Flying Anxiety


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
when I worked for a living, my job required me to fly near every week....I was fine with it...

but ever since the 9/11 hijackers, I have been afraid to fly....and I mean afraid to fly....

I am going down to visit my folks in florida this sunday, and have been practicing my Kung Foo moves, just in case I need to take out a hijacker or two! :eek:
I scream at take off and when the wheels hit the pavement landing... It scares the hell out of everybody sitting around me but it relieves my anxiety about flying.
When I board, I press my thumbprint on the fuselage next to the door.
It's a ritual I started after 9 of 11.

But afraid to fly? Nah. It's fun as ever.
I'm going to DC in March and finally wised up to pay an extra $10 for early boarding.
I scream at take off and when the wheels hit the pavement landing... It scares the hell out of everybody sitting around me but it relieves my anxiety about flying.

That's what I do on roller helps that funny feeling in my tummy.:lol:
I fly a fair amount but I honestly don't like it. I don't like heights. Occasionally, it will freak me out, but I just recite to myself that flying is the safest form of travel, then say a silent prayer when I land.
when I worked for a living, my job required me to fly near every week....I was fine with it...

but ever since the 9/11 hijackers, I have been afraid to fly....and I mean afraid to fly....

I am going down to visit my folks in florida this sunday, and have been practicing my Kung Foo moves, just in case I need to take out a hijacker or two! :eek:

It will be alright Care..... breathe and relax. :)
We flew before and after 9/11. One day we attended a business conference at San Francisco. We didn't know it, but the day we came home was the day London had a train bombed or something and civilians died. The guards made everybody open their purses. They told us to put liquids in one container and any sharp objects we might have in another. They said if I brought the small vial of Chanel No. 5 my husband gave me as a Christmas present or the sewing scissors my mother gave me as a graduation gift many years before, we would not be allowed to board our airplane.

I was so sick about this, I decided if a half ounce bottle of perfume was large enough to house an ingredient that would assist somebody to blow up an airplane, it is not safe to fly.

I told my kids the soonest time we can visit in an emergency is the distance we have to drive to get there, provided we are in good enough health to get there. Our visas have expired, and I am not renewing them.

They took away my perfume.
when I worked for a living, my job required me to fly near every week....I was fine with it...

but ever since the 9/11 hijackers, I have been afraid to fly....and I mean afraid to fly....

I am going down to visit my folks in florida this sunday, and have been practicing my Kung Foo moves, just in case I need to take out a hijacker or two! :eek:

You're practicing Kung Fu to fly :lol:

Sorry, that is just funny.

I never like to fly...... I don't like to be 30,000 feet in the air...
when I worked for a living, my job required me to fly near every week....I was fine with it...

but ever since the 9/11 hijackers, I have been afraid to fly....and I mean afraid to fly....

I am going down to visit my folks in florida this sunday, and have been practicing my Kung Foo moves, just in case I need to take out a hijacker or two! :eek:

Firstly, tell yourself that you will not let terrorists dictate your life. Remember that flying is the absolute safest form of travel. Don't drink alcohol before you board - that often has the opposite effect.

Poor you... I don't understand your fear but I sympathize with it.
Just take a dramamine or two beforehand and you'll be just fine. :thup:

Oh and bring a copy of Kung Fu Panda on your Ipod! :lol:

I always loved flying. The feeling when the wheels come off the pavement and view out the window as the ground recedes is always so cool I could never get enough of it so I took flying lessons and got my licence.

I get a real job again with real vacation time, I am so flying off to some cool destination. I have prepared a bucket list. I want to visit London again. And I want to go to Jerusalem and Hiroshima.
when I worked for a living, my job required me to fly near every week....I was fine with it...

but ever since the 9/11 hijackers, I have been afraid to fly....and I mean afraid to fly....

I am going down to visit my folks in florida this sunday, and have been practicing my Kung Foo moves, just in case I need to take out a hijacker or two! :eek:

Just keep reminding yourself that flying is not at scary as 11.
I'm okay, when I fly with my husband....I still have anxiety, but there is something more soothing to me, if I bite the dust with him vs. dying alone..... :lol::lol:

I know, I know....I am evil to want him to die with me! :eek:
I'm okay, when I fly with my husband....I still have anxiety, but there is something more soothing to me, if I bite the dust with him vs. dying alone..... :lol::lol:

I know, I know....I am evil to want him to die with me! :eek:

That is an interesting predicament...

I'm sure if you knew you were going to die you wouldn't what him by your side, however for you, you feel more safe with your husband around..

I suppose "evil" would be knowingly taking down another individual with you..

If you want your husband to die a horrible death with you then you may be evil.

Sorry I just watched this documentary about flight 97 and thought about what those people were thinking....

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