Flordia Man Murders Door To Door Salesman For Stepping On His Property

As well as amoral and unethical. Typical left wing... if it wasn't for double standards, they would have no standards at all.

This must be another one of those non-partisan, independent posts you pretend to be all about. :eusa_eh:

Here's the difference between me and you hacks. If it had been Fox that deliberately ran a false story about a gunman, I would have hammered Fox, not excused them and called it a 'mistake'. That is non-partisan, independent thinking. You don't recognize it because you aren't capable of that kind of thought process. You're just another driveling hack.

Compete bullshit. I had this thread from the other day http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...e-co-massacre-was-caused-by-the-liberals.html showing the ultra-right nutcases blaming the CO shootings on the liberals.

Not only did you not "hammer" this idiot in any way, shape, or form, you did the complete opposite by trolling up the thread with nothing but deflections and other hard right nonsense.

Don't pretend with the "well if my side did anything like that, i'd stop being a hack and hammer them!" bullshit. It just happened and you have proven that is a complete lie and you are nothing but a partisan hack.
While not knowing all the circumstances of this tragic event, if it is true that the home owner simply felt the need to shoot the salesman for no other reason other than the fact he felt afraid, then the homeowner should face the full extent of the law and is no different than any other person that chooses to take the life of another, and holds his fellow human beings in such low regard that he would take the life of another without pause. This is another instance of one person who does not belong in decent society and deserves to be punished with the full extent of the law. The law in Fl. that allows for a person to defend themselves with deadly force does not cover someone who uses a weapon in such a manner because they simply do not like the person, or have a a way in which they can easily escape the situation as well. This is situation appears to be murder on its face and as mentioned the subject in this case deserves no less than any person who does such a thing. Having said all this, this persons political beliefs, likes or dislikes or for that matter what TV channel he happens to like have ZERO meaning and still further will not bring back the life of the victim on this case and will not punish the person who did this act. So I for one , could care less in this case as well what this person happens to like politically as he does not represent the vast majority of decent Americans that represent a number of political beliefs, and his political belief did not pull the trigger he did.
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This must be another one of those non-partisan, independent posts you pretend to be all about. :eusa_eh:

Here's the difference between me and you hacks. If it had been Fox that deliberately ran a false story about a gunman, I would have hammered Fox, not excused them and called it a 'mistake'. That is non-partisan, independent thinking. You don't recognize it because you aren't capable of that kind of thought process. You're just another driveling hack.

Compete bullshit. I had this thread from the other day http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...e-co-massacre-was-caused-by-the-liberals.html showing the ultra-right nutcases blaming the CO shootings on the liberals.

Not only did you not "hammer" this idiot in any way, shape, or form, you did the complete opposite by trolling up the thread with nothing but deflections and other hard right nonsense.

Don't pretend with the "well if my side did anything like that, i'd stop being a hack and hammer them!" bullshit. It just happened and you have proven that is a complete lie and you are nothing but a partisan hack.

^^^leftist troll who will never learn and won't be controlled by neg reps.

Thank you, usmb, for turning your site over to these weirdoes.
The King wanted to conserve his powers and the Rebels wanted to conserve their liberties.

The Rebels demanded liberalization of the King's edicts.

One can be both conservative and liberal at the same time. We can want to conserve nature and the environment and want liberal access to both.

Doncha think?
This guy sounds like a first class card carrying teabagger.

"A man in Cape Coral, Florida on Wednesday was arrested for shooting and killing an unarmed door-to-door salesman on his property.

Kenneth Bailey Roop, 52, has been charged with second-degree murder for killing 30-year-old Nicholas Rainey.

A co-worker who witnessed the shooting said Rainey had knocked on Roop’s door, but received no answer. While Rainey was walking down the drive-way, Roop pulled up in his pickup truck and asked why Rainey was at his house. Rainey explained that he was selling steak and seafood. The witness said Roop then pulled out a black handgun and shot Rainey. As Rainey lay on the ground, Roop fired another bullet into the back of his head.

Roop later told police that he shot Rainey in the head “for effect” and that he had three no trespassing signs on his property. Roop said he feared for his life.

“I’m not going to give him the chance to do something to me,” he told police. “I was in fear."

