Father of fallen Muslim soldier blasts Trump

Why does not that "paper" not appear in the link, RodISHI? That's worth a F in scholarly work, being fired from a job, and other problems when you ascribe something to a source, and it is not true.

And if it were true, Captain Khan is still a hero, Comrade Trump is still a dark soul, and he still needs to read the Constitution.

Ms. RodISHI, too bad: you can blacken Khan enough to whitewash Comrade Trump.

We all know he is a dark soul.
for his benefit.

and the khans aren't responsible for the actions of others

yes---and the KHAN boy went into the military so that the military would pay for his law school education SO?.
FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT-----and for mama and papa khan
so it's your assertion that khan was not serving and sacrificing for his country?

you are an idiot---of course he was serving----but his father wasn't. The US military offers incentives---by serving he was also taking advantage of a considerable incentive

you're disgusting.

I served and so did my son------we were both granted incentives
Liar. Do you want to know how I know? Because you lie about everything.
Drumpf's sacrifices =

OMG. Is that a picture of Trump's son having just killed an endangered species?
Why does not that "paper" not appear in the link, RodISHI? That's worth a F in scholarly work, being fired from a job, and other problems when you ascribe something to a source, and it is not true.

And if it were true, Captain Khan is still a hero, Comrade Trump is still a dark soul, and he still needs to read the Constitution.

Ms. RodISHI, too bad: you can blacken Khan enough to whitewash Comrade Trump.

We all know he is a dark soul.
My husband put that together and asked that I share it. Don't like it don't read it. Have you found your 'corn babies' yet?
Why does not that "paper" not appear in the link, RodISHI? That's worth a F in scholarly work, being fired from a job, and other problems when you ascribe something to a source, and it is not true.

And if it were true, Captain Khan is still a hero, Comrade Trump is still a dark soul, and he still needs to read the Constitution.

Ms. RodISHI, too bad: you can blacken Khan enough to whitewash Comrade Trump.

We all know he is a dark soul.
My husband put that together and asked that I share it. Don't like it don't read it. Have you found your 'corn babies' yet?
Good for your husband.

His stuff does not link to your link. You both fail, he for putting out something very badly put together, and you for not checking it.
Why does not that "paper" not appear in the link, RodISHI? That's worth a F in scholarly work, being fired from a job, and other problems when you ascribe something to a source, and it is not true.

And if it were true, Captain Khan is still a hero, Comrade Trump is still a dark soul, and he still needs to read the Constitution.

Ms. RodISHI, too bad: you can blacken Khan enough to whitewash Comrade Trump.

We all know he is a dark soul.
My husband put that together and asked that I share it. Don't like it don't read it. Have you found your 'corn babies' yet?
Good for your husband.

His stuff does not link to your link. You both fail, he for putting out something very badly put together, and you for not checking it.
I trust he knows his stuff. I do other stuff he is the historian between the two of us.
Why does not that "paper" not appear in the link, RodISHI? That's worth a F in scholarly work, being fired from a job, and other problems when you ascribe something to a source, and it is not true.

And if it were true, Captain Khan is still a hero, Comrade Trump is still a dark soul, and he still needs to read the Constitution.

Ms. RodISHI, too bad: you can blacken Khan enough to whitewash Comrade Trump.

We all know he is a dark soul.
My husband put that together and asked that I share it. Don't like it don't read it. Have you found your 'corn babies' yet?
Good for your husband.

His stuff does not link to your link. You both fail, he for putting out something very badly put together, and you for not checking it.
I trust he knows his stuff. I do other stuff he is the historian between the two of us.
What he put out means nothing, RodISHI. Nothing in it absolves Comrade Donald's darkness and inability to be an effective American president.
Wow Elizabeth Warren tied her wagon to the sinking Clinton ship too!
She has had it right on financial reform why would she stick her head on the chopping block with Hillary is beyond me.

From her FB page
"DNC Speech on Donald Trump's Hatred
I’m disgusted by Donald Trump’s selfish, hate-filled attacks on the parents of an American Muslim soldier who died bravely serving our country in Iraq. Disgusted – but not surprised.

Trump's plan is to turn Americans against each other. A deceitful and ugly blame game that says, whatever worries you, the answer is to blame that other group. Spend your energy hating them. And when that happens, there will be no energy to make real change and guys like Donald Trump can stay on top.

It's not a new tactic in America. It's a very old one. And like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. explained before us, we see it – and we know how to defeat it.

