FLORIDA Judge Strikes Down Gay Marriage Ban!

And folks, get ready for a BIG "I Told You So!!" :lol:

Political Torch if gay is your game keep on putting up all your gay threads and have a blast. Knock yourself out.

Tiny, it is correct to say that I am very interested in justice for those who have been marginalized in this country for so long a time. But it is not solely for my benefit that these postings appear. We have to consider that there are many others who need to stay informed on such issues, not just Heterosexuals. We have many Gay and Lesbian citizens in this country who work, pay their taxes, raise chldren or adopt, worship in church, and who vote who rightfully deserve to know what is going on as it concerns their human and civil rights and their status. Therefore, it is essential to keep posting these threads for their benefit but also for that of all other of their many supporters who have a right to stay informed and know that GLBT rights are now finally being acknowledged by virtually all of the courts in this country. And that is Always Big News!

Human rights should be a concern of all Americans.

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