Fair share


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Republicans slam Obama ‘fair share’ debt plan.
Sept. 19, 2011
Democrats rally to Obama’s defense
Republicans slam Obama

Obviously he is not say "fair share" enough because radical right nuts like Boner is not getting it. "Fair share" means paying down the deficit, balancing the budget and strengthening Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid for future generations while protecting beneficiaries.
Without "fair share" many of you T-Baggers would lose your welfare, Medicaid, food stamps and low income subsidized housing.
Obamanomics sound like a winner to me. But or course, who wants Obama to win?

Obama unveils $3.6 trillion deficit planSept. 19, 2011

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — President Barack Obama on Monday rolled out a $3.6 trillion deficit reduction plan that sought to bridge the gap between the two political parties by backing entitlement program reform supported by Republicans with increased taxes on the wealthy favored by Democrats.
Obama unveils $3.6 trillion deficit plan - MarketWatch

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