At the end of the day, this election isn’t about Donald Trump’s cruelty. It’s about us. About our patriotism. About our Constitution that Khizr Khan keeps in his pocket. It is precisely in times like these, when our voices must be heard louder than ever, that we cannot turn on each other. Along with the parents of Captain Humayun Khan, now is the time to stand together."

Monday night at the Democratic National Convention, I spoke about how rich and powerful men like Donald Trump have used anger, fear, and hate to divide our country and keep the system rigged for the rich and powerful. Watch this clip. Elizabeth Warren - Timeline | Facebook [quote/]
And he represented the reasons Donald Trump is shrinking the Republican base.
You can repeat that lie all you like, but it doesnt change the Reality that more people voted in the GOP primaries this year than any other year, a 60% increase over 2012, and Trump set the record for most votes for a Republican.

If that is 'shrinking the GOP base' then its still a good thing, doofus.
Last edited:
And thus made himself a target of legitimate reprisal. The Left guessed they could parade a "gold star parent" who could hurl insults and use his dead, raghead son as a shield against riposte. They guessed wrong.
But somehow the mother of the man killed in Benghazi thanks to Hillary's old ass cant be woke up at 3 am, that mother was a stooge, a shill and a fill-in-the-blank-Democrat-insult.
Why does not that "paper" not appear in the link, RodISHI? That's worth a F in scholarly work, being fired from a job, and other problems when you ascribe something to a source, and it is not true.

And if it were true, Captain Khan is still a hero, Comrade Trump is still a dark soul, and he still needs to read the Constitution.

Ms. RodISHI, too bad: you can blacken Khan enough to whitewash Comrade Trump.

We all know he is a dark soul.
My husband put that together and asked that I share it. Don't like it don't read it. Have you found your 'corn babies' yet?
Good for your husband.

His stuff does not link to your link. You both fail, he for putting out something very badly put together, and you for not checking it.
I trust he knows his stuff. I do other stuff he is the historian between the two of us.
What he put out means nothing, RodISHI. Nothing in it absolves Comrade Donald's darkness and inability to be an effective American president.
You think he won't be "effective" because? Why because he does not need to follow a pre-determined script someone else made up. Loving this country and her people is not hateful. Subversion and a desire to bring in people that have a known history of violence of taking over countries is hateful. I'll stick with the guy not playing by the radical Muslims playbook. Burkas just sound like shit to me. I'd roast covering my head up and I enjoy wearing shorts in the summer too! I like making my own decisions too. I'd hate the thought of some woman hating thug making up bs rules that they think a female should follow. Heck some of the males we have in this country are chauvinistic enough already without more female haters coming along.
Why does not that "paper" not appear in the link, RodISHI? That's worth a F in scholarly work, being fired from a job, and other problems when you ascribe something to a source, and it is not true.

And if it were true, Captain Khan is still a hero, Comrade Trump is still a dark soul, and he still needs to read the Constitution.

Ms. RodISHI, too bad: you can blacken Khan enough to whitewash Comrade Trump.

We all know he is a dark soul.
My husband put that together and asked that I share it. Don't like it don't read it. Have you found your 'corn babies' yet?
Good for your husband.

His stuff does not link to your link. You both fail, he for putting out something very badly put together, and you for not checking it.
I trust he knows his stuff. I do other stuff he is the historian between the two of us.
What he put out means nothing, RodISHI. Nothing in it absolves Comrade Donald's darkness and inability to be an effective American president.
Truth, regardless of the source, is not hateful or racist. What The Media Is Not Telling You About The Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump: He Is A Muslim Brotherhood Agent Who Wants To Advance Sharia Law And Bring Muslims Into The United States
Why does not that "paper" not appear in the link, RodISHI? That's worth a F in scholarly work, being fired from a job, and other problems when you ascribe something to a source, and it is not true.

And if it were true, Captain Khan is still a hero, Comrade Trump is still a dark soul, and he still needs to read the Constitution.

Ms. RodISHI, too bad: you can blacken Khan enough to whitewash Comrade Trump.

We all know he is a dark soul.
My husband put that together and asked that I share it. Don't like it don't read it. Have you found your 'corn babies' yet?
Good for your husband.

