FDR set up WWII


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
FDR set it up. It is the same old story repeated over and over and yet, many Americans are clueless.

Chew on this...
If Pearl Harbor was indeed a set-up, a provoked attack to get the U.S. into a war that Americans leaders wanted for reasons independent of the attack, it would not be the first time an American president deceitfully jumped on false pretenses or misconstrued skirmishes and enemy actions to drag the country into war—The Mexican War began with a disingenuously interpreted border dispute in a hardly populated strip of land between Texas and Mexico, when the real purpose was to grab California and other territories; the Civil War involved disingenuous federal diplomacy regarding Fort Sumter; the Spanish-American War was sold as a crusade to liberate Cubans from Spanish atrocities that were exaggerated in Yellow Journalism, pointing to the destruction of the USS Maine that was likely not caused by the Spanish; World War I involved a mass of propaganda concerning the Lusitania, the Zimmerman Telegram, and exaggerated German atrocities.

Seventy-two Years of Infamy | The Beacon
FDR set it up. It is the same old story repeated over and over and yet, many Americans are clueless.

Chew on this...
If Pearl Harbor was indeed a set-up, a provoked attack to get the U.S. into a war that Americans leaders wanted for reasons independent of the attack, it would not be the first time an American president deceitfully jumped on false pretenses or misconstrued skirmishes and enemy actions to drag the country into war—The Mexican War began with a disingenuously interpreted border dispute in a hardly populated strip of land between Texas and Mexico, when the real purpose was to grab California and other territories; the Civil War involved disingenuous federal diplomacy regarding Fort Sumter; the Spanish-American War was sold as a crusade to liberate Cubans from Spanish atrocities that were exaggerated in Yellow Journalism, pointing to the destruction of the USS Maine that was likely not caused by the Spanish; World War I involved a mass of propaganda concerning the Lusitania, the Zimmerman Telegram, and exaggerated German atrocities.

Seventy-two Years of Infamy | The Beacon

That's nice, now take it to the conspiracy forums instead of a thread that was set up to honor those who died that day..........Dumb ass.
FDR set it up. It is the same old story repeated over and over and yet, many Americans are clueless.

Chew on this...
If Pearl Harbor was indeed a set-up, a provoked attack to get the U.S. into a war that Americans leaders wanted for reasons independent of the attack, it would not be the first time an American president deceitfully jumped on false pretenses or misconstrued skirmishes and enemy actions to drag the country into war—The Mexican War began with a disingenuously interpreted border dispute in a hardly populated strip of land between Texas and Mexico, when the real purpose was to grab California and other territories; the Civil War involved disingenuous federal diplomacy regarding Fort Sumter; the Spanish-American War was sold as a crusade to liberate Cubans from Spanish atrocities that were exaggerated in Yellow Journalism, pointing to the destruction of the USS Maine that was likely not caused by the Spanish; World War I involved a mass of propaganda concerning the Lusitania, the Zimmerman Telegram, and exaggerated German atrocities.

Seventy-two Years of Infamy | The Beacon

That's nice, now take it to the conspiracy forums instead of a thread that was set up to honor those who died that day..........Dumb ass.

It is sad that so many Americans think as you do. The State tells you lies and anyone who disputes those lies with facts, is a conspiracy nut.

Is it any wonder that the worst in society gain power and use it for nefarious purposes, and get away with time after time?

Could this help you see the light?

Pearl Harbor Historiography: A Lesson in Academic Housecleaning
By Gary North
December 9, 2013
Consider the conservatives’ account of Roosevelt’s advance warning of the Japanese attack in late 1941. When George Morgenstern wrote Pearl Harbor: The Story of a Secret War, only right-wing Devin-Adair would publish it (1947). The book was ridiculed by academic historians as being a pack of unsubstantiated opinions written by a mere journalist — and a Chicago Tribune journalist at that. When the premier liberal historian, Charles A. Beard, said much the same thing the next year in President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War (Yale University Press), he was dismissed by his colleagues as senile, and he permanently lost his reputation. When the premier American diplomatic historian, Charles C. Tansill, said it again in 1952 in his Back Door to War (Regnery), he, too, was shoved down the liberals’ memory hole.

Today, the revisionist account of Pearl Harbor is more widely accepted, and is gaining ground fast. Another journalist, Robert B. Stinnett, recently found the “smoking gun” — an 8-page 1940 memo by a lieutenant commander in the navy on how to get Japan to attack us, a memo that Roosevelt adopted, point by point. His book is titled, Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor(Free Press, 1999). Stinnett served under a young George Bush during World War II. His book is the capstone to his career.

