DOJ, FBI Ignores Presidential Order - Obstruction of Justice


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Trump ordered the DOJ and FBI to IMMEDIATELY declassify and release un-redacted 'Russia Investigation' documents. It is Friday, and no effort to comply with the President's orders have been made.

This is actually the SECOND time the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation has perpetrated the crime of Obstructing Justice by refusing to comply with legal subpoenas / orders. Deputy US AG Rosenstein, fired former FBI Director Comey, and even Special Counsel conspirator Mueller have already refused to comply with Congressional subpoenas by turning over documents.

5 days. When asked in an interview 30 minutes ago how long would it take the DOJ to turn over the documents, specifically the 20 pages requested 'by-name/title' on Monday, Nunes responded by explaining that physically copying, scanning, and putting 20 pages on-line would / should take no more than 20 - 30 minutes.

It was already reported on Wednesday that the DOJ and FBI were already in violation of the President's order as the FBI and DOJ coordinated on an effort to openly defy the President by reacting much of the information before being willing to release it. Again, it is Friday - 2 days later. No action has been taken to release the documents.




President Trump was advised that the Democrats would go to great lengths to claim that he was putting national security at risk as well as attempting to undermine the Witch Hunt if the conspirators were forced to reveal their dirty little secrets by releasing the un-redacted documents (that will show to what dirty lengths the Obama administration chose to go to conduct their own 'Watergate' - to acquire warrants to spy on, seize documents, etc on / of the GOP Presidential candidate in the middle of an election and how far they would go with their conspiracy that involved intentionally criminally presenting a false Russian-authored document as legitimate Intel in order to deceive the FISA Court and Congress so they would appoint fellow Conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel)....

So it is being reported that to counter this expected Democratic / Socialist Progressive tactic President Trump has agreed in delaying the release of the document so the US IG (Horowitz) can review the document to ensure nothing that could be perceived as having a direct negative impact to Mueller's Witch Hunt will be released.

Trump agrees to delay release of Russia files, asks IG to review amid DOJ concerns

"President Trump agreed Friday to delay the release of key files related to the Russia investigation, asking the inspector general to review the documents on an “expedited basis” amid Justice Department concerns their publication may have a “negative impact” on the probe.

“I met with the DOJ concerning the declassification of various UNREDACTED documents. They agreed to release them but stated that so doing may have a perceived negative impact on the Russia probe. Also, key Allies’ called to ask not to release,” (AS PREDICTED) Trump tweeted Friday.

“Therefore, the Inspector General has been asked to review these documents on an expedited basis. I believe he will move quickly on this (and hopefully other things which he is looking at). In the end I can always declassify if it proves necessary. Speed is very important to me –and everyone!” Trump added."

Speed in releasing documents that expose their obstruction, collaboration, conspiracy, and crimes is the LAST thing the collaborators want, as proven by their foot dragging and coordination in obstructing / not complying with the President's orders for an entire week so far. You can count on the conspirators to try to delay and refuse to comply as long as they possibly can...just like the last time they refused to comply with Congressional subpoenas.

Trump agrees to delay release of Russia files, asks IG to review amid DOJ concerns
Why wont they release the whole document, redacted of course?

Releasing only a select portion can only be for a partisan political argument.
'Also, key Allies’ called to ask not to release,” (AS PREDICTED) Trump tweeted Friday.'

What 'key allies' would call and ask the United States to NOT release documents exposing to what unethical, underhanded, corrupt, and even criminal lengths the conspirators went to pull off their own 'Watergate', collaborate with foreign spies and Russians to keep Trump out of the WH, and to get co-conspirator Mueller appointed?

We know, for one, from evidence released already, about the Australian Ambassador - huge DNC / Hillary donor and huge Hillary supporter - helping to set up Papadopoulos by setting up the meeting then tipping off the FBI that it was taking place. Were there more involved and if so, WHO?

If any of these 'allies' aided the conspirators I any way then I, personally, would question their status as 'allies'.
Slow walking this stuff is still a Contemptuous Action against a Lawful Order. That is Negligence, and Willful Neglect and is actually a prosecutable offense, and certainly is a fire-able offense.
Why wont they release the whole document, redacted of course?

Releasing only a select portion can only be for a partisan political argument.

The Democrats have already been caught releasing documents required to be turned over via Congressional subpoena that had large portions of it redacted - which the DOJ and FBI claimed were classified - that were exposed as NOT being classified at all - just embarrassing to the DOJ and FBI.

If there is one thing good about having the US IG look at the documents 1st, you should be able to trust Horowitz to identify what portions are TRULY classified and which portions the conspirators would want to redact simply because it exposes their conspiracy / crimes..
Why wont they release the whole document, redacted of course?

Releasing only a select portion can only be for a partisan political argument.

And you know this how? MSM?
Because snowflakes would be the ones making the partisan political arguments, just as the article showed the DOJ and FBI predictably did about the order to release these documents. :p
Slow walking this stuff is still a Contemptuous Action against a Lawful Order. That is Negligence, and Willful Neglect and is actually a prosecutable offense, and certainly is a fire-able offense.
One could call it the 'conspiratorial act of an attempted cover-up'. Just sayin'....
Why wont they release the whole document, redacted of course?

Releasing only a select portion can only be for a partisan political argument.

The Democrats have already been caught releasing documents required to be turned over via Congressional subpoena that had large portions of it redacted - which the DOJ and FBI claimed were classified - that were exposed as NOT being classified at all - just embarrassing to the DOJ and FBI.

If there is one thing good about having the US IG look at the documents 1st, you should be able to trust Horowitz to identify what portions are TRULY classified and which portions the conspirators would want to redact simply because it exposes their conspiracy / crimes..