His stuff does not link to your link. You both fail, he for putting out something very badly put together, and you for not checking it.
I trust he knows his stuff. I do other stuff he is the historian between the two of us.
What he put out means nothing, RodISHI. Nothing in it absolves Comrade Donald's darkness and inability to be an effective American president.
You think he won't be "effective" because? Why because he does not need to follow a pre-determined script someone else made up. Loving this country and her people is not hateful. Subversion and a desire to bring in people that have a known history of violence of taking over countries is hateful. I'll stick with the guy not playing by the radical Muslims playbook. Burkas just sound like shit to me. I'd roast covering my head up and I enjoy wearing shorts in the summer too! I like making my own decisions too. I'd hate the thought of some woman hating thug making up bs rules that they think a female should follow. Heck some of the males we have in this country are chauvinistic enough already without more female haters coming along.
Amazingly, Democrats think THEY are the ones who champion women's liberation.
Amazingly, Democrats think THEY are the ones who champion women's liberation.
Democrats and Feminazis have taken American women from this


to this


Gave up their moms heels and pearls for a 9-to-five grind and an hourly commute both ways....dying of lung cancer as fast as men do and going into their twilight years, alone, forgotten and regretful.

Corporations needed the cheap women labor to undercut male office workers back in the 1920's.

Too bad so many women died alone from lung cancer because they got fooled into smoking 'liberty torches' and pursuing careers instead of being stay at home Moms.
Last edited:
My husband put that together and asked that I share it. Don't like it don't read it. Have you found your 'corn babies' yet?
Good for your husband.

His stuff does not link to your link. You both fail, he for putting out something very badly put together, and you for not checking it.
I trust he knows his stuff. I do other stuff he is the historian between the two of us.
What he put out means nothing, RodISHI. Nothing in it absolves Comrade Donald's darkness and inability to be an effective American president.
You think he won't be "effective" because? Why because he does not need to follow a pre-determined script someone else made up. Loving this country and her people is not hateful. Subversion and a desire to bring in people that have a known history of violence of taking over countries is hateful. I'll stick with the guy not playing by the radical Muslims playbook. Burkas just sound like shit to me. I'd roast covering my head up and I enjoy wearing shorts in the summer too! I like making my own decisions too. I'd hate the thought of some woman hating thug making up bs rules that they think a female should follow. Heck some of the males we have in this country are chauvinistic enough already without more female haters coming along.
Amazingly, Democrats think THEY are the ones who champion women's liberation.
It was Republicans that came to the recuse when I was blacklisted after pissing off a nasty state employee that came up and grabbed me from behind back in the early 80's and also pissed off a big wig Mormon Bishop who thought he wanted to add me to his concubine list but got insulted instead when I told him I wasn't interested in living in one of his "big fine houses". It wasn't Democrats that helped as even back then most of the Dems were only interested in padding one another's bank accounts and tax payers dollars were only there for them to get a paycheck from.
Amazingly, Democrats think THEY are the ones who champion women's liberation.
Democrats and Feminazis have taken American women from this


to this


Gave up their moms heels and pearls for a 9-to-five grind and an hourly commute both ways....dying of lung cancer as fast as men do and going into their twilight years, alone, forgotten and regretful.

Corporations needed the cheap women labor to undercut male office workers back int he 1920's.

Too bad so many women died alone from lung cancer because they got fooled into smoking 'liberty torches' and pursuing careers instead of being stay at home Moms.
Not to mention it's Republicans who fought for women's suffrage and the first state to give women voting rights was Wyoming.
Why does not that "paper" not appear in the link, RodISHI? That's worth a F in scholarly work, being fired from a job, and other problems when you ascribe something to a source, and it is not true.

And if it were true, Captain Khan is still a hero, Comrade Trump is still a dark soul, and he still needs to read the Constitution.

Ms. RodISHI, too bad: you can blacken Khan enough to whitewash Comrade Trump.

We all know he is a dark soul.
My husband put that together and asked that I share it. Don't like it don't read it. Have you found your 'corn babies' yet?
Good for your husband.

His stuff does not link to your link. You both fail, he for putting out something very badly put together, and you for not checking it.
I trust he knows his stuff. I do other stuff he is the historian between the two of us.
What he put out means nothing, RodISHI. Nothing in it absolves Comrade Donald's darkness and inability to be an effective American president.
You think he won't be "effective" because? Why because he does not need to follow a pre-determined script someone else made up. Loving this country and her people is not hateful. Subversion and a desire to bring in people that have a known history of violence of taking over countries is hateful. I'll stick with the guy not playing by the radical Muslims playbook. Burkas just sound like shit to me. I'd roast covering my head up and I enjoy wearing shorts in the summer too! I like making my own decisions too. I'd hate the thought of some woman hating thug making up bs rules that they think a female should follow. Heck some of the males we have in this country are chauvinistic enough already without more female haters coming along.
Because he is out of control, Ms. RodISHI.

Yes, the GOP was all of that, but is not now. That is why Comrade Donald and the trumpanzees have to be thrown out, far away.

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