The liberals are now moving to stage 2: “The story is true, but so what?” Stinnett’s book argues that Roosevelt basically did the right thing in luring the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor. This attack overcame America’s anti-interventionists, who had 88% of the people behind them in 1940. Pearl Harbor got us into the War in Europe.
The Establishment Cover-Up Continues ? LewRockwell.com
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Now, I don't know how much was known or not known, I haven't studied it. I've read a little but I haven't seen any solid evidence.

Granted we knew that they were probably going to attack us somewhere. When and where I doubt anyone knew or were prepared for.
Now, I don't know how much was known or not known, I haven't studied it. I've read a little but I haven't seen any solid evidence.

Granted we knew that they were probably going to attack us somewhere. When and where I doubt anyone knew or were prepared for.

There is solid evidence and that evidence has been available to the American people for a long time.

These sites will help you get up to speed on the REAL history of Peal Harbor. There are many historians who have exposed the lie, but they were demonized and blackballed as is usual...and all to protect the State. It is an old story repeated by elites throughout history...

AIM Report: The Final Victims of Pearl Harbor

Seventy-two Years of Infamy | The Beacon

The Arthur McCollum Memorandum

The Establishment Cover-Up Continues ? LewRockwell.com
FDR set it up. It is the same old story repeated over and over and yet, many Americans are clueless.

Chew on this...

Seventy-two Years of Infamy | The Beacon

That's nice, now take it to the conspiracy forums instead of a thread that was set up to honor those who died that day..........Dumb ass.

It is sad that so many Americans think as you do. The State tells you lies and anyone who disputes those lies with facts, is a conspiracy nut.

Is it any wonder that the worst in society gain power and use it for nefarious purposes, and get away with time after time?

Could this help you see the light?

Pearl Harbor Historiography: A Lesson in Academic Housecleaning
By Gary North
December 9, 2013
Consider the conservatives’ account of Roosevelt’s advance warning of the Japanese attack in late 1941. When George Morgenstern wrote Pearl Harbor: The Story of a Secret War, only right-wing Devin-Adair would publish it (1947). The book was ridiculed by academic historians as being a pack of unsubstantiated opinions written by a mere journalist — and a Chicago Tribune journalist at that. When the premier liberal historian, Charles A. Beard, said much the same thing the next year in President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War (Yale University Press), he was dismissed by his colleagues as senile, and he permanently lost his reputation. When the premier American diplomatic historian, Charles C. Tansill, said it again in 1952 in his Back Door to War (Regnery), he, too, was shoved down the liberals’ memory hole.

Today, the revisionist account of Pearl Harbor is more widely accepted, and is gaining ground fast. Another journalist, Robert B. Stinnett, recently found the “smoking gun” — an 8-page 1940 memo by a lieutenant commander in the navy on how to get Japan to attack us, a memo that Roosevelt adopted, point by point. His book is titled, Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor(Free Press, 1999). Stinnett served under a young George Bush during World War II. His book is the capstone to his career.

The liberals are now moving to stage 2: “The story is true, but so what?” Stinnett’s book argues that Roosevelt basically did the right thing in luring the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor. This attack overcame America’s anti-interventionists, who had 88% of the people behind them in 1940. Pearl Harbor got us into the War in Europe.
The Establishment Cover-Up Continues ? LewRockwell.com

Gipper Gomer Pyle Ollie and Jake are government paid trolls that have been sent here by their handlers to try and derail any thread discussions on government corruption.Gomer Ollie comes here everyday and posts lie after lie dismissing facts that prove him wrong about 9/11.He evades them and like all paid trolls,changes the the subject when he knows he is cornered.

This coward Gomer Pyle Ollie and particular,not only lies about facts of 9/11,anytime you challenge him to address facts in videos that prove that conspiracy,the chickenshit coward runs off with his tail between his legs.He cant stand toe to toe in a debate.
First off 911shitforbrains why are you reading my posts?
Second of all I requested that this subject be moved here from another thread so that it could be discussed. Not shit on by a complete idiot.
Now that 911shitforbrains has been addressed...........
Now, I don't know how much was known or not known, I haven't studied it. I've read a little but I haven't seen any solid evidence.

Granted we knew that they were probably going to attack us somewhere. When and where I doubt anyone knew or were prepared for.

