FDR- a disgrace at Yalta


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Kissing up to Uncle Joe Stalin, instead of using this ideal opportunity to give the Soviet Dictator a lecture on Freedom and to denounce communism.

Roosevelt would die a few months later, he was on his last legs, and he still maintained true to the Communists, refusing to denounce the the murders of millions of Ukrainians that Stalin slaughtered.

This was FDR's opportunity, he utterly failed.

And because of this, he should be cancelled, his monument dumped in the drink.

Lincoln was our greatest President. Roosevelt saved capitalist “democracy,” played a key role in rallying the country during the Great Depression, led the country to defeat fascism and win WWII, and set the U.S. on the road to becoming the predominant world power.

Only historical ignoramuses today denounce these two truly great (but imperfect as all humans are) U.S. politicians. There are certainly many ignoramuses and few if any great politicians around today!
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Yet, you still benefit from what FDR did..

Who benefited by Roosevelt's failure to stand up Stalin and Communists at Yalta?

That was the ideal opportunity, it was on the news and it would have sent a word to everyone that America stands for Freedom.
Words, words, words. Roosevelt needed to help the USSR in order to defeat fascism worldwide. German Nazis and Japanese imperialists attacked Western Europe, China and the USA ... and the USSR. I understand Poland was trapped between Stalin and Hitler, but that is no reason for you, Polishprince , to imagine that Roosevelt could or should have immediately segued from fighting Nazis to fighting the Red Army. The result might have been more disastrous for Central Europe than the falling of the Iron Curtain.

The U.S. moved from being allies of “Uncle Joe” to waging an intelligent Cold War against him and against the evolving and supposedly “de-Stalinized” USSR of Khrushchev very rapidly. The U.S. defeated Soviet Stalinism without a WWIII. It was a complex strategy of “containment” and “detente,” and it was not at all always correct or pretty, involving terrible proxy wars around the world in which the U.S. often picked the wrong side. Too much here to go into though ...
Words, words, words. Roosevelt needed to help the USSR in order to defeat fascism worldwide. German Nazis and Japanese imperialists attacked Western Europe, China and the USA ... and the USSR. I understand Poland was trapped between Stalin and Hitler, but that is no reason for you, Polishprince , to imagine that Roosevelt could or should have immediately segued from fighting Nazis to fighting the Red Army. The result might have been more disastrous for Central Europe than the falling of the Iron Curtain.

The U.S. moved from being allies of “Uncle Joe” to waging an intelligent Cold War against him and against the evolving and supposedly “de-Stalinized” USSR of Khrushchev very rapidly. The U.S. defeated Soviet Stalinism without a WWIII. It was a complex strategy of “containment” and “detente,” and it was not at all always correct or pretty, involving terrible proxy wars around the world in which the U.S. often picked the wrong side. Too much here to go into though ...

My suggestion isn't that the Germans didn't need to be beat, but that the Communists in the USSR also needed to be put on notice that tyranny wasn't acceptable and that the USSR was going to have to allow capitalism and freedom.
The media kept it a secret and democrats withheld the fact that FDR was a dying man when they ran him for his 4th term. His blood pressure was consistently off the charts and he may have suffered a series of small strokes while in office. Stalin knew it and forced FDR to make the long arduous flight. Photos of the conference show FDR with a blank stare. He was dead in a month and his medical records came up missing from a locked safe.
I wonder if the American historians that rated FDR Americas greatest president knew of this.? If not, at least the American people at the time knew of his greatness.
Yet, you still benefit from what FDR did..
There’s a problem with that. Yes, FDR did some good things like all presidents, but he also did some enormously bad things too. In my book, the bad far outweighed the good.
That scumbag was a disgrace at every turn.
2nd worse Prez evah
naw. Lincoln got that title.

Lincoln preserved the Union. fdr threw Americans into concentration camps.
Preserved the Union by mass murdering 850,000 Americans and destroying half the nation, to say nothing of violating the Constitution in numerous ways. He was a traitor!

You are a fucking hypocrite. You only think FDR a tyrant because he imprisoned Japanese Americans. You don’t see the tyranny of Lincoln who did far worse.

Now you can call me a slavery apologist. Go!
That scumbag was a disgrace at every turn.
2nd worse Prez evah
naw. Lincoln got that title.

Lincoln preserved the Union. fdr threw Americans into concentration camps.
Preserved the Union by mass murdering 850,000 Americans and destroying half the nation...

Clearly, you do not understand the meaning of the word "murder," and are ignorant of the causes and conditions of the American Civil War.
Lincoln was our greatest President. Roosevelt saved capitalist “democracy,” played a key role in rallying the country during the Great Depression, led the country to defeat fascism and win WWII, and set the U.S. on the road to becoming the predominant world power.

Only historical ignoramuses today denounce these two truly great (but imperfect as all humans are) U.S. politicians. There are certainly many ignoramuses and few if any great politicians around today!

Racist FDR extended the Depression by 8 years only to be rescued by WWII which he prosecuted on orders from Stalin.
Lincoln was our greatest President. Roosevelt saved capitalist “democracy,” played a key role in rallying the country during the Great Depression, led the country to defeat fascism and win WWII, and set the U.S. on the road to becoming the predominant world power.

Only historical ignoramuses today denounce these two truly great (but imperfect as all humans are) U.S. politicians. There are certainly many ignoramuses and few if any great politicians around today!

Why did FDR speak so positively of Mussolini and fascism?
Words, words, words. Roosevelt needed to help the USSR in order to defeat fascism worldwide. German Nazis and Japanese imperialists attacked Western Europe, China and the USA ... and the USSR. I understand Poland was trapped between Stalin and Hitler, but that is no reason for you, Polishprince , to imagine that Roosevelt could or should have immediately segued from fighting Nazis to fighting the Red Army. The result might have been more disastrous for Central Europe than the falling of the Iron Curtain.

The U.S. moved from being allies of “Uncle Joe” to waging an intelligent Cold War against him and against the evolving and supposedly “de-Stalinized” USSR of Khrushchev very rapidly. The U.S. defeated Soviet Stalinism without a WWIII. It was a complex strategy of “containment” and “detente,” and it was not at all always correct or pretty, involving terrible proxy wars around the world in which the U.S. often picked the wrong side. Too much here to go into though ...
You sound like a big fan of a regime that murdered 60 million and enslaved hundreds of millions for generations. You didn live there dud you?

Ever hear of the Kulaks?

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