FINALLY! Biden has a coherent statement!!

Sorry bout that,

1. Only the real low IQ morons work 12 hour shifts all night, 13 days in a row.
2. Well good thing is maybe you will have so much money you can finally buy that brain you've always wanted!!! lol!!!!!
3. Try not to take this personally just my observation son, get a better job moron!

Day 13 of working 12 hour night shift, no I don't know what day it is.

We old folks who are living on fixed income, thank you for your hard work and dedication. May you also someday have the luxury of retiring some day, and having the benefit of other working-class folks like yourself pay for your retirement.

(Hey, it's not like I didn't work all my life, work through 5 different careers, and pay state and federals taxes, Social Security, and 401k contributions.)
And probably the ONLY TRUTH he's ever told in his entire corrupt life!!!!

The video would mean more had they not cut Biden off immediately after saying "elect DJT." Likely, Biden was stuttering/stumbling as usual and said more after that correcting or clarifying that if you don't support the Biden/Obumma ticket, then you are supporting a reelection of Trump, or something like that.

Biden is such a F-up that no one hardly needs to stretch things to make as ass of him!
Sorry bout that,

1. Only the real low IQ morons work 12 hour shifts all night, 13 days in a row.
2. Well good thing is maybe you will have so much money you can finally buy that brain you've always wanted!!! lol!!!!!
3. Try not to take this personally just my observation son, get a better job moron!


I help put food on your table, so zip it.

"Sorry 'bout that". :)

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