There is solid evidence and that evidence has been available to the American people for a long time.

These sites will help you get up to speed on the REAL history of Peal Harbor. There are many historians who have exposed the lie, but they were demonized and blackballed as is usual...and all to protect the State. It is an old story repeated by elites throughout history...

AIM Report: The Final Victims of Pearl Harbor

Seventy-two Years of Infamy | The Beacon

The Arthur McCollum Memorandum

The Establishment Cover-Up Continues ? LewRockwell.com

Your links make some interesting reading. However I will say that one guy seems to look for whatever conspiracies against the left he can find.

The others are interesting and may be true. But they do not offer any concrete evidence.

As i have said, there is little doubt we knew that Japan was going to attack US Forces somewhere, sometime. I have serious doubts that we had any clue as to where and when.

Did we push Japan into attacking us? I believe that some of our policies gave them a push in that direction.

Is there a deep dark conspiracy here? I don't think so but it's possible....
Now, I don't know how much was known or not known, I haven't studied it. I've read a little but I haven't seen any solid evidence.

Granted we knew that they were probably going to attack us somewhere. When and where I doubt anyone knew or were prepared for.

There is solid evidence and that evidence has been available to the American people for a long time.

These sites will help you get up to speed on the REAL history of Peal Harbor. There are many historians who have exposed the lie, but they were demonized and blackballed as is usual...and all to protect the State. It is an old story repeated by elites throughout history...

AIM Report: The Final Victims of Pearl Harbor

Seventy-two Years of Infamy | The Beacon

The Arthur McCollum Memorandum

The Establishment Cover-Up Continues ? LewRockwell.com

Your links make some interesting reading. However I will say that one guy seems to look for whatever conspiracies against the left he can find.

The others are interesting and may be true. But they do not offer any concrete evidence.

As i have said, there is little doubt we knew that Japan was going to attack US Forces somewhere, sometime. I have serious doubts that we had any clue as to where and when.

Did we push Japan into attacking us? I believe that some of our policies gave them a push in that direction.

Is there a deep dark conspiracy here? I don't think so but it's possible....

There is nearly ALWAYS a conspiracy by government elites, when it comes to starting a war. America has a long history of deceptive and deceitful activities by presidents wanting to go to war and then setting up events to get it going.

You agree that we knew Japan was going to attack US forces somewhere. Well then, where would Japan likely attack? We had several bases in the Pacific, but only large ones in Hawaii and the Philippines. It is commonsense that they would likely hit us there and of course, they did.

You have to know the history of the US prior to Dec 7th. FDR was despite for war. He was compromised by American commies spies in his administration who demanded we do all we could to assist Stalin, he had provided much war material to the UK, and was involved in confrontations with Germany in the N. Atlantic, in hopes of starting a war. At home, he was dealing with the America First movement that demanded we stay out of Europe's war. Nearly 80% of Americans prior to Dec 7th, were against any involvement. In addition, worker strikes were increasing throughout the country. Causing much concern by FDR and the power elite. FDR had failed miserably to end the Great Depression, as his idiotic economic policies had only made things worse. He moved our Pacific naval base to Hawaii, after firing the commander who refused to do it because he knew the fleet could not be protected there. FDR then put in yes men as commanders there. He refused to warn those commanders of a coming attack and then deceitfully, scapegoated those commanders after the attack.

FDR refused all efforts by the Japanese to resolve trade issues. He confiscated Japanese assets in the US. He exposed the Japanese leader in the press for trying to come to a peaceful agreement.

How much evidence do you require?
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It was Germany that declared war on the US, not the other way around. How did FDR set that up? By bribing Hitler?


Please read and comprehend my posts and the links included.

I never stated FDR set up war with Germany.
Japan was a modern industrial nation, with a large navy, and large industry. Japan needed to import raw materials including oil to continue as a major power. Cut off Japan's oil and what was Japan's future?
Unfortunately, Japan used that imported oil to invade China for more raw materials. The big question of the day was: should America continue to supply oil to Japan to be used in the invasion of China or cut off the oil?
America cut off the oil, and Japan had some choices to make, and it made the choice it did. Japan knew it could not defeat America but with a long costly war in casualties, America would eventually make a negotiated peace giving Asian oil and perhaps Asia to Japan.
So the first question: should America have cut off American oil to Japan, oil that was being used to conquer China?
FDR may well have set up the Pearl Harbor scenario...maybe.
How would the world, and the US, look today if all of Europe became part of the Nazi Regime?
Now, I don't know how much was known or not known, I haven't studied it. I've read a little but I haven't seen any solid evidence.

