Fit2Hit Mixed Martial Arts, Martial Arts Systematics


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
I used the free one time training once, I was there. I worked out 2 hours about. I didnt go anymore, because Im a lazy fuck, and it was too hard for me, they do call themselfes "martial arts systematics" they are not just a sports according to them, but real "street fight". They do all things, kicking, punching, wrestling down, etc.... Do you think I should try again? Or join them? Do you think it would be "hard" for my condition I mean with all my extra weight, and low physical fitness? Or should I do something much easier like nordic walking?

Pfft, why join them?

You learn what you need for free by watching YT videos.

Here is your free introductory sample.

I think it is much more useful to be member of a "box gym" then just watching youtube videos alone at home. That one time when I was there I was really fighting others, that one time only boxing, punches, but they also wrestle, and kick and do such things. They practice, I dont think you can alone by watching youtube videos really practice.
I think it is much more useful to be member of a "box gym" then just watching youtube videos alone at home. That one time when I was there I was really fighting others, that one time only boxing, punches, but they also wrestle, and kick and do such things. They practice, I dont think you can alone by watching youtube videos really practice.
I thought you were talking about an online course. My bad?
I used the free one time training once, I was there. I worked out 2 hours about. I didnt go anymore, because Im a lazy fuck, and it was too hard for me, they do call themselfes "martial arts systematics" they are not just a sports according to them, but real "street fight". They do all things, kicking, punching, wrestling down, etc.... Do you think I should try again? Or join them? Do you think it would be "hard" for my condition I mean with all my extra weight, and low physical fitness? Or should I do something much easier like nordic walking?

I'll tell you a secret, Morty--- --- effective fighting does not really depend on size or gender, it depends on controlling your opponent, and one of the most effective ways to do that is with joint locks and critically vulnerable pressure nodes in the anatomy that exist no matter what the conditioning. Look into a system of self-defense called Dim Mak.
It was just "too strong" for me. Too "heavy" sports. Im motivated but I guess i should do things like walking that is much easier, or a little gymnastics.
Build up to it. Don't expect to sprint sub-9s if you've never trained for it. The same goes for your MMA.
Look at your diet and ditch all the shit, eat healthily.
Yes, go for walks and built it up to a faster pace from a casual stroll. As you begin to lose weight, you can then look at running. Once again, building it up slowly.
With determination and heart, you'll get to a healthy weight where your body can go through all that MMA punishment. Game on fella!
It was just "too strong" for me. Too "heavy" sports. Im motivated but I guess i should do things like walking that is much easier, or a little gymnastics.
If you don't lose a great deal of weight, you will most likely be dead within the next 10 to 20 years. You need to follow a diet and exercise plan that works for you. You will feel much better.

You seem to enjoy posting pictures of yourself and then asking people's opinions about how you look. So try this. Post a pic showing what a fat ugly slob you are now (the before pic) and tell us how much you weigh. Start walking several miles/KM every day and cut the calories/carbs. Post a picture each week to show your progress and tell us you new weight. Note: you cannot out exercise your appetite; however exercise can help give you something to do to replace eating for pleasure. Over a few months you can lose a lot of weight and feel much better. I know because I lost 80 lbs last year. I am still a fat ugly slob myself, but not as fat and not as ugly. If I can do it, you can too. I would love to see a pic a year from now showing a much healthy mortimer.

Note: I didn't call you a fat ugly slob to be mean, but sometimes you have to face the truth to be able to do something about it.
I used the free one time training once, I was there. I worked out 2 hours about. I didnt go anymore, because Im a lazy fuck, and it was too hard for me, they do call themselfes "martial arts systematics" they are not just a sports according to them, but real "street fight". They do all things, kicking, punching, wrestling down, etc.... Do you think I should try again? Or join them? Do you think it would be "hard" for my condition I mean with all my extra weight, and low physical fitness? Or should I do something much easier like nordic walking?

It maybe difficult for you due to your size

I love MMA stuff and I was training until my back blew up

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