feminism is no longer about women having equality. feminism is about women having supremacy over men

probably too late now but people should realize that a lots of these 'femi nazis' are taxpayer paid public school teachers . Read their message board comments and think of what they have been teaching your boys and girls as you pay their wages , benefits and retirements .
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking

So you've just noticed this, huh? Women have always been superior to men in a very important way. Their primeval role was one of godlike overlord rule of men's lives. Empires since time out of mind have risen by the bloodied hands of men, true, and yet women also ruled the nights and days of the most powerful civilization founding men. In this role, as advisor, concubine, matriarch, master of intrigue and supreme advisor, women thrived and often co-governed from the shadows of their imperial husbands and sons and fathers.

And so it always was, a similar role for women in families, and even business empires as well. But somewhere down the line radical militant feminists decided they wanted to dispense with their eonian female roles and actually become men, removing men from their ancient role and assuming it themselves. However, as we're now seeing (and suffering from) in Western societies, the feminist drive to become men and turn men into women has torn the primeval fabric or balance of human civilization, giving rise to many horrors—perversions and debauchery and sadistic social policies and practices which are consequences of women no longer fulfilling their ancient roles, and too many men thinking they are cute but no threat as they voluntarily hand them their balls. We're out of balance. We need to get it back. Getting it back does not mean taking anything away from the modern women she didn't already have already.

Women should be venerated and celebrated for who and what they are and always have been, and above all else, they should stop trying to be men, stop trying feminize future male generations. Things still go bump in the night, and future women will surely regret the lack of hard as iron men to go into the dark and sort out for them what dwells in there, after the last real man is gone and only effeminate girly men remain.
I'm the only male on my block who knows how to fix shit. So, all of the husbands' wives call me when something breaks.

It's pathetic.


A relative of mine is a chimney sweep. Once a year I borrow some of his equipment and do the neighborhood dryer vents and chimneys. I've had neighbor dudes tell me over and over how they'd never climb up a 40' ladder and onto their own roof. I feel embarrassed for them, and pity for their wives and girlfriends. Too many men these days look like "prey"--or would to the wrong criminal monsters. Family men have to be capable of defending their wives and children. Too many modern men want to rely on the goodness in other men's hearts not to harm their families. Thank God that notion is a relatively new one, or our race would have destroyed itself long ago.
Today's white, male "conservative" politicians have not shown any talent or willingness to come to the table and speak intelligently. It's all been "I'm white and I've got a dick."
And, to which, today's female replies...
" I've got the pussy, just show me the money"

What she fails to tell him is....
Later on, you'll be paying me to keep my mouth shut,

I'll claim sexual harassment/assault, to kick start my career

I'm going to use the kids to hurt you

I'm going to bleed you dry

Why men seem to have lost their backbones,
is beyond me...frankly, I'm disappointed
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking

So you've just noticed this, huh? Women have always been superior to men in a very important way. Their primeval role was one of godlike overlord rule of men's lives. Empires since time out of mind have risen by the bloodied hands of men, true, and yet women also ruled the nights and days of the most powerful civilization founding men. In this role, as advisor, concubine, matriarch, master of intrigue and supreme advisor, women thrived and often co-governed from the shadows of their imperial husbands and sons and fathers.

And so it always was, a similar role for women in families, and even business empires as well. But somewhere down the line radical militant feminists decided they wanted to dispense with their eonian female roles and actually become men, removing men from their ancient role and assuming it themselves. However, as we're now seeing (and suffering from) in Western societies, the feminist drive to become men and turn men into women has torn the primeval fabric or balance of human civilization, giving rise to many horrors—perversions and debauchery and sadistic social policies and practices which are consequences of women no longer fulfilling their ancient roles, and too many men thinking they are cute but no threat as they voluntarily hand them their balls. We're out of balance. We need to get it back. Getting it back does not mean taking anything away from the modern women she didn't already have already.