Granted we knew that they were probably going to attack us somewhere. When and where I doubt anyone knew or were prepared for.

There is solid evidence and that evidence has been available to the American people for a long time.

These sites will help you get up to speed on the REAL history of Peal Harbor. There are many historians who have exposed the lie, but they were demonized and blackballed as is usual...and all to protect the State. It is an old story repeated by elites throughout history...

AIM Report: The Final Victims of Pearl Harbor

Seventy-two Years of Infamy | The Beacon

The Arthur McCollum Memorandum

The Establishment Cover-Up Continues ? LewRockwell.com

Your links make some interesting reading. However I will say that one guy seems to look for whatever conspiracies against the left he can find.

The others are interesting and may be true. But they do not offer any concrete evidence.

As i have said, there is little doubt we knew that Japan was going to attack US Forces somewhere, sometime. I have serious doubts that we had any clue as to where and when.

Did we push Japan into attacking us? I believe that some of our policies gave them a push in that direction.

Is there a deep dark conspiracy here? I don't think so but it's possible....

None of them offer concrete evidence! We did to the Japanese the same thing we've done to Iraq, Iran and others that threatened the U.S. or it's allies through diplomatic or economic means. You forget that Germany had already sunk several of our ships, including destroyers escorting supply ships bound for England. So one could argue that the U.S. was already at war, just not formally declared it. There we some in the U.S. that felt we should have committed troops to Europe long before we did.

Quit trying to rewrite history without actually knowing history.....that's the problem with conspiracy theorists, they think they know what actually occurred, but in reality, they know jack shit.
There is solid evidence and that evidence has been available to the American people for a long time.

These sites will help you get up to speed on the REAL history of Peal Harbor. There are many historians who have exposed the lie, but they were demonized and blackballed as is usual...and all to protect the State. It is an old story repeated by elites throughout history...

AIM Report: The Final Victims of Pearl Harbor

Seventy-two Years of Infamy | The Beacon

The Arthur McCollum Memorandum

The Establishment Cover-Up Continues ? LewRockwell.com

Your links make some interesting reading. However I will say that one guy seems to look for whatever conspiracies against the left he can find.

The others are interesting and may be true. But they do not offer any concrete evidence.

As i have said, there is little doubt we knew that Japan was going to attack US Forces somewhere, sometime. I have serious doubts that we had any clue as to where and when.

Did we push Japan into attacking us? I believe that some of our policies gave them a push in that direction.

Is there a deep dark conspiracy here? I don't think so but it's possible....

None of them offer concrete evidence! We did to the Japanese the same thing we've done to Iraq, Iran and others that threatened the U.S. or it's allies through diplomatic or economic means. You forget that Germany had already sunk several of our ships, including destroyers escorting supply ships bound for England. So one could argue that the U.S. was already at war, just not formally declared it. There we some in the U.S. that felt we should have committed troops to Europe long before we did.

Quit trying to rewrite history without actually knowing history.....that's the problem with conspiracy theorists, they think they know what actually occurred, but in reality, they know jack shit.

Names of the destroyer(s) that were sunk, damaged or did battle with Germany prior to Dec. 7, 1941.

USS Reuben James 10/31/41 (sunk by u-boat, 115 KIA)
USS Niblack 4/10/41 (first offensive action against Germany).
USS Greer 9/4/41 (battle with u-boat(s), used by FDR in "fireside chat" )
USS Kearney 10/17/41 (torpedo attack by u-boat, 10 KIA)
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It was Germany that declared war on the US, not the other way around. How did FDR set that up? By bribing Hitler?


Please read and comprehend my posts and the links included.

I never stated FDR set up war with Germany.

Quite right - you didn't.

But I'm far from convinced he set up war with Japan. Contemporary sources suggesst to me that he was as surprised as anyone by Pearl Harbour.
It is sad that so many Americans think as you do. The State tells you lies and anyone who disputes those lies with facts, is a conspiracy nut.
If this thread was not moved here, I would never have seen it. This is where intelligent people hang out.
Here is the long story short: Germany was devastated, had to elect a real leader who got rid of international bankers and restored his nations economy, international bankers declared war on Germany. for a solution to the problem I advise you visit my site. I am afraid to give you the link because it is against rules, but ad me as a friend or pm me.

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