Facebook Upholds Trump Ban

A bannable offense is Trump claiming that he won an election that he clearly lost. Most democracies would have that 'put down' with one well placed bullet.

Leave it to rot and fester and America becomes at risk of losing its police to fascism.

Many police officers are already a risk of being swayed by a would-be fascist leader. Many became police officers because the job offers a possibility of acting out their tendencies toward violence.

Gun owners with a license to use them to kill people.

Look no further than the police or the military.
And fwiw, if you're looking for an arsonist, start looking at your local fire department.
Dude is talking about being against fascism and says trump should have been killed for making unproven claims.
And OL thanked it.
Goddamn, you cant make this shit up :lol:
The world would have perhaps avoided a world war if some brave German citizen been able to put a bullet in Hitler's head in 1936.

Once fascism is given the opportunity to get it's evil message being praised by millions, it's too late to stop fascism.

Biden has to move fast and he has to move big!

At least he understands what it's going to take to bring the American people back from the edge!
It's only a question of whether Trump's GOP confederates can stop Biden?

Does the rest of the world care? That's not any easy question. Sometimes, as with Nazi Germany, rock bottom must be reached first.
Who do you think it was that has taken this country to the edge ? Nevermind answering because you wouldn't be honest about it.

A clue - It wasn't conservatism or Trump that had brought the country to the edge, but rather it was Trump and million's of his supporter's who answered the call of duty against those who had taken the country to the edge prior to Trump, and they are now taking it over the unrighteous proverbial edge as these political wars continue onward without Trump. Of course Trump will be on the whipping post for as long as the left can keep him in that way.
A bannable offense is Trump claiming that he won an election that he clearly lost. Most democracies would have that 'put down' with one well placed bullet.

Leave it to rot and fester and America becomes at risk of losing its police to fascism.

Many police officers are already a risk of being swayed by a would-be fascist leader. Many became police officers because the job offers a possibility of acting out their tendencies toward violence.

Gun owners with a license to use them to kill people.

Look no further than the police or the military.
And fwiw, if you're looking for an arsonist, start looking at your local fire department.
Dude is talking about being against fascism and says trump should have been killed for making unproven claims.
And OL thanked it.
Goddamn, you cant make this shit up :lol:
Well that part was going too far and I did seriously consider whether to like it, but I agreed with a lot of it pretty stongly.
They announced it this morning. trump can't go back to Facebook.

They have the right to decide who can be on their site. trump violated the rules over and over again. He made very bad choices so he should take personal responsibility, bad consequences comes with bad choices. He should have been taught that as a child.

Good, this will hurt Facebook. Im surprised they were dumb enough to do it, but you lefties are as dumb as they get.
Yeah, how dare a private firm decide what's in their best interest. Private enterprise...bah humbug.

I guess that doesn't apply to bakeries though if they happen to be Christian. And I never knew a business where it was "in their interest" to ban millions of accounts from speaking an opinion in a free society-- -- -- especially one that not one of them can prove is wrong.
You don't like that the law that bans bakeries from discriminating against a group of citizens? What part of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution don't you get? And no...banning Rump isn't discrimination. Look up the term.

Right-wingers are so funny. They scream night and day that they love the Constitution and the laws of the land until it goes against them! LOL
It wasn't against the law for CITIZENS (key word) to not want to conduct their private property as they see fit.
In fact, PA laws trample on several constitutional rights for CITIZENS (again, key word)
Do you understand now?
facebook isnt private property,, its a public accommodation,,,
Whats the difference
my house is private property,, facebook is open to the public my house isnt,,
Public accommodations. ie a horseshit excuse for government intervention.
well corps. are a creation of government,,

Yes, yes. "You didn't build that". We all owe our left nut to the government. Sorry, no.
when did I say that??

when you sign a contract with the government there are strings attached,,

thats why I like the free market system better and have worked in it for 30 yrs,,
You're parroting the same excuses liberals use when they try to justify government intervention. If you don't like the corporate charter, we can talk. That can be changed. But for fuck's sake don't use it as an excuse for Big Brother.
I'd rather not have government intervention,, if FB would say they dont allow conservative POV then I would be fine with it,, but even their own people said they violated their own rules in banning trump,,
For those who don't remember what the ban was about,

In 2015 when he was still only a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, Mr Trump posted a video calling for a ban on Muslims entering the US.
Facebook refused to take it down and created the “newsworthiness” policy that allowed posts which broke their own guidelines to remain up because of public interest.
During 2020 Mr Trump used Facebook to post a string of misleading information about Covid-19 and attacked racial justice protesters as “thugs.”
With criticism of the company’s approach to Mr Trump deepening, Facebook announced in June 2020 that it would put labels on posts that violated hate speech and other policies, even if they were from politicians such as Mr Trump.
And they committed to remove any posts which incited violence or voter suppression, regardless of newsworthiness.

