First Biden presser in 10 months.

Now he is stealing lines from Harris....I"m gonna get out of here more often.
I didn't watch President Potatohead but it has been reported that he said he would give Russia a firmly worded letter if they invade the Ukraine.

Newsmax reporter on now. Look out.

"Why do you think a large percent of voters question your mental competence?"

"I have no idea. Next question"

That Newsmax reporter just hit him harder than the Backstreet Boys with a new single out when he asked him why he thought Democrat polls revealed so many people who have concerns about his cognitive capacity.

He loooked like a deer in headlights after that one.
Mr. President, your first year was a complete disaster....the country is in chaos.....what will you do differently in year 2.

I'm gonna campaign for the midterms.
Speaking as a Republican, I’m all for it.
Ah well.

I'd only otherwise note that there haven't been any serious questions asked about the economy, monetary policy and the Fed in particular.

Not even any softballs, to be honest.
I think his handlers just got tired of covering his ass and decided "Fuckit. Let's just leave the Ol' Dirty Bastard out there to fend for himself. We don't want no part in this shit anymore."

Screw this shit. I have more better things to do than site here and watch this asshole make a fool out of my country. I'm gonna go eat supper.
I think his handlers just got tired of covering his ass and decided "Fuckit. Let's just leave the Ol' Dirty Bastard out there to fend for himself. We don't want no part in this shit anymore."
There was a sudden shift, wasn’t there? All of a sudden he was calling on “opposing” reporters.
Mr President, why do you think half the electorate think you are batshit crazy?

I have no idea.
When you got to pay hundreds of billions for childcare with kids a few years old to school age then you know the nation is on a death spiral.

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