The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
These are the ingredients necessary to enslave a free people under Socialism and Communism.

Socialism & Communism are two sides of the same coin. Both eventually become totalitarian.
On one side of The Coin is The Whip, and on the other is The Carrot. Without propaganda, hysteria, lies, hatred, and demonization of people who want to be free, Communism and Socialism cannot exist.

Without continual erosion of moral and ethical values, without the undermining of the righteous glue that holds communities together when we make ourselves accountable to a Supreme Power for how we treat other human beings, Godless Communism, and Godless Socialism cannot forge the chains that bind men in to Socio-Economic Slavery.

As The State Grows, The Chains are Hardened. As the all consuming Government draws off more resources from a Free Society, the burden placed upon the backs of men who desire only for self determination are made heavier, and then become so heavy that self determination must become dependency.

Hear these words. The Liar, The Fear Monger, The Haters of Freedom, want to intimidate you to voluntarily place shackles upon yourselves, convincing you that servitude is liberty. Do not heed their wicked words, for they come from The Pit of Hell, where all Liars and People of Wicked Imaginations Draw their Inspiration.

In the words of The Prophet George Orwell, Big Brother That Liar who seeks your destruction Declares:


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These are the ingredients necessary to enslave a free people under Socialism and Communism.

Socialism & Communism are two sides of the same coin. Both eventually become totalitarian.
On one side of The Coin is The Whip, and on the other is The Carrot. Without propaganda, hysteria, lies, hatred, and demonization of people who want to be free, Communism and Socialism cannot exist.

Without continual erosion of moral and ethical values, without the undermining of the righteous glue that holds communities together when we make ourselves accountable to a Supreme Power for how we treat other human beings, Godless Communism, and Godless Socialism cannot forge the chains that bind men in to Socio-Economic Slavery.

As The State Grows, The Chains are Hardened. As the all consuming Government draws off more resources from a Free Society, the burden placed upon the backs of men who desire only for self determination are made heavier, and then become so heavy that self determination must become dependency.

Hear these words. The Liar, The Fear Monger, The Haters of Freedom, want to intimidate you to voluntarily place shackles upon yourselves, convincing you that servitude is liberty. Do not heed their wicked words, for they come from The Pit of Hell, where all Liars and People of Wicked Imaginations Draw their Inspiration.

In the words of The Prophet George Orwell, Big Brother That Liar who seeks your destruction Declares:



Fear, Hatred, Intimidation, & Lies"

same tactics fascists, conservatives and republicans use.....
And totalitarianism is exactly what todays Democrats are selling. When you have good talkers like Obama, Sanders and Buttigieg peddling socialism-communism to disgruntled but simple minded people, the ignoramuses get converted by the liars. It's sad to see how much influence totalitarianism has on the American people, especially our naive youth.
These are the ingredients necessary to enslave a free people under Socialism and Communism.

Socialism & Communism are two sides of the same coin. Both eventually become totalitarian.
On one side of The Coin is The Whip, and on the other is The Carrot. Without propaganda, hysteria, lies, hatred, and demonization of people who want to be free, Communism and Socialism cannot exist.

Without continual erosion of moral and ethical values, without the undermining of the righteous glue that holds communities together when we make ourselves accountable to a Supreme Power for how we treat other human beings, Godless Communism, and Godless Socialism cannot forge the chains that bind men in to Socio-Economic Slavery.

As The State Grows, The Chains are Hardened. As the all consuming Government draws off more resources from a Free Society, the burden placed upon the backs of men who desire only for self determination are made heavier, and then become so heavy that self determination must become dependency.

Hear these words. The Liar, The Fear Monger, The Haters of Freedom, want to intimidate you to voluntarily place shackles upon yourselves, convincing you that servitude is liberty. Do not heed their wicked words, for they come from The Pit of Hell, where all Liars and People of Wicked Imaginations Draw their Inspiration.

