Yep, you never see white lynch mobs anymore. Only black lynch mobs rove our streets in 2021. Their thirst for violent racism apparently cannot be quenched, so their lynch mobs are targeting people on a daily basis all over our nation. Black violence is literally the number 1 problem in our country. What could possibly be worse? Even COVID has a vaccine now, so that problem will go away relatively soon, but black violence and racism will remain, so it is clearly the biggest threat in our nation.
WE do see white lynch mobs.







America has been a country for 245 years. White violence has been the number 1 problem all 245 of those years.


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