Newsmax Caves Again, This Time to Dominion...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Whatever hopes Newsmax thought they might have to pick up the viewers that left Fox, they've put a nail in that coffin now.


Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats

The following article, Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats, was first published on Big League Politics.

The ostensibly conservative TV network Newsmax has finished selling out after emerging as an upstart competitor to Fox News, caving to the infamous election software companies Dominion and Smartmatic after receiving legal threats.

“Since election day, various guests, attorneys, and elected officials have appeared on Newsmax and offered opinions and claims on Smartmatic and Dominion systems,” anchor John Tabacco said on the TV network.

“Both companies that offer voting software in the U.S., and Newsmax would like to clarify its news coverage and note that it has not reported as true certain claims made about these companies,” he added.

The selling out only intensified at this point, as the anchor recited public relations spin that might as well have been written by a Dominion or Smartmatic hack.

“Newsmax has found no evidence that either Dominion or Smartmatic owns the other or has any business association with each other. We have no evidence that Dominion uses Smartmatic software or vice versa. No evidence has been offered that Dominion or Smartmatic used software or reprogrammed software that manipulated votes in the 2020 election,” Tabacco said.

The clip can be seen here: Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats
This is old news...and they weren't the only ones to back down.
If you haven't noticed, Fox News has been making a hard push to win back a lot of those viewers by going as alt-right as they can get away with.
Whatever hopes Newsmax thought they might have to pick up the viewers that left Fox, they've put a nail in that coffin now.


Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats

The following article, Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats, was first published on Big League Politics.

The ostensibly conservative TV network Newsmax has finished selling out after emerging as an upstart competitor to Fox News, caving to the infamous election software companies Dominion and Smartmatic after receiving legal threats.

“Since election day, various guests, attorneys, and elected officials have appeared on Newsmax and offered opinions and claims on Smartmatic and Dominion systems,” anchor John Tabacco said on the TV network.

“Both companies that offer voting software in the U.S., and Newsmax would like to clarify its news coverage and note that it has not reported as true certain claims made about these companies,” he added.

The selling out only intensified at this point, as the anchor recited public relations spin that might as well have been written by a Dominion or Smartmatic hack.

“Newsmax has found no evidence that either Dominion or Smartmatic owns the other or has any business association with each other. We have no evidence that Dominion uses Smartmatic software or vice versa. No evidence has been offered that Dominion or Smartmatic used software or reprogrammed software that manipulated votes in the 2020 election,” Tabacco said.

The clip can be seen here: Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats
You do know that they will be reading what the dominion lawyers told them to read. Thats the way it works when you are getting spanked for lying.
There's this thing called "the law."

And in this thing called "the law," there is the other thing called "defamation."

This other thing called "defamation" is when you knowingly lie about someone.

And that's what Newsmax did to Dominion. As did OANN. As did Fox. As did Gateway Pundit. As did Epoch Times. As did Sydney Powell. As did Linn Wood. As did Rudy Giuliani. As did Donald Trump. Etc.

And now they're going to pay.

The other interesting thing about this thing called "the law" is that it doesn't give a shit if the consumers of the media who lied about Dominion believe them on not. If they want to live in a delusional fantasy world devoid of facts that instead panders to their feelings, that's up to them. But it doesn't change the facts on the ground.
Whatever hopes Newsmax thought they might have to pick up the viewers that left Fox, they've put a nail in that coffin now.


Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats

The following article, Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats, was first published on Big League Politics.

The ostensibly conservative TV network Newsmax has finished selling out after emerging as an upstart competitor to Fox News, caving to the infamous election software companies Dominion and Smartmatic after receiving legal threats.

“Since election day, various guests, attorneys, and elected officials have appeared on Newsmax and offered opinions and claims on Smartmatic and Dominion systems,” anchor John Tabacco said on the TV network.

“Both companies that offer voting software in the U.S., and Newsmax would like to clarify its news coverage and note that it has not reported as true certain claims made about these companies,” he added.

