FBI Retrieves Classified Leaked Documents From Comey's Home


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Newly released FBI documents show the FBI went to MISTER (Former FBI Director) Comey's house and retrieved several classified memos about his confidential discussions with President Trump about the Dossier.

The memos retrieved included he falsely claimed were 'MISSING'.

“These extraordinary FBI docs further confirm that James Comey should never have had FBI files on President Trump at his home and that the FBI failed to secure and protect these private and classified files."

“Mr. Comey’s illegal leaking these FBI files as part of his vendetta against President Trump (directly resulting in the corrupt appointment of Robert Mueller) ought to be the subject of a criminal investigation.”

These new documents prove Comey illegally had classified documents in his possession AFTER he was fired from the FBI, that he did ILLEGALLY LEAK CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, and that he did KNOWINGLY COMMIT FISA COURT ABUSES.

In an interview, the author of the article stated that the US IG is expected to RECOMMEND INDICTMENT OF COMEY FOR LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION - much like he already recommended indictment of now fired former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe - in his up-coming report on his investigation of Obama administration officials / Agency Director's FISA Court abuses.

Most disturbing put of all of this is the fact that the author stated he has in-named sources within the DOJ stating it appears the Barr-run DOJ will most likely NOT indict Comey for his proven crimes!

Let that sink in....Released evidence now proves Comey committed FISA Court Abuses, illegally spied in Trump and his team, admittedly leaked classified information on the President, violated his civil rights, 'stole' classified and illegally had it in his home, and proves he was part of a Conspiracy against the President that at least included his Deputy Director ...

...And it is being suggested / reported Barr / the DOJ will IGNORE all of it and refuse to indict / charge Comey ... as it has refused so far to indict McCabe as the US IG recommended over a year ago...


IF true, does some snowflake -- who has been one of the many Trump-Haters constantly claiming Barr is / has been the President's - not the country's - Lawyer / AG -- want to try to explain why he is now supposedly protecting the Conspirators, much like Barry and his criminal administration protected Hillary?

Judicial Watch: New Docs Show FBI Agents Went To Comey’s Home to Retrieve Memos - Judicial Watch

Another "bombshell" we'll hear nothing about ever again.....

Funny how CNN did NOT just happen to be in the neighborhood with a full camera crew when several non-attention-drawing FBI Agents quietly knocked on Comey's door and ASKED him to hand over the evidence of his crimes without Perp-walking him in handcuffs / shackles....

Newly released FBI documents show the FBI went to MISTER (Former FBI Director) Comey's house and retrieved several classified memos about his confidential discussions with President Trump about the Dossier.

The memos retrieved included he falsely claimed were 'MISSING'.

“These extraordinary FBI docs further confirm that James Comey should never have had FBI files on President Trump at his home and that the FBI failed to secure and protect these private and classified files."

“Mr. Comey’s illegal leaking these FBI files as part of his vendetta against President Trump (directly resulting in the corrupt appointment of Robert Mueller) ought to be the subject of a criminal investigation.”

These new documents prove Comey illegally had classified documents in his possession AFTER he was fired from the FBI, that he did ILLEGALLY LEAK CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, and that he did KNOWINGLY COMMIT FISA COURT ABUSES.

In an interview, the author of the article stated that the US IG is expected to RECOMMEND INDICTMENT OF COMEY FOR LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION - much like he already recommended indictment of now fired former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe - in his up-coming report on his investigation of Obama administration officials / Agency Director's FISA Court abuses.

Most disturbing put of all of this is the fact that the author stated he has in-named sources within the DOJ stating it appears the Barr-run DOJ will most likely NOT indict Comey for his proven crimes!

Let that sink in....Released evidence now proves Comey committed FISA Court Abuses, illegally spied in Trump and his team, admittedly leaked classified information on the President, violated his civil rights, 'stole' classified and illegally had it in his home, and proves he was part of a Conspiracy against the President that at least included his Deputy Director ...

...And it is being suggested / reported Barr / the DOJ will IGNORE all of it and refuse to indict / charge Comey ... as it has refused so far to indict McCabe as the US IG recommended over a year ago...


IF true, does some snowflake -- who has been one of the many Trump-Haters constantly claiming Barr is / has been the President's - not the country's - Lawyer / AG -- want to try to explain why he is now supposedly protecting the Conspirators, much like Barry and his criminal administration protected Hillary?

Judicial Watch: New Docs Show FBI Agents Went To Comey’s Home to Retrieve Memos - Judicial Watch

And that alone is worth a stretch in Leavenworth bunking with Bubba.
Whether the deep states seditious actors do time or not is unknown...the swamp is strong and they circle the wagons...but the people know what Comey the clown and his tribe of felons did...and they know Obama was in charge of an attempted coup of a sitting president...Obama's penalty will be the impossibility for another minority dem to ever win the presidency again....or at least for a very long time...Obama will go to his grave knowing he destroyed his party via his unbridled corruption....and his non adherence to our constitution...
It's a Stealthy Sloth Coup. So slow, you can't tell who's side you're on.

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