F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns

Really ? So who’s paying for your healthcare ? Who will register your car ? The deep state will make you insignificant in short order. Even state governments in your beloved red states will lose services, and that includes your healthcare. The healthcare providers who are overwhelmingly not gun a holics, will leave. You’re an imbecile. There are a plethora of foreign nations working everywhere. Your cell phones are USELESS IMBECILE.
Never heard of field medicine, paying out-of-pocket for medical services, and radios, have you?

You really think that in a civil war, people are going to be worried about something as trivial as their car registration?

We've met the imbecile, imbecile.
Really ? So who’s paying for your healthcare ? Who will register your car ? The deep state will make you insignificant in short order. Even state governments in your beloved red states will lose services, and that includes your healthcare. The healthcare providers who are overwhelmingly not gun a holics, will leave. You’re an imbecile. There are a plethora of foreign nations working everywhere. Your cell phones are USELESS IMBECILE.
You are clearly confusing me with another poster.

I have not mentioned any of that garbage. We know how these things work, they happen in other nations all the time. The US is not some special unicorn that works differently. It just happens to work really well right now.

Hence why I said there was zero chance of such a civil war in the current conditions.
You are clearly confusing me with another poster.

I have not mentioned any of that garbage. We know how these things work, they happen in other nations all the time. The US is not some special unicorn that works differently. It just happens to work really well right now.

Hence why I said there was zero chance of such a civil war in the current conditions.
I was responding to the idea that you don’t need to defeat a centralized govt. to win a war. Just occupying enough land doesn’t cut it. If we’re talking about a civil war, it’s not like ours. Each side was pretty much self sufficient. Now, the economy of every state is interrelated to every other. Imagine what would happen to Florida if the snow birds boycotted them if an insurrection started there. They, the revolutionists can occupy all the localized communities they want, they can’t survive.
And you think the police are not going to be part of the conflict, especially those who personally know the combatants? You have no concept of human relationships, do you?
Don’t be ridiculous. Human relationships be damned; in the military and police, even locally, you do your job or you lose your job, income, healthcare and retirement. Hundreds of insurrectionists have been indicted and many incarcerated and /or fined. .
The idea that you don’t need to defeat a centralized govt. to win a war. Just occupying enough land doesn’t cut it. If we’re talking about a civil war, it’s not like ours. Each side was pretty much self sufficient. Now, the economy of every state is interrelated to every other. Imagine what would happen to Florida if the snow birds boycotted them is a revolution stated there. They, the revolutionist can occupy all the localized communities they want, they can’t survive.
The urban centers would be the first to fall, since their residents are totally reliant on resources brought in from outside. Once the food stops coming in, it would take about two weeks for the whole thing to collapse and become a giant wasteland. Survival would happen in the rural areas where people have the resources. And they have guns.
Don’t be ridiculous. Human relationships be damned; in the military and police, even locally, you do your job or you lose your job, income, healthcare and retirement. Hundreds of insurrectionists have been indicted and many incarcerated and /or fined. .
In a Civil War, income, healthcare and retirement are the last on the list of things to worry about. A cop is not going to worry about his job when there is no job to worry about, he's going to break into police headquarters since there's no power and no electronic locks to stop him, grab the guns and ammo, and hunker down with his neighbors. You seem to forget that the niceties of modern living will be the first things to go. You talk about hundreds, there would be millions.
Never heard of field medicine, paying out-of-pocket for medical services, and radios, have you?

You really think that in a civil war, people are going to be worried about something as trivial as their car registration?