I bet he's going to claim "stand your ground"

Florida man kills door-to-door salesman: I

And this is exactly what people who were against "Stand Your Ground" said would happen.

The law is an abomination.

I don't think self defense is going to apply in this case as it certainly does in the Zimmerman case.

It's probably not going to apply in either case. Zimmerman might want to try and use it..but folks are already basically nixing that.

In any case..it's a really dangerous law. Basically because it gives people the idea that they can use deadly force if they "feel" threatened. In Texas a man named John Horn shot and killed 2 fleeing robbers after calling 911. He was cleared. And this is the sort of thing that starts a slippery slope.

Wild West justice failed..because it was brutal and wrong. Wanting to return to those days is brutal..and wrong.

Personally? I have no problem with people having guns for HOME protection. But they really have to be facing a deadly threat in order to use deadly force and that force should be meant to stop the attack, period. Someone trying to sell you shrimp, an altercation that you started with a kid and dudes robbing the neighbor's house..don't fall into that category.
This guy sounds like a first class card carrying teabagger.

"A man in Cape Coral, Florida on Wednesday was arrested for shooting and killing an unarmed door-to-door salesman on his property.

Kenneth Bailey Roop, 52, has been charged with second-degree murder for killing 30-year-old Nicholas Rainey.

A co-worker who witnessed the shooting said Rainey had knocked on Roop’s door, but received no answer. While Rainey was walking down the drive-way, Roop pulled up in his pickup truck and asked why Rainey was at his house. Rainey explained that he was selling steak and seafood. The witness said Roop then pulled out a black handgun and shot Rainey. As Rainey lay on the ground, Roop fired another bullet into the back of his head.

Roop later told police that he shot Rainey in the head “for effect” and that he had three no trespassing signs on his property. Roop said he feared for his life.

“I’m not going to give him the chance to do something to me,” he told police. “I was in fear."

I bet he's going to claim "stand your ground"

Florida man kills door-to-door salesman: I

The guy deserves jail-time. The salesman should have obeyed the no trespassing sign. Another case in which both are at fault, with the exception that this guy really did murder the salesman. No doubt about it.
This must be another one of those non-partisan, independent posts you pretend to be all about. :eusa_eh:

Here's the difference between me and you hacks. If it had been Fox that deliberately ran a false story about a gunman, I would have hammered Fox, not excused them and called it a 'mistake'. That is non-partisan, independent thinking. You don't recognize it because you aren't capable of that kind of thought process. You're just another driveling hack.

Compete bullshit. I had this thread from the other day http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...e-co-massacre-was-caused-by-the-liberals.html showing the ultra-right nutcases blaming the CO shootings on the liberals.

Not only did you not "hammer" this idiot in any way, shape, or form, you did the complete opposite by trolling up the thread with nothing but deflections and other hard right nonsense.

Don't pretend with the "well if my side did anything like that, i'd stop being a hack and hammer them!" bullshit. It just happened and you have proven that is a complete lie and you are nothing but a partisan hack.

I'm aware of your left wing hack thread. As I pointed out to you previously... ABC started that shit with their running of a false story - not a 'mistake', a deliberate decision to run with a story that they did not fact check. That is dishonest, amoral and unethical journalism... and it is people like you who encourage that journalism by refusing to hold them to account for it. You excuse it. You are dishonest... just like the media you worship. Hack.

What is it like to live without morals?
And this is exactly what people who were against "Stand Your Ground" said would happen.

The law is an abomination.

I don't think self defense is going to apply in this case as it certainly does in the Zimmerman case.

It's probably not going to apply in either case. Zimmerman might want to try and use it..but folks are already basically nixing that.

In any case..it's a really dangerous law. Basically because it gives people the idea that they can use deadly force if they "feel" threatened. In Texas a man named John Horn shot and killed 2 fleeing robbers after calling 911. He was cleared. And this is the sort of thing that starts a slippery slope.

Wild West justice failed..because it was brutal and wrong. Wanting to return to those days is brutal..and wrong.

Personally? I have no problem with people having guns for HOME protection. But they really have to be facing a deadly threat in order to use deadly force and that force should be meant to stop the attack, period. Someone trying to sell you shrimp, an altercation that you started with a kid and dudes robbing the neighbor's house..don't fall into that category.