In the words of The Prophet George Orwell, Big Brother That Liar who seeks your destruction Declares:



Fear, Hatred, Intimidation, & Lies"

same tactics fascists, conservatives and republicans use.....
I don't see anyone doing any Fear Mongering, and cheering on a Stock Market Crash, Cheering on an Oil Feud, and Cheering on People dying in the Streets from COVID 19 but The Democrat Party, but The Leftist Commies Posting on here. That's what this is about, The Election. Democrats have apparently linked arms with Russia, China, and Iran, a Devout Angry Communist who never worked an honest day in his life, and a Life Long Senile Bureaucrat who enriched himself and his family by stealing from The American People and extorting others.
Fear, Hatred, Intimidation, & Lies

Sounds like a Banana Republican Mantra to me.

Or a script for one of Donnies Rallies.
These are the ingredients necessary to enslave a free people under Socialism and Communism.

Socialism & Communism are two sides of the same coin. Both eventually become totalitarian.
On one side of The Coin is The Whip, and on the other is The Carrot. Without propaganda, hysteria, lies, hatred, and demonization of people who want to be free, Communism and Socialism cannot exist.

Without continual erosion of moral and ethical values, without the undermining of the righteous glue that holds communities together when we make ourselves accountable to a Supreme Power for how we treat other human beings, Godless Communism, and Godless Socialism cannot forge the chains that bind men in to Socio-Economic Slavery.

As The State Grows, The Chains are Hardened. As the all consuming Government draws off more resources from a Free Society, the burden placed upon the backs of men who desire only for self determination are made heavier, and then become so heavy that self determination must become dependency.

Hear these words. The Liar, The Fear Monger, The Haters of Freedom, want to intimidate you to voluntarily place shackles upon yourselves, convincing you that servitude is liberty. Do not heed their wicked words, for they come from The Pit of Hell, where all Liars and People of Wicked Imaginations Draw their Inspiration.

In the words of The Prophet George Orwell, Big Brother That Liar who seeks your destruction Declares:



Fear, Hatred, Intimidation, & Lies"

same tactics fascists, conservatives and republicans use.....
Pushed by Russian trolls.
These are the ingredients necessary to enslave a free people under Socialism and Communism.

Socialism & Communism are two sides of the same coin. Both eventually become totalitarian.
On one side of The Coin is The Whip, and on the other is The Carrot. Without propaganda, hysteria, lies, hatred, and demonization of people who want to be free, Communism and Socialism cannot exist.

Without continual erosion of moral and ethical values, without the undermining of the righteous glue that holds communities together when we make ourselves accountable to a Supreme Power for how we treat other human beings, Godless Communism, and Godless Socialism cannot forge the chains that bind men in to Socio-Economic Slavery.

As The State Grows, The Chains are Hardened. As the all consuming Government draws off more resources from a Free Society, the burden placed upon the backs of men who desire only for self determination are made heavier, and then become so heavy that self determination must become dependency.

Hear these words. The Liar, The Fear Monger, The Haters of Freedom, want to intimidate you to voluntarily place shackles upon yourselves, convincing you that servitude is liberty. Do not heed their wicked words, for they come from The Pit of Hell, where all Liars and People of Wicked Imaginations Draw their Inspiration.

In the words of The Prophet George Orwell, Big Brother That Liar who seeks your destruction Declares:



Fear, Hatred, Intimidation, & Lies"

same tactics fascists, conservatives and republicans use.....
Pushed by Russian trolls.
Thanks for the bump, Russian Troll.
These are the ingredients necessary to enslave a free people under Socialism and Communism.

Socialism & Communism are two sides of the same coin. Both eventually become totalitarian.
On one side of The Coin is The Whip, and on the other is The Carrot. Without propaganda, hysteria, lies, hatred, and demonization of people who want to be free, Communism and Socialism cannot exist.

Without continual erosion of moral and ethical values, without the undermining of the righteous glue that holds communities together when we make ourselves accountable to a Supreme Power for how we treat other human beings, Godless Communism, and Godless Socialism cannot forge the chains that bind men in to Socio-Economic Slavery.

As The State Grows, The Chains are Hardened. As the all consuming Government draws off more resources from a Free Society, the burden placed upon the backs of men who desire only for self determination are made heavier, and then become so heavy that self determination must become dependency.