But it was Mr Trump’s response to his own supporters attacking the Capitol on 6 January, in an attempt to block the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory, that finally brought about his ban.

Five people, including a police officer died, in the MAGA riot, and Mr Trump eventually posted a video on Facebook and Instagram urging his supporters to leave the Capitol and go home.

But infamously Mr Trump also took the opportunity to tell them: “We love you, you’re very special.”
After the video was posted, Facebook immediately suspended Mr Trump for 24 hours, and Mr Zuckerberg announced on 7 January that the ban was indefinite.
“We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great,” he said.

This is no noble fight to express your truth. T**** repeatedly violated the posting guidelines, he was warned, his posts were flagged, he responded by going to war over Section 230 of the Communications Act to get payback.

He's just an asshole troll.
Calling rioters "thugs" and telling people to "peacefully make their voices heard" isnt a violation of their policy. They said it was a violation, but obviously that isnt a violation. This clear bias and unfair treatment is why they will face extreme repercussions from the GOP the moment they have the power in Congress to do so. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fucking delusional.
You're not fooling me--I know exactly what he said both during the speech and afterward via video and tweet. He was adding fuel to the fire and he deserved to have his accounts suspended

Bag Lady, everybody fools you. It was a noble act to stand up in defense of honest and fair elections. Never thought I'd live to see a presidential election defrauded. Kudos to the heroes at the Capitol who took it on the chin for liberty and integrity. Unlike you, I think my vote counts! I WANT my vote to count. I'd rather lose honestly than win by cheating, lying and stealing like you democrats-- -- worse, to put a brainless corrupted career twat like Bidden in office?
Until a week or two ago, I had you on ignore, but it doesn't surprise me one bit that you swallowed T****'s bullshit whole. Always knew you weren't as smart as you claim.

Trump lost fair and square. If there had been evidence of a malfunction of voting machines nationwide or a Democratic conspiracy to stuff mail in ballots and 60 judges bribed to ignore it, it would have been the biggest news story of the century and every news organization in the country would have been all over it. They'd sell their grandmothers for a story like that. IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
Uh this is 2021 not 1960 etc. We have been compromised badly, but you choose to place your head in the laps of your Democrat handlers, uh in hopes that they will rock you to sleep while speaking sweet nothings in your ears. Wake up already.
We have been compromised badly--by Trumpers.
The independent Advisory Board has determined that Facebook's decision to ban Donald Trump was legit. However, it asked for more transparency and clearer rules, and said FB should not "indefinitely" suspend members without an established length of time.

The board announced Wednesday morning that Facebook needed to decide within six months how long Trump’s suspension would last, or if it would be permanent.

The Advisory Board is definitely not a rubber stamp, either. It suggested some changes many of us felt were in order for a long time:

The initial round of decisions — which touched on alleged hate speech, coronavirus misinformation and references to dangerous organizations — signaled that the board would demand greater clarity from Facebook about its policies, as well as transparency. Before Wednesday’s decision, the board had overturned Facebook’s decisions six times, upheld them twice, and was unable to complete a ruling once.

No one can answer me why someones opinions make you so angry? What is the problem???

If they are wrong you surely would want to preach it....NO?????

This is way beyond Trump here.

So what's wrong with this picture.
They announced it this morning. trump can't go back to Facebook.

They have the right to decide who can be on their site. trump violated the rules over and over again. He made very bad choices so he should take personal responsibility, bad consequences comes with bad choices. He should have been taught that as a child.

Good, this will hurt Facebook. Im surprised they were dumb enough to do it, but you lefties are as dumb as they get.
Yeah, how dare a private firm decide what's in their best interest. Private enterprise...bah humbug.

I guess that doesn't apply to bakeries though if they happen to be Christian. And I never knew a business where it was "in their interest" to ban millions of accounts from speaking an opinion in a free society-- -- -- especially one that not one of them can prove is wrong.
You don't like that the law that bans bakeries from discriminating against a group of citizens? What part of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution don't you get? And no...banning Rump isn't discrimination. Look up the term.