Women should be venerated and celebrated for who and what they are and always have been, and above all else, they should stop trying to be men, stop trying feminize future male generations. Things still go bump in the night, and future women will surely regret the lack of hard as iron men to go into the dark and sort out for them what dwells in there, after the last real man is gone and only effeminate girly men remain.
Humans are born with a whole range of "personalities" and why should the fact that I was born with a uterus make it necessary for me to adhere to a certain stereotypical role all my life? Or the fact that you were born with a penis mean that you must be a "hard as iron" fix it and kill it type?
It isn't really fair to any of us. Our innate differences are more biological than behavioral; that has been confirmed in study after study. There are more differences WITHIN the sexes than BETWEEN the sexes. Some men are nervous and timid. Some women are aggressive and fearless.
Let us all grow up to enhance the positive propensities we were born with, instead of trying to mold us into certain ancient roles that the modern world have made useless.
Today's white, male "conservative" politicians have not shown any talent or willingness to come to the table and speak intelligently. It's all been "I'm white and I've got a dick."
And, to which, today's female replies...
" I've got the pussy, just show me the money"

What she fails to tell him is....
Later on, you'll be paying me to keep my mouth shut,

I'll claim sexual harassment/assault, to kick start my career

I'm going to use the kids to hurt you

I'm going to bleed you dry

Why men seem to have lost their backbones,
is beyond me...frankly, I'm disappointed

Absolutely agree.

My fiancé and I met for our first date at a diner in Timonium, MD. Went well until then end when we were trying to leave the building. A group of male college kids had gathered just outside the only door off the small glassed in lobby. They were half drunk and taking pictures of each other with their phones, and blocking us and other customers from opening the door. She tried to talk to them through the glass, but she's half Irish-half East Indian, so her temper is mighty, and short fused. So I shoved one of them back with the door, and then kicked another one in his knee. They just stared at me in open shock like, "What planet do you come from?"

Women have always had perhaps the most powerful role of both sexes, and yet, some also seem to be so unhappy with their vital ancient roles, that they need to fill men's shoes as well, which in my opinion, only weakens the "woman" power they always had to begin with. While I am a believer in equal social and legal and professional rights, men's and women's roles have always been different for a damn good reason, which should be embraced, not rewired into something which doesn't work. Men should celebrate the women in their lives, societies and professions—and women should also celebrate and be thankful for traditional male roles. No one needs to be a victim, unless victimhood has become a celebrated role unto itself, which is a very self-destructive ambition—for either of the sexes to embrace.
Today's white, male "conservative" politicians have not shown any talent or willingness to come to the table and speak intelligently. It's all been "I'm white and I've got a dick."
And, to which, today's female replies...
" I've got the pussy, just show me the money"

What she fails to tell him is....
Later on, you'll be paying me to keep my mouth shut,

I'll claim sexual harassment/assault, to kick start my career

I'm going to use the kids to hurt you

I'm going to bleed you dry

Why men seem to have lost their backbones,
is beyond me...frankly, I'm disappointed
------------------------------------------------ its funny to me that males can be controlled by that 'thing' and thats not because it isn't nice . Its a Nice enough 'thing' but men are stupid to let themselves be controlled by that 'thing' . Teach your sons and boys the right stuff .
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking

So you've just noticed this, huh? Women have always been superior to men in a very important way. Their primeval role was one of godlike overlord rule of men's lives. Empires since time out of mind have risen by the bloodied hands of men, true, and yet women also ruled the nights and days of the most powerful civilization founding men. In this role, as advisor, concubine, matriarch, master of intrigue and supreme advisor, women thrived and often co-governed from the shadows of their imperial husbands and sons and fathers.

And so it always was, a similar role for women in families, and even business empires as well. But somewhere down the line radical militant feminists decided they wanted to dispense with their eonian female roles and actually become men, removing men from their ancient role and assuming it themselves. However, as we're now seeing (and suffering from) in Western societies, the feminist drive to become men and turn men into women has torn the primeval fabric or balance of human civilization, giving rise to many horrors—perversions and debauchery and sadistic social policies and practices which are consequences of women no longer fulfilling their ancient roles, and too many men thinking they are cute but no threat as they voluntarily hand them their balls. We're out of balance. We need to get it back. Getting it back does not mean taking anything away from the modern women she didn't already have already.

