"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

You brought The Bible into this,

No, you did when you imposed your religiously-influenced beliefs into this debate as somehow representative of your position. From where does this belief come that abortion is contraception? Not from science. From where does this belief come that abortion is murder? Not from science. So where's it come from? From religion. And furthermore, if you assclowns really wanted to do something about abortion, you'd be arguing for free and open access to contraception and birth control, as well as comprehensive sex education in schools. But you fuckin' don't. Which puts abortion proliferation on your head, not mine. Contraception prevents abortion. You oppose free and open access to contraception. Which would mean you support the proliferation of abortion. And I think you do that for no other reason than for you to feel better about yourself.

For fuck's sake, GET OVER YOURSELF.

tell me do you agree that Jesus Christ is The Messiah? If not then why did you bring The Bible into this, STFU who cares what you think you stupid faggot.

The Bible forms the basis of your belief system. Let that sink in for a second. A book written 500 years after Jesus already died, by a bunch of goat-herders and cave-dwellers are what forms your belief system today. That's fucking stupid.
The Bible forms the basis of your belief system. Let that sink in for a second. A book written 500 years after Jesus already died, by a bunch of goat-herders and cave-dwellers are what forms your belief system today. That's fucking stupid.
A fetus is a human life

No, it's a collection of cells. It's not a human being. And furthermore, it's none of your fucking business. If you really wanted to reduce abortions, you'd be arguing for free and open access to contraception (which prevents pregnancy, which prevents abortion), as well as comprehensive sex education in schools. But you oppose all that. So you're the reason why abortion proliferates.
You are also a collection of cells, doofuss. I don't oppose contraception in any way whatsoever. Shoot, I wouldn't mind if you leftists all sterilized yourselves.

But anyway, you cannot even argue that a fetus is not human life, you'd be going against scientific, biological reality. It may not be a fully formed human being yet, it is human life though. Human fetuses are human fetuses.

What? You think they're fish or something? Lol
A fetus is a human life

No, it's a collection of cells. It's not a human being. And furthermore, it's none of your fucking business. If you really wanted to reduce abortions, you'd be arguing for free and open access to contraception (which prevents pregnancy, which prevents abortion), as well as comprehensive sex education in schools. But you oppose all that. So you're the reason why abortion proliferates.
You are also a collection of cells, doofuss. I don't oppose contraception in any way whatsoever. Shoot, I wouldn't mind if you leftists all sterilized yourselves.

But anyway, you cannot even argue that a fetus is not human life, you'd be going against scientific, biological reality. It may not be a fully formed human being yet, it is human life though. Human fetuses are human fetuses.

What? You think they're fish or something? Lol
Actually, they would do a great service to humanity if all of them sterilized themselves before able to reproduce.
A fetus is a human life

No, it's a collection of cells. It's not a human being. And furthermore, it's none of your fucking business. If you really wanted to reduce abortions, you'd be arguing for free and open access to contraception (which prevents pregnancy, which prevents abortion), as well as comprehensive sex education in schools. But you oppose all that. So you're the reason why abortion proliferates.
You are also a collection of cells, doofuss. I don't oppose contraception in any way whatsoever. Shoot, I wouldn't mind if you leftists all sterilized yourselves.

But anyway, you cannot even argue that a fetus is not human life, you'd be going against scientific, biological reality. It may not be a fully formed human being yet, it is human life though. Human fetuses are human fetuses.

What? You think they're fish or something? Lol
Actually, they would do a great service to humanity if all of them sterilized themselves before able to reproduce.
I disagree. The less leftists created, the better. We can agree to disagree though.
you're saying living things aren't comprised of many cells?

I'm saying that a fetus is not a child or a human being. In the first trimester, which is when most abortions occur, it doesn't even have a developed, functioning brain.
You brought The Bible into this,

No, you did when you imposed your religiously-influenced beliefs into this debate as somehow representative of your position. From where does this belief come that abortion is contraception? Not from science. From where does this belief come that abortion is murder? Not from science. So where's it come from? From religion. And furthermore, if you assclowns really wanted to do something about abortion, you'd be arguing for free and open access to contraception and birth control, as well as comprehensive sex education in schools. But you fuckin' don't. Which puts abortion proliferation on your head, not mine. Contraception prevents abortion. You oppose free and open access to contraception. Which would mean you support the proliferation of abortion. And I think you do that for no other reason than for you to feel better about yourself.

For fuck's sake, GET OVER YOURSELF.

tell me do you agree that Jesus Christ is The Messiah? If not then why did you bring The Bible into this, STFU who cares what you think you stupid faggot.

The Bible forms the basis of your belief system. Let that sink in for a second. A book written 500 years after Jesus already died, by a bunch of goat-herders and cave-dwellers are what forms your belief system today. That's fucking stupid.
Wrong. The gospels were all written before 70 AD. You are just full of misinformation, aren't ya?
I don't oppose contraception in any way whatsoever.

You oppose free and open access to contraception and birth control, do you not? You also oppose sex education in schools, do you not? So you do oppose contraception. You can't oppose or support what contraception is. You can only support or oppose free and open access to it.

But anyway, you cannot even argue that a fetus is not human life

I can, and I did. It's a parasite, if anything. And furthermore, it's none of your business what a woman wants to do with her body. You say you oppose abortion, yet you also oppose all the simple solutions to abortion. Which would make your argument masturbatory.
you're saying living things aren't comprised of many cells?

I'm saying that a fetus is not a child or a human being. In the first trimester, which is when most abortions occur, it doesn't even have a developed, functioning brain.
It is a human being as well as a human life. I wish you leftists would grow a pair and just admit you are fine with taking human life. You are fine with certain kinds of murder, like abortion on demand.

These aren't beings that are human? Then what are they?
A fetus is a human life

No, it's a collection of cells. It's not a human being. And furthermore, it's none of your fucking business. If you really wanted to reduce abortions, you'd be arguing for free and open access to contraception (which prevents pregnancy, which prevents abortion), as well as comprehensive sex education in schools. But you oppose all that. So you're the reason why abortion proliferates.
You are also a collection of cells, doofuss. I don't oppose contraception in any way whatsoever. Shoot, I wouldn't mind if you leftists all sterilized yourselves.

But anyway, you cannot even argue that a fetus is not human life, you'd be going against scientific, biological reality. It may not be a fully formed human being yet, it is human life though. Human fetuses are human fetuses.

What? You think they're fish or something? Lol
Actually, they would do a great service to humanity if all of them sterilized themselves before able to reproduce.
I disagree. The less leftists created, the better. We can agree to disagree though.
No disagreement, that's exactly what I said.

So it's obvious you really don't have a firm grasp of history. The Byzantines were the Christians, and they called on European Christians for help to prevent the Muslim conquering of the middle east. So the various Kings and monarchs of Europe sent their most brainwashed, murderous, rapey people to go rid Jerusalem of Muslims. But they never achieved that. They lost every single time for 300 years. And that's why the middle east is Muslim and not Christian today.

You're welcome for the brief history lesson.

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