Right-wingers are so funny. They scream night and day that they love the Constitution and the laws of the land until it goes against them! LOL
It wasn't against the law for CITIZENS (key word) to not want to conduct their private property as they see fit.
In fact, PA laws trample on several constitutional rights for CITIZENS (again, key word)
Do you understand now?
facebook isnt private property,, its a public accommodation,,,
Whats the difference
my house is private property,, facebook is open to the public my house isnt,,
Public accommodations. ie a horseshit excuse for government intervention.
well corps. are a creation of government,,

Yes, yes. "You didn't build that". We all owe our left nut to the government. Sorry, no.
when did I say that??

when you sign a contract with the government there are strings attached,,

thats why I like the free market system better and have worked in it for 30 yrs,,
You're parroting the same excuses liberals use when they try to justify government intervention. If you don't like the corporate charter, we can talk. That can be changed. But for fuck's sake don't use it as an excuse for Big Brother.
I'd rather not have government intervention,, if FB would say they dont allow conservative POV then I would be fine with it,, but even their own people said they violated their own rules in banning trump,,
For those who don't remember what the ban was about,

In 2015 when he was still only a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, Mr Trump posted a video calling for a ban on Muslims entering the US.
Facebook refused to take it down and created the “newsworthiness” policy that allowed posts which broke their own guidelines to remain up because of public interest.
During 2020 Mr Trump used Facebook to post a string of misleading information about Covid-19 and attacked racial justice protesters as “thugs.”
With criticism of the company’s approach to Mr Trump deepening, Facebook announced in June 2020 that it would put labels on posts that violated hate speech and other policies, even if they were from politicians such as Mr Trump.
And they committed to remove any posts which incited violence or voter suppression, regardless of newsworthiness.

But it was Mr Trump’s response to his own supporters attacking the Capitol on 6 January, in an attempt to block the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory, that finally brought about his ban.

Five people, including a police officer died, in the MAGA riot, and Mr Trump eventually posted a video on Facebook and Instagram urging his supporters to leave the Capitol and go home.

But infamously Mr Trump also took the opportunity to tell them: “We love you, you’re very special.”
After the video was posted, Facebook immediately suspended Mr Trump for 24 hours, and Mr Zuckerberg announced on 7 January that the ban was indefinite.
“We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great,” he said.

This is no noble fight to express your truth. T**** repeatedly violated the posting guidelines, he was warned, his posts were flagged, he responded by going to war over Section 230 of the Communications Act to get payback.

He's just an asshole troll.
Calling rioters "thugs" and telling people to "peacefully make their voices heard" isnt a violation of their policy. They said it was a violation, but obviously that isnt a violation. This clear bias and unfair treatment is why they will face extreme repercussions from the GOP the moment they have the power in Congress to do so. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fucking delusional.
You're not fooling me--I know exactly what he said both during the speech and afterward via video and tweet. He was adding fuel to the fire and he deserved to have his accounts suspended

Bag Lady, everybody fools you. It was a noble act to stand up in defense of honest and fair elections. Never thought I'd live to see a presidential election defrauded. Kudos to the heroes at the Capitol who took it on the chin for liberty and integrity. Unlike you, I think my vote counts! I WANT my vote to count. I'd rather lose honestly than win by cheating, lying and stealing like you democrats-- -- worse, to put a brainless corrupted career twat like Bidden in office?
Until a week or two ago, I had you on ignore, but it doesn't surprise me one bit that you swallowed T****'s bullshit whole. Always knew you weren't as smart as you claim.

Trump lost fair and square. If there had been evidence of a malfunction of voting machines nationwide or a Democratic conspiracy to stuff mail in ballots and 60 judges bribed to ignore it, it would have been the biggest news story of the century and every news organization in the country would have been all over it. They'd sell their grandmothers for a story like that. IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
Uh this is 2021 not 1960 etc. We have been compromised badly, but you choose to place your head in the laps of your Democrat handlers, uh in hopes that they will rock you to sleep while speaking sweet nothings in your ears. Wake up already.
We have been compromised badly--by Trumpers.
Ok liberet, tell the class why these alledged Trumpers create so much fear in you, and what exactly does a Trumper do that causes you to be compromised in life ???? Explain it to the class.
They announced it this morning. trump can't go back to Facebook.

They have the right to decide who can be on their site. trump violated the rules over and over again. He made very bad choices so he should take personal responsibility, bad consequences comes with bad choices. He should have been taught that as a child.

Good, this will hurt Facebook. Im surprised they were dumb enough to do it, but you lefties are as dumb as they get.
Yeah, how dare a private firm decide what's in their best interest. Private enterprise...bah humbug.