I'd be okay with my neighbor shooting someone who robbed my house. Especially if they took something of real sentimental value. I think when they entered my home with the intention of stealing from me, they forfeited their right to life.

And just think how few robberies there would be if that were actually the law...

Of course, you have to realize that I have always shared what I have with others. I have taken in no less than 3 homeless men over the years and one troubled kid. Only one of them paid room and board. I've had people knock on my door for handouts and they get food and whatever else I can afford to give them. I had out lunches to the homeless and needy once a week at my friend's church. I also bring things from home to add to the lunches and specifically go out of my way to get things some of the guys (most of our customers are men) ask for.

You ask, I'll share, but I don't think you or anyone has the right to take.
I bet Mr. Looney Roop goes to jail and dies there.

This guy sounds like a first class card carrying teabagger.

"A man in Cape Coral, Florida on Wednesday was arrested for shooting and killing an unarmed door-to-door salesman on his property.

Kenneth Bailey Roop, 52, has been charged with second-degree murder for killing 30-year-old Nicholas Rainey.

A co-worker who witnessed the shooting said Rainey had knocked on Roop’s door, but received no answer. While Rainey was walking down the drive-way, Roop pulled up in his pickup truck and asked why Rainey was at his house. Rainey explained that he was selling steak and seafood. The witness said Roop then pulled out a black handgun and shot Rainey. As Rainey lay on the ground, Roop fired another bullet into the back of his head.

Roop later told police that he shot Rainey in the head “for effect” and that he had three no trespassing signs on his property. Roop said he feared for his life.

“I’m not going to give him the chance to do something to me,” he told police. “I was in fear."

I bet he's going to claim "stand your ground"

Florida man kills door-to-door salesman: I
Here's the difference between me and you hacks. If it had been Fox that deliberately ran a false story about a gunman, I would have hammered Fox, not excused them and called it a 'mistake'. That is non-partisan, independent thinking. You don't recognize it because you aren't capable of that kind of thought process. You're just another driveling hack.

Compete bullshit. I had this thread from the other day http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...e-co-massacre-was-caused-by-the-liberals.html showing the ultra-right nutcases blaming the CO shootings on the liberals.

Not only did you not "hammer" this idiot in any way, shape, or form, you did the complete opposite by trolling up the thread with nothing but deflections and other hard right nonsense.

Don't pretend with the "well if my side did anything like that, i'd stop being a hack and hammer them!" bullshit. It just happened and you have proven that is a complete lie and you are nothing but a partisan hack.

I'm aware of your left wing hack thread. As I pointed out to you previously... ABC started that shit with their running of a false story - not a 'mistake', a deliberate decision to run with a story that they did not fact check. That is dishonest, amoral and unethical journalism... and it is people like you who encourage that journalism by refusing to hold them to account for it. You excuse it. You are dishonest... just like the media you worship. Hack.

What is it like to live without morals?

What happened to you just stating you would "hammer" the right if they ever spread ridiculous lies? Now that you've been called out you think pointing out the lies and propaganda from the right is a "hack thread"? :cuckoo:
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This must be another one of those non-partisan, independent posts you pretend to be all about. :eusa_eh:

Here's the difference between me and you hacks. If it had been Fox that deliberately ran a false story about a gunman, I would have hammered Fox, not excused them and called it a 'mistake'. That is non-partisan, independent thinking. You don't recognize it because you aren't capable of that kind of thought process. You're just another driveling hack.

Compete bullshit. I had this thread from the other day http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...e-co-massacre-was-caused-by-the-liberals.html showing the ultra-right nutcases blaming the CO shootings on the liberals.

Not only did you not "hammer" this idiot in any way, shape, or form, you did the complete opposite by trolling up the thread with nothing but deflections and other hard right nonsense.

Don't pretend with the "well if my side did anything like that, i'd stop being a hack and hammer them!" bullshit. It just happened and you have proven that is a complete lie and you are nothing but a partisan hack.

