Black DC judge releases black teen charged with shooting AR-15 26 times into car


Platinum Member
May 1, 2024
Another DEI (Didn't Earn It) judge practicing pro-black racism.

Lloyd U. Nolan, Jr., a magistrate judge on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, is in the spotlight this week after he ordered that 18-year-old Amonte Moody be released from custody before his trial despite accusations he sprayed a D.C. neighborhood with shots from an AR-15 while targeting a car carrying four people.
Nolan concluded that Moody, who was charged with endangerment with a firearm, possession of a weapon and assault, was not a threat to the community and approved a request to release him on house arrest with a GPS monitor on May 3, WJLA-TV reported
Should be in jail right awaiting his court hearing to put him in prison for 10 years or more.

I dont give a shit who you are, you walk outside and start shooting at people that's it, you're done. Even if you don't hit anyone you can't be a part of a civilized society until you paid for your crime and proven you can rejoin society and behave. If he didn't kill anyone he deserves one chance to redeem himself, but he does it again then that's it no more chances.

And if you do that and kill someone? Then you need to executed the day after you're found guilty. No nuthouse, no appeals, no death row, just off to execution you go and that's the end of you.

A part of me thinks honestly if you pull a gun and shoot at people whether you hit anyone or not you should be executed. We're letting criminals get way too comfortable in America now. We need a few years of hard line stances on crime, especially violent crime.
I live 60-odd miles away have not been there since Reagan was inaugurated.
Every foreign nation should give to any of its citizens planning to visit this violent nation a list of dangerous American cities, such as D.C.

International visitors are very naive and have no idea of how much violence there is in the streets and public transportation.

In particular, they should be told to avoid certain areas of almost every American city.
The races of the judge and the defendant are irrelevant.

There are people of all races who would agree with the judge, and there are people of all races who would disagree with the judge.

An electronic ankle monitor is not going to prevent anyone from shooting anyone.
The races of the judge and the defendant are irrelevant.

There are people of all races who would agree with the judge, and there are people of all races who would disagree with the judge.

An electronic ankle monitor is not going to prevent anyone from shooting anyone.
Or Making pretty babies
The races of the judge and the defendant are irrelevant.

There are people of all races who would agree with the judge, and there are people of all races who would disagree with the judge.

An electronic ankle monitor is not going to prevent anyone from shooting anyone.

It won't but it will keep him in his residence or jail.

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