As I said Red, release it all and let the cards fall where they may. No need for divided partisan bickering anymore.
As I said Red, release it all and let the cards fall where they may. No need for divided partisan bickering anymore.
Did you read the very 1st post of this thread?

President Trump ordered the release of the entire document.....and the conspirators disobeyed the order, huddle together to plot their own selected redaction of the document before they planned to release it, and - not having an actual US AG to step in and force the release of the document - at that point President Trump declared he would not be allowing the conspirators to chose what they wanted and did not want to release but would task the US IG with eliminating ONLY the parts that may compromise national security and / or would not have a direct impact in hampering the continued actions of Mueller's Witch Hunt.

TRUMP AGREED WITH YOU ... the conspirators rejected your idea, disobeyed the President, and wanted to continue to control what information people were allowed to see.
When has making public the evidence of an on going active federal investigation ever happened?
"Under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), Justice Department attorneys have a strict legal obligation to protect the confidentiality of matters occurring before the grand jury. Second, the attorneys have a broader duty to protect the integrity of ongoing investigations and to prevent congressional pressures from influencing the course of an investigation. Department participation in publicity about facts under investigation could also jeopardize any indictments that may be filed, possibly leading to dismissal."
Can Congress access evidence uncovered by the special counsel?
In other words, its not Obstruction of Justice, it's the law.
As I said Red, release it all and let the cards fall where they may. No need for divided partisan bickering anymore.
Did you read the very 1st post of this thread?

President Trump ordered the release of the entire document.....and the conspirators disobeyed the order, huddle together to plot their own selected redaction of the document before they planned to release it, and - not having an actual US AG to step in and force the release of the document - at that point President Trump declared he would not be allowing the conspirators to chose what they wanted and did not want to release but would task the US IG with eliminating ONLY the parts that may compromise national security and / or would not have a direct impact in hampering the continued actions of Mueller's Witch Hunt.

TRUMP AGREED WITH YOU ... the conspirators rejected your idea, disobeyed the President, and wanted to continue to control what information people were allowed to see.

They did not disobey anything. They did due diligence per what is in the best interests of the US not Donald Trump. Trump by his own admission was about to release information that would endanger our national security. He was forced to back down.
When has making public the evidence of an on going active federal investigation ever happened?
"Under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), Justice Department attorneys have a strict legal obligation to protect the confidentiality of matters occurring before the grand jury. Second, the attorneys have a broader duty to protect the integrity of ongoing investigations and to prevent congressional pressures from influencing the course of an investigation. Department participation in publicity about facts under investigation could also jeopardize any indictments that may be filed, possibly leading to dismissal."
Can Congress access evidence uncovered by the special counsel?
In other words, its not Obstruction of Justice, it's the law.

I am sure the DOJ and FBI - who have already been hammered by the US IG for quite a lot of what they were caught doing during this witch hunt - will be screaming this at the top of their lungs.

THEY forced the President's hand. T HEY made him do this.

As they say, 'Don't hate the playa - hate the game' ... the game the Democrats / Witch Hunters created / started.

Besides, I thought snowflakes loved 'Transparency', which is supposed to be one of the things you loved most about Obama.

They did not disobey anything. They did due diligence per what is in the best interests of the US not Donald Trump. Trump by his own admission was about to release information that would endanger our national security. He was forced to back down.
The Intel Committee ordered the DOJ and FBI to release documents. Both disobeyed the Congressional Subpoenas...repeatedly...missing deadline after deadline. It was not until the Senate threatened to Impeach Rosenstein that they PARTIALLY complied...after having committed Obstruction.

On Monday the President of the United States ordered the DOJ and FBI to release documents. They did not go back to him and express their concern or explain their 'due diligence' - they simply ignored him. The President was forced to contact them and order them again, at which point, as predicted, they used the anticipated excuse for the Obstruction.

President Trump, anticipating this, just made a brilliant chess move by disarming them of the ability to use this excuse to continue to hide the truth, refusing to allow the conspirators to be the ones who decide what gets released or not. It is now out of their hands, and the US IG decides.

Bravo, Mr. President.
Trump by his own admission was about to release information that would endanger our national security. He was forced to back down.
You just lied your ass off. The President said no such thing. To counter the same excuse the conspirators used in the past - only to be proven they were redacting embarrassing facts that had no impact on national security, Trump asked the US IG to make the decision on what can and can not be released.

You sound as desperate as Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein to keep this stuff hidden... :p
When has making public the evidence of an on going active federal investigation ever happened?
"Under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), Justice Department attorneys have a strict legal obligation to protect the confidentiality of matters occurring before the grand jury. Second, the attorneys have a broader duty to protect the integrity of ongoing investigations and to prevent congressional pressures from influencing the course of an investigation. Department participation in publicity about facts under investigation could also jeopardize any indictments that may be filed, possibly leading to dismissal."
Can Congress access evidence uncovered by the special counsel?
In other words, its not Obstruction of Justice, it's the law.

I am sure the DOJ and FBI - who have already been hammered by the US IG for quite a lot of what they were caught doing during this witch hunt - will be screaming this at the top of their lungs.

THEY forced the President's hand. T HEY made him do this.

As they say, 'Don't hate the playa - hate the game' ... the game the Democrats / Witch Hunters created / started.

Besides, I thought snowflakes loved 'Transparency', which is supposed to be one of the things you loved most about Obama.


What world do live in? Obviously, the world of false talking points.

Trump Misleads on IG Report -
Inspector general: FBI didn’t let anti-Trump views affect probe
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Did you read the very 1st post of this thread?

President Trump ordered the release of the entire document.....

"....specifically the 20 pages requested 'by-name/title' on Monday,"

Sorry but I believe the document is somewhat longer than the 20 pages requested.

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