I guess that doesn't apply to bakeries though if they happen to be Christian. And I never knew a business where it was "in their interest" to ban millions of accounts from speaking an opinion in a free society-- -- -- especially one that not one of them can prove is wrong.
You don't like that the law that bans bakeries from discriminating against a group of citizens? What part of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution don't you get? And no...banning Rump isn't discrimination. Look up the term.

Right-wingers are so funny. They scream night and day that they love the Constitution and the laws of the land until it goes against them! LOL
It wasn't against the law for CITIZENS (key word) to not want to conduct their private property as they see fit.
In fact, PA laws trample on several constitutional rights for CITIZENS (again, key word)
Do you understand now?
facebook isnt private property,, its a public accommodation,,,
Whats the difference
my house is private property,, facebook is open to the public my house isnt,,
Public accommodations. ie a horseshit excuse for government intervention.
well corps. are a creation of government,,

Yes, yes. "You didn't build that". We all owe our left nut to the government. Sorry, no.
when did I say that??

when you sign a contract with the government there are strings attached,,

thats why I like the free market system better and have worked in it for 30 yrs,,
You're parroting the same excuses liberals use when they try to justify government intervention. If you don't like the corporate charter, we can talk. That can be changed. But for fuck's sake don't use it as an excuse for Big Brother.
I'd rather not have government intervention,, if FB would say they dont allow conservative POV then I would be fine with it,, but even their own people said they violated their own rules in banning trump,,
For those who don't remember what the ban was about,

In 2015 when he was still only a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, Mr Trump posted a video calling for a ban on Muslims entering the US.
Facebook refused to take it down and created the “newsworthiness” policy that allowed posts which broke their own guidelines to remain up because of public interest.
During 2020 Mr Trump used Facebook to post a string of misleading information about Covid-19 and attacked racial justice protesters as “thugs.”
With criticism of the company’s approach to Mr Trump deepening, Facebook announced in June 2020 that it would put labels on posts that violated hate speech and other policies, even if they were from politicians such as Mr Trump.
And they committed to remove any posts which incited violence or voter suppression, regardless of newsworthiness.

But it was Mr Trump’s response to his own supporters attacking the Capitol on 6 January, in an attempt to block the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory, that finally brought about his ban.

Five people, including a police officer died, in the MAGA riot, and Mr Trump eventually posted a video on Facebook and Instagram urging his supporters to leave the Capitol and go home.

But infamously Mr Trump also took the opportunity to tell them: “We love you, you’re very special.”
After the video was posted, Facebook immediately suspended Mr Trump for 24 hours, and Mr Zuckerberg announced on 7 January that the ban was indefinite.
“We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great,” he said.

This is no noble fight to express your truth. T**** repeatedly violated the posting guidelines, he was warned, his posts were flagged, he responded by going to war over Section 230 of the Communications Act to get payback.

He's just an asshole troll.
Calling rioters "thugs" and telling people to "peacefully make their voices heard" isnt a violation of their policy. They said it was a violation, but obviously that isnt a violation. This clear bias and unfair treatment is why they will face extreme repercussions from the GOP the moment they have the power in Congress to do so. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fucking delusional.
You're not fooling me--I know exactly what he said both during the speech and afterward via video and tweet. He was adding fuel to the fire and he deserved to have his accounts suspended

Bag Lady, everybody fools you. It was a noble act to stand up in defense of honest and fair elections. Never thought I'd live to see a presidential election defrauded. Kudos to the heroes at the Capitol who took it on the chin for liberty and integrity. Unlike you, I think my vote counts! I WANT my vote to count. I'd rather lose honestly than win by cheating, lying and stealing like you democrats-- -- worse, to put a brainless corrupted career twat like Bidden in office?
Until a week or two ago, I had you on ignore, but it doesn't surprise me one bit that you swallowed T****'s bullshit whole. Always knew you weren't as smart as you claim.

Trump lost fair and square. If there had been evidence of a malfunction of voting machines nationwide or a Democratic conspiracy to stuff mail in ballots and 60 judges bribed to ignore it, it would have been the biggest news story of the century and every news organization in the country would have been all over it. They'd sell their grandmothers for a story like that. IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
Uh this is 2021 not 1960 etc. We have been compromised badly, but you choose to place your head in the laps of your Democrat handlers, uh in hopes that they will rock you to sleep while speaking sweet nothings in your ears. Wake up already.
We have been compromised badly--by Trumpers.
Ok liberet, tell the class why these alledged Trumpers create so much fear in you, and what exactly does a Trumper do that causes you to be compromised in life ???? Explain it to the class
I already did. Try reading the thread.
What's hilarious is that Rump & his minions are working overtime to silence Liz Cheney for the awful crime of speaking out against the fuhrer and yet...Rump is wining that he is being silenced for speaking his own version of the truth!