Women should be venerated and celebrated for who and what they are and always have been, and above all else, they should stop trying to be men, stop trying feminize future male generations. Things still go bump in the night, and future women will surely regret the lack of hard as iron men to go into the dark and sort out for them what dwells in there, after the last real man is gone and only effeminate girly men remain.
Humans are born with a whole range of "personalities" and why should the fact that I was born with a uterus make it necessary for me to adhere to a certain stereotypical role all my life? Or the fact that you were born with a penis mean that you must be a "hard as iron" fix it and kill it type?
It isn't really fair to any of us. Our innate differences are more biological than behavioral; that has been confirmed in study after study. There are more differences WITHIN the sexes than BETWEEN the sexes. Some men are nervous and timid. Some women are aggressive and fearless.
Let us all grow up to enhance the positive propensities we were born with, instead of trying to mold us into certain ancient roles that the modern world have made useless.

I would never suggest or imply or even want for a woman to be or live as some stereotypical caricature under some pretense of asinine contrived cultural limitations. What I speak to are the foundational roles of the sexes. The ethos behavioral base roles of the sexes where grey areas such as weak and timid or butch do not exist. However, I agree with you in so far as cooperation and civility are to be discussed, and yet, and yet, in the most important, primal and ancient sense and situations, a man should be a man, a woman a woman. Women are stronger than men, naturally, but their strength is not so much raw physical power, as their strength is matriarchal, emotional, intellectual and empathetic. All traits which can, and should be applied to modern society as equally as men's strengths, so long as the foundation roles remain intact. Men should do what men do best, and women the same, be that on the battlefield, in the kitchen, down at the office, or on a damn rocket to Mars. Equal, but different, and using their strengths in concert to build a better civilization.
A relative of mine is a chimney sweep. Once a year I borrow some of his equipment and do the neighborhood dryer vents and chimneys. I've had neighbor dudes tell me over and over how they'd never climb up a 40' ladder and onto their own roof. I feel embarrassed for them, and pity for their wives and girlfriends. Too many men these days look like "prey"--or would to the wrong criminal monsters. Family men have to be capable of defending their wives and children. Too many modern men want to rely on the goodness in other men's hearts not to harm their families. Thank God that notion is a relatively new one, or our race would have destroyed itself long ago.

Very well said. Short and concise.

A growing number of modern men have a considerable task ahead of themselves. They've been relegated to cubicles and customer service. Many are consumed by video games, virtual reality, drug addiction, etc. Or otherwise competing for the corner cubicle, by the window.

There's no sense of responsibility. I'm generally speaking, of course. It'd be intellectually dishonest to attest that all men have devolved in that regard.

It is for their own benefit that more men need to learn to be men again. In terms of their role, I mean. Protectors and builders and hunters and producers and providers and things like that. Men need to learn to become dangerous again. Or, as you correctly said, to be seen as threatening to someone who would threaten them or threaten harm to their families. This doesn't mean go around and be indiscriminately violent, of course. That's not what I'm talking about. Men don't have to prove their manhood. Just learn to do man things.

Society hasn't removed the need for masculinity. Not yet, anyway. But men have devolved as they've adapt to society. That's another topic in itself. But, as we sink further into economic despair, I think we'll see a greater need for men to be men again. The flip side of that is that men need to learn to do man things all over again. They need to learn and accept responsibility. Don't take lip off people, first of all. Learn how to fight. Learn how to lead. Learn how to kill things. Learn how to produce and how to protect. Learn how to fix things and how to build things.

The time may very well come that these things become necessary.
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I would never suggest or imply or even want for a woman to be or live as some stereotypical caricature under some pretense of asinine contrived cultural limitations. What I speak to are the foundational roles of the sexes. The ethos behavioral base roles of the sexes where grey areas such as weak and timid or butch do not exist. However, I agree with you in so far as cooperation and civility are to be discussed, and yet, and yet, in the most important, primal and ancient sense and situations, a man should be a man, a woman a woman. Women are stronger than men, naturally, but their strength is not so much raw physical power, as their strength is matriarchal, emotional, intellectual and empathetic. All traits which can, and should be applied to modern society as equally as men's strengths, so long as the foundation roles remain intact. Men should do what men do best, and women the same, be that on the battlefield, in the kitchen, down at the office, or on a damn rocket to Mars. Equal, but different, and using their strengths in concert to build a better civilization.