Hear these words. The Liar, The Fear Monger, The Haters of Freedom, want to intimidate you to voluntarily place shackles upon yourselves, convincing you that servitude is liberty. Do not heed their wicked words, for they come from The Pit of Hell, where all Liars and People of Wicked Imaginations Draw their Inspiration.

In the words of The Prophet George Orwell, Big Brother That Liar who seeks your destruction Declares:



Fear, Hatred, Intimidation, & Lies"

same tactics fascists, conservatives and republicans use.....
Bro, have you not seen the violent tactics of the left at rallies and protests across the nation for years? You cant name a democrat function where right wingers came in and attacked people in mass, but there are literally THOUSANDS of examples of the left doing it.
A little bit of a thread fail.
Usually when I see lame attacks like this, I know that The Godless Commies have no defense for it, and they know for a fact that I am dead on speaking The Truth.

You've already responded to that post, just can't get over it can you?
‘Guillotine the rich’: Sanders staffer says he’s ready for armed ‘revolution’

Project Veritas has apparently snared another pro-Soviet, pro-gulag Bernie Sanders campaign staffer, this one saying in a hidden-camera video released Tuesday that he was ready to “get armed” for the “revolution” and musing about sending Republicans to “reeducation camps.”

The footage featured a man identified as “paid” South Carolina field organizer Martin Weissgerber was posted a week after the release of video featuring radical Iowa field organizer Kyle Jurek, part of the undercover journalism outfit’s #Expose2020 series.

In the video, Mr. Weissgerber described himself as a communist and said that he was in contact with groups that planned to hold mass “yellow-vest” protests like those that have roiled France if Mr. Sanders loses.
A little bit of a thread fail.
Usually when I see lame attacks like this, I know that The Godless Commies have no defense for it, and they know for a fact that I am dead on speaking The Truth.

You've already responded to that post, just can't get over it can you?
‘Guillotine the rich’: Sanders staffer says he’s ready for armed ‘revolution’

Project Veritas has apparently snared another pro-Soviet, pro-gulag Bernie Sanders campaign staffer, this one saying in a hidden-camera video released Tuesday that he was ready to “get armed” for the “revolution” and musing about sending Republicans to “reeducation camps.”

The footage featured a man identified as “paid” South Carolina field organizer Martin Weissgerber was posted a week after the release of video featuring radical Iowa field organizer Kyle Jurek, part of the undercover journalism outfit’s #Expose2020 series.

In the video, Mr. Weissgerber described himself as a communist and said that he was in contact with groups that planned to hold mass “yellow-vest” protests like those that have roiled France if Mr. Sanders loses.

A couple of issues here.

1. What does this have to do with your amnesia in responding the same post twice?
2. I'm not a Sanders supporter.
3. James O'keefe is a lying piece of shit so why would I care what made up crap he's uncovered?
A little bit of a thread fail.
Usually when I see lame attacks like this, I know that The Godless Commies have no defense for it, and they know for a fact that I am dead on speaking The Truth.

You've already responded to that post, just can't get over it can you?
‘Guillotine the rich’: Sanders staffer says he’s ready for armed ‘revolution’

Project Veritas has apparently snared another pro-Soviet, pro-gulag Bernie Sanders campaign staffer, this one saying in a hidden-camera video released Tuesday that he was ready to “get armed” for the “revolution” and musing about sending Republicans to “reeducation camps.”

The footage featured a man identified as “paid” South Carolina field organizer Martin Weissgerber was posted a week after the release of video featuring radical Iowa field organizer Kyle Jurek, part of the undercover journalism outfit’s #Expose2020 series.

In the video, Mr. Weissgerber described himself as a communist and said that he was in contact with groups that planned to hold mass “yellow-vest” protests like those that have roiled France if Mr. Sanders loses.

A couple of issues here.

1. What does this have to do with your amnesia in responding the same post twice?
2. I'm not a Sanders supporter.
3. James O'keefe is a lying piece of shit so why would I care what made up crap he's uncovered?

Both are Commie Bastards. Both want to wreck America.

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