Trumptards are so cute.
What's hilarious is that Rump & his minions are working overtime to silence Liz Cheney for the awful crime of speaking out against the fuhrer and yet...Rump is wining that he is being silenced for speaking his own version of the truth!

Trumptards are so cute.

You have to be a team. You can't have a football team where 10 people think the ball should go forward and one person who tries to move it back. She wants to spew forth her hate, fine. But she has no right to try to bring the entire party down when she does it. She can go do it on her own.
They announced it this morning. trump can't go back to Facebook.

They have the right to decide who can be on their site. trump violated the rules over and over again. He made very bad choices so he should take personal responsibility, bad consequences comes with bad choices. He should have been taught that as a child.

Good, this will hurt Facebook. Im surprised they were dumb enough to do it, but you lefties are as dumb as they get.
Yeah, how dare a private firm decide what's in their best interest. Private enterprise...bah humbug.

I guess that doesn't apply to bakeries though if they happen to be Christian. And I never knew a business where it was "in their interest" to ban millions of accounts from speaking an opinion in a free society-- -- -- especially one that not one of them can prove is wrong.
You don't like that the law that bans bakeries from discriminating against a group of citizens? What part of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution don't you get? And no...banning Rump isn't discrimination. Look up the term.

Right-wingers are so funny. They scream night and day that they love the Constitution and the laws of the land until it goes against them! LOL
It wasn't against the law for CITIZENS (key word) to not want to conduct their private property as they see fit.
In fact, PA laws trample on several constitutional rights for CITIZENS (again, key word)
Do you understand now?
facebook isnt private property,, its a public accommodation,,,
Whats the difference
my house is private property,, facebook is open to the public my house isnt,,
Public accommodations. ie a horseshit excuse for government intervention.
well corps. are a creation of government,,

Yes, yes. "You didn't build that". We all owe our left nut to the government. Sorry, no.
when did I say that??

when you sign a contract with the government there are strings attached,,

thats why I like the free market system better and have worked in it for 30 yrs,,
You're parroting the same excuses liberals use when they try to justify government intervention. If you don't like the corporate charter, we can talk. That can be changed. But for fuck's sake don't use it as an excuse for Big Brother.
I'd rather not have government intervention,, if FB would say they dont allow conservative POV then I would be fine with it,, but even their own people said they violated their own rules in banning trump,,
For those who don't remember what the ban was about,

In 2015 when he was still only a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, Mr Trump posted a video calling for a ban on Muslims entering the US.
Facebook refused to take it down and created the “newsworthiness” policy that allowed posts which broke their own guidelines to remain up because of public interest.
During 2020 Mr Trump used Facebook to post a string of misleading information about Covid-19 and attacked racial justice protesters as “thugs.”
With criticism of the company’s approach to Mr Trump deepening, Facebook announced in June 2020 that it would put labels on posts that violated hate speech and other policies, even if they were from politicians such as Mr Trump.
And they committed to remove any posts which incited violence or voter suppression, regardless of newsworthiness.

But it was Mr Trump’s response to his own supporters attacking the Capitol on 6 January, in an attempt to block the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory, that finally brought about his ban.

Five people, including a police officer died, in the MAGA riot, and Mr Trump eventually posted a video on Facebook and Instagram urging his supporters to leave the Capitol and go home.

But infamously Mr Trump also took the opportunity to tell them: “We love you, you’re very special.”
After the video was posted, Facebook immediately suspended Mr Trump for 24 hours, and Mr Zuckerberg announced on 7 January that the ban was indefinite.
“We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great,” he said.

This is no noble fight to express your truth. T**** repeatedly violated the posting guidelines, he was warned, his posts were flagged, he responded by going to war over Section 230 of the Communications Act to get payback.