Agreed. Good post, N_S. This reflects the heart of the matter.

It's natural that people might misunderstand what you're saying. Of course, there will be those who will fight you, too. As I mentioned, that's another topic in and of itself.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking

So you've just noticed this, huh? Women have always been superior to men in a very important way. Their primeval role was one of godlike overlord rule of men's lives. Empires since time out of mind have risen by the bloodied hands of men, true, and yet women also ruled the nights and days of the most powerful civilization founding men. In this role, as advisor, concubine, matriarch, master of intrigue and supreme advisor, women thrived and often co-governed from the shadows of their imperial husbands and sons and fathers.

And so it always was, a similar role for women in families, and even business empires as well. But somewhere down the line radical militant feminists decided they wanted to dispense with their eonian female roles and actually become men, removing men from their ancient role and assuming it themselves. However, as we're now seeing (and suffering from) in Western societies, the feminist drive to become men and turn men into women has torn the primeval fabric or balance of human civilization, giving rise to many horrors—perversions and debauchery and sadistic social policies and practices which are consequences of women no longer fulfilling their ancient roles, and too many men thinking they are cute but no threat as they voluntarily hand them their balls. We're out of balance. We need to get it back. Getting it back does not mean taking anything away from the modern women she didn't already have already.

Women should be venerated and celebrated for who and what they are and always have been, and above all else, they should stop trying to be men, stop trying feminize future male generations. Things still go bump in the night, and future women will surely regret the lack of hard as iron men to go into the dark and sort out for them what dwells in there, after the last real man is gone and only effeminate girly men remain.
Humans are born with a whole range of "personalities" and why should the fact that I was born with a uterus make it necessary for me to adhere to a certain stereotypical role all my life? Or the fact that you were born with a penis mean that you must be a "hard as iron" fix it and kill it type?
It isn't really fair to any of us. Our innate differences are more biological than behavioral; that has been confirmed in study after study. There are more differences WITHIN the sexes than BETWEEN the sexes. Some men are nervous and timid. Some women are aggressive and fearless.
Let us all grow up to enhance the positive propensities we were born with, instead of trying to mold us into certain ancient roles that the modern world have made useless.

I would never suggest or imply or even want for a woman to be or live as some stereotypical caricature under some pretense of asinine contrived cultural limitations. What I speak to are the foundational roles of the sexes. The ethos behavioral base roles of the sexes where grey areas such as weak and timid or butch do not exist. However, I agree with you in so far as cooperation and civility are to be discussed, and yet, and yet, in the most important, primal and ancient sense and situations, a man should be a man, a woman a woman. Women are stronger than men, naturally, but their strength is not so much raw physical power, as their strength is matriarchal, emotional, intellectual and empathetic. All traits which can, and should be applied to modern society as equally as men's strengths, so long as the foundation roles remain intact. Men should do what men do best, and women the same, be that on the battlefield, in the kitchen, down at the office, or on a damn rocket to Mars. Equal, but different, and using their strengths in concert to build a better civilization.
I'm not sure what those "foundational" roles are that you refer to. I think in any close relationship between two people, whether it be a man and a woman or two men or two women, there are naturally going to be differences that "balance" each other out, that allow the two to support each other in their areas of weakness.
You have pretty much said that women and men should have the same opportunities to pursue their interests, regardless of what they are. So what "roles" are left that men and women should adhere to?
Intelligent women and intelligent men do not indulge themselves in this sort of bullshit. They sit down and deal with each other as intelligent human beings. Dialogue. You know??? Today's white, male "conservative" politicians have not shown any talent or willingness to come to the table and speak intelligently. It's all been "I'm white and I've got a dick."

Where is the willingness to come to the table and have an adult conversation about our differences? By intelligent and well-read people?
Those people are around; just not here.

Hey! That's not very nice. Meanie.