Ok I have no problem calling nutty nutty, so lets look at his statements, shall we?
Evangelical radio host blames Colorado shooting on ‘the liberals’ way’ | The Raw Story

When students are taught they are no different from animals, they act like it.
Good point, liberals and PETA nuts put Humans in with animals, sorry it's not. Some people on the abortion debate ask me if I eat eggs, say it's the same thing....Only if your crazy as hell. Eggs and Human babies are not the same....YUMMY eggs!
“If this tweet was connected to the shooting, to this James Holmes, to the one that killed the 12 and wounded the 58 in this theater, it would be appropriate,” Fischer noted. “Because what does evolution teach? What does evolution teach? Evolution teaches that nature is a struggle, it is a battle, that only the fittest survive, that the way you get to increasingly complex forms of life is the strongest species survives.”

Ok so evolution does teach that the strongest survive, of have they changed that? (I still laugh at that, it's a convient general random answer with no proof, they just CHANGE outta nowhere?)

So, this James Holmes, he’s one of the stronger ones,” he added. “He sees himself as evolutionarily advanced just like he was taught in school about Darwin, that this is how natural selection works.”

This has happened before, it's called social darwinism and people like Stalin and Hitler have killed millions do to this stupid way of thinking along with eugenics.

And the last point was kicking God out of the schools. So we're all animals and noone is better than each other and noone has any morality....

Gee why didnt these shooting happen say in the 1950s?...Food for thought

So again, which part is batshit crazy?
This guy sounds like a first class card carrying teabagger.

"A man in Cape Coral, Florida on Wednesday was arrested for shooting and killing an unarmed door-to-door salesman on his property.

Kenneth Bailey Roop, 52, has been charged with second-degree murder for killing 30-year-old Nicholas Rainey.

A co-worker who witnessed the shooting said Rainey had knocked on Roop’s door, but received no answer. While Rainey was walking down the drive-way, Roop pulled up in his pickup truck and asked why Rainey was at his house. Rainey explained that he was selling steak and seafood. The witness said Roop then pulled out a black handgun and shot Rainey. As Rainey lay on the ground, Roop fired another bullet into the back of his head.

Roop later told police that he shot Rainey in the head “for effect” and that he had three no trespassing signs on his property. Roop said he feared for his life.

“I’m not going to give him the chance to do something to me,” he told police. “I was in fear."

I bet he's going to claim "stand your ground"

Florida man kills door-to-door salesman: I

Stand your ground laws: Yet another example of Republican legislators writing laws that wind up with consequences they didn't intend.

R's should be voted out of office based on this alone. They can't write laws - not even to do what they mean them to do. This is just one example. I can name several more. The "personhood" amendments that would have sent doctors to prison in Mississippi for aborting a fetus to save the mother's life - the Louisiana vouchers that send kids to "schools" where they just sit in front of a TV all day watching videos about Jesus - to a Texas GOP party platform that actually says they oppose teaching critical thinking in schools. Heck just look at how many more R's whine about the PATRIOT act now compared to when it was passed! You guys can't write!

BTW - if this had happened in Louisiana, he could be charged with 1st degree murder since the shots were fired from a motor vehicle.
I don't think self defense is going to apply in this case as it certainly does in the Zimmerman case.

It's probably not going to apply in either case. Zimmerman might want to try and use it..but folks are already basically nixing that.

In any case..it's a really dangerous law. Basically because it gives people the idea that they can use deadly force if they "feel" threatened. In Texas a man named John Horn shot and killed 2 fleeing robbers after calling 911. He was cleared. And this is the sort of thing that starts a slippery slope.

Wild West justice failed..because it was brutal and wrong. Wanting to return to those days is brutal..and wrong.

Personally? I have no problem with people having guns for HOME protection. But they really have to be facing a deadly threat in order to use deadly force and that force should be meant to stop the attack, period. Someone trying to sell you shrimp, an altercation that you started with a kid and dudes robbing the neighbor's house..don't fall into that category.

I'd be okay with my neighbor shooting someone who robbed my house. Especially if they took something of real sentimental value. I think when they entered my home with the intention of stealing from me, they forfeited their right to life.

And just think how few robberies there would be if that were actually the law...

Of course, you have to realize that I have always shared what I have with others. I have taken in no less than 3 homeless men over the years and one troubled kid. Only one of them paid room and board. I've had people knock on my door for handouts and they get food and whatever else I can afford to give them. I had out lunches to the homeless and needy once a week at my friend's church. I also bring things from home to add to the lunches and specifically go out of my way to get things some of the guys (most of our customers are men) ask for.