He's just an asshole troll.
Calling rioters "thugs" and telling people to "peacefully make their voices heard" isnt a violation of their policy. They said it was a violation, but obviously that isnt a violation. This clear bias and unfair treatment is why they will face extreme repercussions from the GOP the moment they have the power in Congress to do so. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fucking delusional.
You're not fooling me--I know exactly what he said both during the speech and afterward via video and tweet. He was adding fuel to the fire and he deserved to have his accounts suspended

Bag Lady, everybody fools you. It was a noble act to stand up in defense of honest and fair elections. Never thought I'd live to see a presidential election defrauded. Kudos to the heroes at the Capitol who took it on the chin for liberty and integrity. Unlike you, I think my vote counts! I WANT my vote to count. I'd rather lose honestly than win by cheating, lying and stealing like you democrats-- -- worse, to put a brainless corrupted career twat like Bidden in office?
Until a week or two ago, I had you on ignore, but it doesn't surprise me one bit that you swallowed T****'s bullshit whole. Always knew you weren't as smart as you claim.

Trump lost fair and square. If there had been evidence of a malfunction of voting machines nationwide or a Democratic conspiracy to stuff mail in ballots and 60 judges bribed to ignore it, it would have been the biggest news story of the century and every news organization in the country would have been all over it. They'd sell their grandmothers for a story like that. IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
Uh this is 2021 not 1960 etc. We have been compromised badly, but you choose to place your head in the laps of your Democrat handlers, uh in hopes that they will rock you to sleep while speaking sweet nothings in your ears. Wake up already.
We have been compromised badly--by Trumpers.
Ummmmmmmm.................Look at the post I posted before this one up above, and really under your nose literally, and see if we can get through this.

After 17 pages of everyone shoveling horse shit, an answer to my question is warranted.

interesting points:
"Facebook invented their own sanctions as they looked into this particular user, Trump," former Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, a Board member, said during an interview with Axios on Thursday.
Thorning-Schmidt also said Facebook's decision to refer Trump's account ban to the Board was "lazy" and that the Board was not created to lift responsibility off Facebook or help them justify new rules it creates along the way.
What's hilarious is that Rump & his minions are working overtime to silence Liz Cheney for the awful crime of speaking out against the fuhrer and yet...Rump is wining that he is being silenced for speaking his own version of the truth!

Trumptards are so cute.

You have to be a team. You can't have a football team where 10 people think the ball should go forward and one person who tries to move it back. She wants to spew forth her hate, fine. But she has no right to try to bring the entire party down when she does it. She can go do it on her own.
In other words...principles don't matter. You could be fiscally and socially conservative but if you go against the Fuhrer, you are toast?

Another poor soul that is finding this out the hard way is Mike Pence. The guy was all-in for the dear leader every hour of every day for the last 4 years but one strike (refused to do Rump's bidding) and he too is toast.

Yeah, I will say it again. Trumptards are so cute. Morons, of course, but cute.
I don't think that most of them know how to do that and so we get meaningless strings of quotes that are a waste of time to read.
For those who are interested in fixing the problem, it's probably just the easiest to delete everything except the last comment they wish to quote.
It looks like the board's admin and mods don't want to improve the system, or maybe don't know how to fix it.

Back on topic: Nobody should be missing the fact that this decision keep Trump out is bringing lots of pain to the Trumpers and will likely result in some increased incidents of gun violence for relief of their frustrations. Hopefullly they won't take it out on songbirds or their god's little animals.
I don't think that most of them know how to do that and so we get meaningless strings of quotes that are a waste of time to read.
For those who are interested in fixing the problem, it's probably just the easiest to delete everything except the last comment they wish to quote.
It looks like the board's admin and mods don't want to improve the system, or maybe don't know how to fix it.

Back on topic: Nobody should be missing the fact that this decision keep Trump out is bringing lots of pain to the Trumpers and will likely result in some increased incidents of gun violence for relief of their frustrations. Hopefullly they won't take it out on songbirds or their god's little animals.
it's the way the board works, not like they have an option to check.
What's hilarious is that Rump & his minions are working overtime to silence Liz Cheney for the awful crime of speaking out against the fuhrer and yet...Rump is wining that he is being silenced for speaking his own version of the truth!

Trumptards are so cute.

You have to be a team. You can't have a football team where 10 people think the ball should go forward and one person who tries to move it back. She wants to spew forth her hate, fine. But she has no right to try to bring the entire party down when she does it. She can go do it on her own.
In other words...principles don't matter. You could be fiscally and socially conservative but if you go against the Fuhrer, you are toast?

Another poor soul that is finding this out the hard way is Mike Pence. The guy was all-in for the dear leader every hour of every day for the last 4 years but one strike (refused to do Rump's bidding) and he too is toast.

Yeah, I will say it again. Trumptards are so cute. Morons, of course, but cute.

If you want to go against the leader of the republican party, then yes, you can go do that while registered as a democrat. We have enough RINOS. We don't need another one.

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