I'll tell you what I'd like to see. I'd like to see a thread with a libertarian woman, what I mean by that is a classical liberal, and a modern liberal woman, and a modern conservative woman, dicussing what they see wrong with modern men, or what they believe the role of men should be in society. It'd have to be balanced out, know what I mean?
Intelligent women and intelligent men do not indulge themselves in this sort of bullshit. They sit down and deal with each other as intelligent human beings. Dialogue. You know??? Today's white, male "conservative" politicians have not shown any talent or willingness to come to the table and speak intelligently. It's all been "I'm white and I've got a dick."

Where is the willingness to come to the table and have an adult conversation about our differences? By intelligent and well-read people?
Those people are around; just not here.

Hey! That's not very nice. Meanie.

I'll tell you what I'd like to see. I'd like to see a thread with a libertarian woman, what I mean by that is a classical liberal, and a modern liberal woman, and a modern conservative woman, dicussing what they see wrong with modern men, or what they believe the role of men should be in society. It'd have to be balanced out, know what I mean?

Why not any men in it? How about ALL of us being in this discussion? Men, women, whatever political view, participating in this discussion? If people of either sex and politics have something to say, they should be willing to discuss their views in a public forum. Bring it out here.
Why not any men in it? How about ALL of us being in this discussion? Men, women, whatever political view, participating in this discussion? If people of either sex and politics have something to say, they should be willing to discuss their views in a public forum. Bring it out here.

No, that won't work. It'd be like a bunch of monkees trying to hump a football. It just won't work.

What N_S and I were talking about is something very primitive. Something very animalistic. It's missing from male society. That it's missing, however, doesn't render it obsolete or unneeded in society. You can't hold men to responsibility if they don't understand it in its most fundamental form.

You need a woman's perspective there. But it needs to be diverse. And not political. Just nuts and bolts stuff.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking
When there is equality, there will be disagreements. Get used to it.
Sometimes he wins; sometimes she wins.
So a "disagreement" is where women politicians tell men to shut up?
Doc1 tells me to shut up or he'll slap me around, and that's just a disagreement around here, but if a woman says "shut up" it's a feminazi battle for supremacy?
Sorry to sound like a feminist here, but you're a moron.
She's not just a female, moron. She's a U.S. Senator.
I'm trying to parse this. Remember that women have been indoctrinated in patriarchal religions. Catholic. Protestant, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, etc. All of these women have been so much more indoctrinated than men in these patriarchal religions (read the worship of the male penis and the excoriation of the female biology), Many women have been heavily indoctrinate in this. So I am not sure what an authentic woman's prospective would be. Women across the globe have been indoctrinated to perceive their biology as something shameful and their worth wrapped up with whatever exists between their legs.
You may appeal to to diversity, but how many female people have been have been indoctrinated and will have been manipulated. Look at the amount of women in Alabama who routed for the whore man roy moore? They stood up for a pediphile.
someone had to speak the truth. just listen to 5 minutes of Mazie Hirono or Gillibrand talking

So you've just noticed this, huh? Women have always been superior to men in a very important way. Their primeval role was one of godlike overlord rule of men's lives. Empires since time out of mind have risen by the bloodied hands of men, true, and yet women also ruled the nights and days of the most powerful civilization founding men. In this role, as advisor, concubine, matriarch, master of intrigue and supreme advisor, women thrived and often co-governed from the shadows of their imperial husbands and sons and fathers.

And so it always was, a similar role for women in families, and even business empires as well. But somewhere down the line radical militant feminists decided they wanted to dispense with their eonian female roles and actually become men, removing men from their ancient role and assuming it themselves. However, as we're now seeing (and suffering from) in Western societies, the feminist drive to become men and turn men into women has torn the primeval fabric or balance of human civilization, giving rise to many horrors—perversions and debauchery and sadistic social policies and practices which are consequences of women no longer fulfilling their ancient roles, and too many men thinking they are cute but no threat as they voluntarily hand them their balls. We're out of balance. We need to get it back. Getting it back does not mean taking anything away from the modern women she didn't already have already.