You ask, I'll share, but I don't think you or anyone has the right to take.

Apart from that being wrong..what it would do..would be to encourage robbers to carry weapons.

Crime is generally the result of poverty or mental illness. There are other reasons, like youthful indiscretion and the like..but the majority of robberies happen because of those factors.

And encouraging more shootouts between civilians is an awfully wrong minded thing to do.
Here's the difference between me and you hacks. If it had been Fox that deliberately ran a false story about a gunman, I would have hammered Fox, not excused them and called it a 'mistake'. That is non-partisan, independent thinking. You don't recognize it because you aren't capable of that kind of thought process. You're just another driveling hack.

Compete bullshit. I had this thread from the other day http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...e-co-massacre-was-caused-by-the-liberals.html showing the ultra-right nutcases blaming the CO shootings on the liberals.

Not only did you not "hammer" this idiot in any way, shape, or form, you did the complete opposite by trolling up the thread with nothing but deflections and other hard right nonsense.

Don't pretend with the "well if my side did anything like that, i'd stop being a hack and hammer them!" bullshit. It just happened and you have proven that is a complete lie and you are nothing but a partisan hack.

^^^leftist troll who will never learn and won't be controlled by neg reps.

Thank you, usmb, for turning your site over to these weirdoes.

In other words "Waaaaaaaaa!!! I'm a right wing moron without even the smallest amount of intelligence to debate anything. When the right wingers are put in their place, I can't do anything but leave neg rep with a nasty comment to make me feel like a tough guy. Without being able to harass people that spread facts, what am I going to do now? Waaaaaaaaa!"
It's probably not going to apply in either case. Zimmerman might want to try and use it..but folks are already basically nixing that.

In any case..it's a really dangerous law. Basically because it gives people the idea that they can use deadly force if they "feel" threatened. In Texas a man named John Horn shot and killed 2 fleeing robbers after calling 911. He was cleared. And this is the sort of thing that starts a slippery slope.

Wild West justice failed..because it was brutal and wrong. Wanting to return to those days is brutal..and wrong.

Personally? I have no problem with people having guns for HOME protection. But they really have to be facing a deadly threat in order to use deadly force and that force should be meant to stop the attack, period. Someone trying to sell you shrimp, an altercation that you started with a kid and dudes robbing the neighbor's house..don't fall into that category.

I'd be okay with my neighbor shooting someone who robbed my house. Especially if they took something of real sentimental value. I think when they entered my home with the intention of stealing from me, they forfeited their right to life.

And just think how few robberies there would be if that were actually the law...

Of course, you have to realize that I have always shared what I have with others. I have taken in no less than 3 homeless men over the years and one troubled kid. Only one of them paid room and board. I've had people knock on my door for handouts and they get food and whatever else I can afford to give them. I had out lunches to the homeless and needy once a week at my friend's church. I also bring things from home to add to the lunches and specifically go out of my way to get things some of the guys (most of our customers are men) ask for.

You ask, I'll share, but I don't think you or anyone has the right to take.

Apart from that being wrong..what it would do..would be to encourage robbers to carry weapons.

Crime is generally the result of poverty or mental illness
. There are other reasons, like youthful indiscretion and the like..but the majority of robberies happen because of those factors.

And encouraging more shootouts between civilians is an awfully wrong minded thing to do.

Do you have some link to provide that shows that?
Here's the difference between me and you hacks. If it had been Fox that deliberately ran a false story about a gunman, I would have hammered Fox, not excused them and called it a 'mistake'. That is non-partisan, independent thinking. You don't recognize it because you aren't capable of that kind of thought process. You're just another driveling hack.

Compete bullshit. I had this thread from the other day http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...e-co-massacre-was-caused-by-the-liberals.html showing the ultra-right nutcases blaming the CO shootings on the liberals.

Not only did you not "hammer" this idiot in any way, shape, or form, you did the complete opposite by trolling up the thread with nothing but deflections and other hard right nonsense.