The selling out only intensified at this point, as the anchor recited public relations spin that might as well have been written by a Dominion or Smartmatic hack.

“Newsmax has found no evidence that either Dominion or Smartmatic owns the other or has any business association with each other. We have no evidence that Dominion uses Smartmatic software or vice versa. No evidence has been offered that Dominion or Smartmatic used software or reprogrammed software that manipulated votes in the 2020 election,” Tabacco said.

The clip can be seen here: Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats
Newsmaxx is so dumb.....all they have to do is show everyone all of the evidence they have that Dominion and Smartmatic helped Biden steal the election.....

They could easily win any lawsuit if they just have Lin Wood and Sidney Powell help them present all of the evidence and stuff
The OP just shows how brainwashed some people are over the Big Lie that even an admission from one of their own news sources that Dominion and Smartmatic did nothing wrong will not change their views.

The OP's post should actually be an Exhibit in the Dominion and Smartmatic law suits to evidence how Newsmax and other far right organizations so manipulated their viewers that no amount of apologies will suffice, and that these rightist organizations and individuals should pay to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars for maliciously destroying their reputations.
Whatever hopes Newsmax thought they might have to pick up the viewers that left Fox, they've put a nail in that coffin now.


Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats

The following article, Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats, was first published on Big League Politics.

The ostensibly conservative TV network Newsmax has finished selling out after emerging as an upstart competitor to Fox News, caving to the infamous election software companies Dominion and Smartmatic after receiving legal threats.

“Since election day, various guests, attorneys, and elected officials have appeared on Newsmax and offered opinions and claims on Smartmatic and Dominion systems,” anchor John Tabacco said on the TV network.

“Both companies that offer voting software in the U.S., and Newsmax would like to clarify its news coverage and note that it has not reported as true certain claims made about these companies,” he added.

The selling out only intensified at this point, as the anchor recited public relations spin that might as well have been written by a Dominion or Smartmatic hack.

“Newsmax has found no evidence that either Dominion or Smartmatic owns the other or has any business association with each other. We have no evidence that Dominion uses Smartmatic software or vice versa. No evidence has been offered that Dominion or Smartmatic used software or reprogrammed software that manipulated votes in the 2020 election,” Tabacco said.

The clip can be seen here: Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats
newsmax might as well be a mainstream media outlet now.
Whatever hopes Newsmax thought they might have to pick up the viewers that left Fox, they've put a nail in that coffin now.


Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats

The following article, Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats, was first published on Big League Politics.

The ostensibly conservative TV network Newsmax has finished selling out after emerging as an upstart competitor to Fox News, caving to the infamous election software companies Dominion and Smartmatic after receiving legal threats.

“Since election day, various guests, attorneys, and elected officials have appeared on Newsmax and offered opinions and claims on Smartmatic and Dominion systems,” anchor John Tabacco said on the TV network.

“Both companies that offer voting software in the U.S., and Newsmax would like to clarify its news coverage and note that it has not reported as true certain claims made about these companies,” he added.

The selling out only intensified at this point, as the anchor recited public relations spin that might as well have been written by a Dominion or Smartmatic hack.

“Newsmax has found no evidence that either Dominion or Smartmatic owns the other or has any business association with each other. We have no evidence that Dominion uses Smartmatic software or vice versa. No evidence has been offered that Dominion or Smartmatic used software or reprogrammed software that manipulated votes in the 2020 election,” Tabacco said.

The clip can be seen here: Newsmax Caves to Dominion and Smartmatic Following Legal Threats
newsmax might as well be a mainstream media outlet now.
Why don't you believe Newsmaxx has any evidence against Dominion and Smartmatic??

and why can't you give them some of the evidence to help them out??
So, all that talk from the orange douche-bag and his band of clown-car minions about Dominion & the fix...turned out to be just that...all talk?

Nope. Never saw that coming.

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