Women should be venerated and celebrated for who and what they are and always have been, and above all else, they should stop trying to be men, stop trying feminize future male generations. Things still go bump in the night, and future women will surely regret the lack of hard as iron men to go into the dark and sort out for them what dwells in there, after the last real man is gone and only effeminate girly men remain.
Humans are born with a whole range of "personalities" and why should the fact that I was born with a uterus make it necessary for me to adhere to a certain stereotypical role all my life? Or the fact that you were born with a penis mean that you must be a "hard as iron" fix it and kill it type?
It isn't really fair to any of us. Our innate differences are more biological than behavioral; that has been confirmed in study after study. There are more differences WITHIN the sexes than BETWEEN the sexes. Some men are nervous and timid. Some women are aggressive and fearless.
Let us all grow up to enhance the positive propensities we were born with, instead of trying to mold us into certain ancient roles that the modern world have made useless.

I would never suggest or imply or even want for a woman to be or live as some stereotypical caricature under some pretense of asinine contrived cultural limitations. What I speak to are the foundational roles of the sexes. The ethos behavioral base roles of the sexes where grey areas such as weak and timid or butch do not exist. However, I agree with you in so far as cooperation and civility are to be discussed, and yet, and yet, in the most important, primal and ancient sense and situations, a man should be a man, a woman a woman. Women are stronger than men, naturally, but their strength is not so much raw physical power, as their strength is matriarchal, emotional, intellectual and empathetic. All traits which can, and should be applied to modern society as equally as men's strengths, so long as the foundation roles remain intact. Men should do what men do best, and women the same, be that on the battlefield, in the kitchen, down at the office, or on a damn rocket to Mars. Equal, but different, and using their strengths in concert to build a better civilization.

I'm not sure what those "foundational" roles are that you refer to. I think in any close relationship between two people, whether it be a man and a woman or two men or two women, there are naturally going to be differences that "balance" each other out, that allow the two to support each other in their areas of weakness.
You have pretty much said that women and men should have the same opportunities to pursue their interests, regardless of what they are. So what "roles" are left that men and women should adhere to?

Men are (or damn well should be), the point men of both civilization, and the primordial human family. Women are (or should be) the bedrock foundation on whose strength all men build their civilizations and families upon. Men lead the way, out of the cave, into the dark forests beyond, and engage in savage combat with those things in the dark lurking out there. Women meet them on their way back home and bandage their wounds and tell them how better to defeat the monsters, the next time around, and give their beaten, battered men a good (needed) tongue lashing for taking such risks, all the while knowing those risks were necessary.


In our modern world of technology, women can and should also aid men, even on the front lines, in aiding us to vanquish those same monsters, the ones out in the world around us, and hiding deep within us. And yet, all the while that modern women are out there helping men fight and innovate, they must remember and stand on and fight with their own unique strengths, their primal natures and virtues, also all the while allowing men to do what they do best, as intended, since time immemorial, which is to be men, no matter how damn much it bothers them or how many mistakes men might make.

If you think for one moment a woman can be a man, you are critically mistaken and wholly indoctrinated by anti-truth social history. However, even Steven, no man be a woman either, ever, or do as well what women naturally can do, from a God given embodiment of superior strength, a strength different than men possess, yet just as valuable for our race.

Of course any lasting relationship between a man and a woman must be one born of the mutual view held as sacred that husband and wife are equal. Otherwise, one spouse or the other is somehow dominating the other, either by using physical force, intimidation, deception or malevolent pretext.

My fiancé took a degree in advanced biology, is working on advancing that degree, works as an accountant in the mean time, and is possessed of one amazingly razor sharp intellect, especially gifted with numbers and patterns. Her mind is a sword blade more keen than any physical one I could ever forge or wield, and yet we balance each other's talents out almost perfectly.

She will also go out into the dark forest, metaphorically speaking, and fight the dark things there with me, and I welcome and encourage that. However, end of the day, our foundational roles, while equal in our future marriage, are inherently different. And that difference is amazingly beautiful to me, and primal in its simplicity and flawless potency.

Men and women are not, never will be the same Tabula Rasa.

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