We've met the imbecile, imbecile.
Ha ha, really ? The original Revolution had camp followers and little medical support. They died from infections and so called minor injuries. Todays modern military has 6 to 12 support personnel trained to keep the battle field active. Field medicine ? That’s a joke. I was a medic during a shooting war where arm wounds from modern firearms resulted in bleed outs without quick, expert medical attention including SURGERIES. All these frauds need to see is a couple of their buddies roll over dead and they’ll surrender and fold up like the chickenshits they are…SUPPORT IS EVERYTHING. YOU have no evac do you. No hospitals that will treat you….or your families.
The urban centers would be the first to fall, since their residents are totally reliant on resources brought in from outside. Once the food stops coming in, it would take about two weeks for the whole thing to collapse and become a giant wasteland. Survival would happen in the rural areas where people have the resources. And they have guns.
How are you going to shut down a city without being declared a terrorist dufus. EVER MAJOR CITY has federal presence. You have guns ? You’re stupid. Govts have bigger, more guns and SUPPORT. You have nothing.
A guard unit would easily confine you, arrest you and your families would be destitute….and on Food stamps. You are idiots.
Ha ha, really ? The original Revolution had camp followers and little medical support. They died from infections and so called minor injuries. Todays modern military has 6 to 12 support personnel trained to keep the battle field active. Field medicine ? That’s a joke. I was a medic during a shooting war where arm wounds from modern firearms resulted in bleed outs without quick, expert medical attention including SURGERIES. All these frauds need to see is a couple of their buddies roll over dead and they’ll surrender and fold up like the chickenshits they are…SUPPORT IS EVERYTHING. YOU have no evac do you. No hospitals that will treat you….or your families.
And those support personnel are the same ones whose families you pretend are going to be decimated by the military. Huge portions of the military are going to defect and leave that support in tatters, taking their weapons with them.
How are you going to shut down a city without being declared a terrorist dufus. EVER MAJOR CITY has federal presence. You have guns ? You’re stupid. Govts have bigger, more guns and SUPPORT. You have nothing.
A guard unit would easily confine you, arrest you and your families would be destitute….and on Food stamps. You are idiots.
In a Civil War, no one is going to care if they're called a terrorist or not. That support you think governments have are the friends and neighbors of the people you think they're going to attack as terrorists. And they can't stop millions.
And those support personnel are the same ones whose families you pretend are going to be decimated by the military. Huge portions of the military are going to defect and leave that support in tatters, taking their weapons with them.
For one thing, you know nothing about guard units. When a terrorist activity is declared, guard units from other areas are brought in. Defection ? Hilarious. Anyone who was in the military and in the guard for years knows, you follow lawful orders or you lose everything. You’re watching way to many movies. Todays guard nits are well trained better equipped and supported. What are you going to tell your family from the federal prison.
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In a Civil War, no one is going to care if they're called a terrorist or not. That support you think governments have are the friends and neighbors of the people you think they're going to attack as terrorists. And they can't stop millions.
Ha ha.
We just had an insurrection dufus. They all testified against each-other. Hundreds have been brought to Justice. You are ignorant aren’t you. If they were armed and used their weapons, most would be dead now or imprisoned for life or executed. That they didn‘t use firearms is the ONLY reason many aren’t all in prison or worse foolish. .
Ha ha.
We just had an insurrection dufus. They all testified against each-other. Hundreds have been brought to Justice. You are ignorant aren’t you. If they were armed and used their weapons, most would be dead now or imprisoned for life or executed. That they didn‘t use firearms is the ONLY reason many aren’t all in prison or worse foolish. .
It's a matter of scale. A few hundred in an isolated, uncoordinated, spontaneous incident is not the same as a protracted, organized grassroots military effort, such as what created this country. Tick off tens of millions of armed citizens and you'll see a whole lot more than just a few unarmed people storming the capitol.
For one thing, you know nothing about guard units. When a terrorist activity is declared, guard units from other areas are brought in. Defection ? Hilarious. Anyone who was in the military and in the guard for years knows, you follow lawful orders or you lose everything. You’re watching way to many movies. Todays guard nits are well trained better equipped and supported. What are you going to tell your family from the federal prison.
Try to make those guard units mow down their families and neighbors because a Washington weenie got his feelings hurt.
Ha ha, really ? The original Revolution had camp followers and little medical support. They died from infections and so called minor injuries. Todays modern military has 6 to 12 support personnel trained to keep the battle field active. Field medicine ? That’s a joke. I was a medic during a shooting war where arm wounds from modern firearms resulted in bleed outs without quick, expert medical attention including SURGERIES. All these frauds need to see is a couple of their buddies roll over dead and they’ll surrender and fold up like the chickenshits they are…SUPPORT IS EVERYTHING. YOU have no evac do you. No hospitals that will treat you….or your families.
Today's EMS has better equipment than MDs had back then.

People die from wounds in war, that's the nature of it.

You actually think gubmint is everything, don't you?
Today's EMS has better equipment than MDs had back then.
Sure, and everyone nearly died of infections. Geesus, have you ever been shot ? Do you even know what a Trama center does to save the gun shot victims lives. Realize, the central govt will have these advantages, while you won’t. EMS are who ? All rebels ? Hardly. You’re living in a dream world.

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