Don't pretend with the "well if my side did anything like that, i'd stop being a hack and hammer them!" bullshit. It just happened and you have proven that is a complete lie and you are nothing but a partisan hack.

Ok I have no problem calling nutty nutty, so lets look at his statements, shall we?
Evangelical radio host blames Colorado shooting on ‘the liberals’ way’ | The Raw Story

When students are taught they are no different from animals, they act like it.
Good point, liberals and PETA nuts put Humans in with animals, sorry it's not. Some people on the abortion debate ask me if I eat eggs, say it's the same thing....Only if your crazy as hell. Eggs and Human babies are not the same....YUMMY eggs!
“If this tweet was connected to the shooting, to this James Holmes, to the one that killed the 12 and wounded the 58 in this theater, it would be appropriate,” Fischer noted. “Because what does evolution teach? What does evolution teach? Evolution teaches that nature is a struggle, it is a battle, that only the fittest survive, that the way you get to increasingly complex forms of life is the strongest species survives.”

Ok so evolution does teach that the strongest survive, of have they changed that? (I still laugh at that, it's a convient general random answer with no proof, they just CHANGE outta nowhere?)

So, this James Holmes, he’s one of the stronger ones,” he added. “He sees himself as evolutionarily advanced just like he was taught in school about Darwin, that this is how natural selection works.”

This has happened before, it's called social darwinism and people like Stalin and Hitler have killed millions do to this stupid way of thinking along with eugenics.

And the last point was kicking God out of the schools. So we're all animals and noone is better than each other and noone has any morality....

Gee why didnt these shooting happen say in the 1950s?...Food for thought

So again, which part is batshit crazy?

All of it.

Along with your explanations.

I'd be okay with my neighbor shooting someone who robbed my house. Especially if they took something of real sentimental value. I think when they entered my home with the intention of stealing from me, they forfeited their right to life.

And just think how few robberies there would be if that were actually the law...

Of course, you have to realize that I have always shared what I have with others. I have taken in no less than 3 homeless men over the years and one troubled kid. Only one of them paid room and board. I've had people knock on my door for handouts and they get food and whatever else I can afford to give them. I had out lunches to the homeless and needy once a week at my friend's church. I also bring things from home to add to the lunches and specifically go out of my way to get things some of the guys (most of our customers are men) ask for.

You ask, I'll share, but I don't think you or anyone has the right to take.

Apart from that being wrong..what it would do..would be to encourage robbers to carry weapons.

Crime is generally the result of poverty or mental illness
. There are other reasons, like youthful indiscretion and the like..but the majority of robberies happen because of those factors.

And encouraging more shootouts between civilians is an awfully wrong minded thing to do.

Do you have some link to provide that shows that?

A link to show what? That poor and crazy people commit crimes?


You know I remember getting into a thread with a guy..that claimed the sky isn't really blue.

If there isn't some well known facts that can't be agreed upon..there really is no point to continuing.

Charles Raymond Starkweather (November 24, 1938 – June 25, 1959)[1] was an American teenaged spree killer[2] who murdered eleven people in Nebraska and Wyoming during a two-month road trip with his 14-old girlfriend, Caril Ann Fugate. The couple was captured on January 29, 1958.

Charles Starkweather - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These sorts of things have been around for years, the point is reactionary laws as a result of these kinds of killings, be they one's that seek to take away constitutional rights, or one's that seek to punish Americans in an attempt to control crime or place blame on political parties never work. These sorts of heartless individuals are and have been around decent society for eons and the best way to deal with them is to not point the finger of blame, but rather to help these murdering trash meet their just reward as fast as possible and thats a introduction to thier maker, and then get on with the business of healing the and helping the victims where the focus rightly should be.
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Apart from that being wrong..what it would do..would be to encourage robbers to carry weapons.

Crime is generally the result of poverty or mental illness
. There are other reasons, like youthful indiscretion and the like..but the majority of robberies happen because of those factors.

And encouraging more shootouts between civilians is an awfully wrong minded thing to do.

Do you have some link to provide that shows that?

A link to show what? That poor and crazy people commit crimes?


You know I remember getting into a thread with a guy..that claimed the sky isn't really blue.

If there isn't some well known facts that can't be agreed upon..there really is no point to continuing.


The guy was right. Take a science class.

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