F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns


No need to ban AR15s then.

Joe can stop the mass shootings with F15s
oh there is plenty of need to ban the sale of AR fifteens.... You brainwashed functional morons are bad enough but at least that would stop a lot of real murderers insane goofballs and the mass murders we have. Over 1000 last year... You'll just have to get along with the 30 million whatever already out there... .
oh there is plenty of need to ban the sale of AR fifteens.... You brainwashed functional morons are bad enough but at least that would stop a lot of real murderers insane goofballs and the mass murders we have. Over 1000 last year... You'll just have to get along with the 30 million whatever already out there... .
345 million Americans ( If you count illegals , Visa Overstayers and refugees ) and over 125 million are very Pro 2A/ RTKBA withanother 75 Million that are moderately Pro 2A/ RTKBA
At present federal commandos are only gunning for individual Americans and very small groups of them. The Biden administration is deploying ATF, FBI, Homeland Security, DEA and US Marshal special operations units against individual Americans, isolating and hammering them for ridiculously innocuous violations of federal firearm regulations which shift and change every few months. As it stands, no individual American nor small group of them stand an ice cube's chance in hell of successfully resisting federal SWAT teams on their own, outside of a very, very few and specific circumstances. In other words, if the federal government comes gunning for you where you live . . . you will either be arrested or killed . . . on the spot.

Astonishingly enough, here in America we are absolutely prohibited from defending ourselves against law enforcement commandos in any way, shape or form. Our government at every level expects us to treat law enforcement officials as if they are God himself; we are expected to bow down, bend the knee before them, cow tow, beg for mercy and comply—under direct threat of death.

IF a federal law enforcement commando strike team comes for you, they will hit you with everything they've got, which includes all imaginable military grade gear and tactics. Your neighbors will not help you when they come for you. Your dog(s) cannot help you when they come for you. You will even believe God himself has abandoned you when they come for you. They will breech your door(s), break your windows and toss in several flash bangs to blind you and zap grenades to stun you. They will then do a dynamic entry in squad size elements and likely kill everyone and everything that moves, just like their SEAL team 6 heroes on TV. YOU will be the enemy and everyone outside your circle of friends and family will cheer their actions and your demise because they think you had it coming. When they come for you, they will surround your home with overwhelming numbers and snipers, put your life under what feels like a massive microscope, and treat you like the military treats terrorists in Afghanistan or Syria.

You will die or wish you had.

No number of these military style raids on American citizens seems to make a difference or draw Americans closer to open rebellion. When the smoke of the raid on your home settles, your neighbors won't be weeping for your corpse . . . they'll be thanking whatever god they pray to it wasn't their home the Feds raided. Someone will eventually purchase your home and those same neighbors will forget you and your family ever existed.

Local and federal commando strike teams are infinitely backed up by more of the same, funded to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars annually; they are efficiently organized and they possess all of the latest tactical hardware, from electronic warfare equipment to highly specialized small arms, explosives, optics and devices that can even see through the walls of your home.

The majority of the American people will never openly revolt. They love their lives and dwindling freedom more than anything else. They will infinitely fall back on the old excuse, "He or she (meaning you) had it coming", when the federal commandos come for you or anyone else they decide to raid.

Those are the current facts and the current reality of our 2022 American situation. Try to organize and they will come for you. Defy their petty tyrannies and they will come for you. Stand against them alone and they will squash you like an ant.

Damn, N_S. That's the straight up truth, man. Few ever tell it. But you did good.
Bottom line . . . it depends on the objectives of any citizen resistance force. In order to capture the political and resource infrastructure of any medium to large US city or military base a highly organized combined arms unit would be required, i.e. infantry, artillery, armor and air mobile forces working together. In order to hold any seized city, strategic ground or point of infrastructure such as a bridge or highway hub, a large, well provisioned occupation force would have to be assembled. The other thing to think about is modern airpower, which any citizen resistance force would lack, at least in the beginning—although any citizen "air force" would never equal the US government's. One must also take into consideration communication, which is a necessary tool of modern fighting forces—if one plans to organize and coordinate attacks. One of the first strategic actions of US government forces in any war against we the people would be cutting all possible lines of enemy (that's us) communication.

Furthermore, when considering mass citizen resistance in America, one must decide what one's ultimate goal is to be—the goal that ends any such war or at least forces a stalemate. Beyond that, the other big matter to think about is where does the REAL power lie in American government? You'd have to know this and figure out some means of effectively disrupting or ending it—if you ever planned to win the conflict.

Clearly, at least from the standpoint of a foreign power, United States power, real power, lies in its nuclear, biological and chemical weapons stockpile. Other nations do not attack us because they're well award of our conventional and nuclear military response capabilities. But where does true power lie within the United States when searching for it from a rebel or rebellion point of view? Would our own political and military leaders nuke us if our rebel army closed in on some kind of real victory against it? How does one grab hold of the reins of power if one doesn't even know what or where they are?

Fighting a guerilla war is one thing, however, seizing ground and holding it is another matter altogether. Imagine for a moment we've formed a guerilla resistance group and set for ourselves the objective of capturing Dallas, TX for whatever reason. We're a group of say, ten thousand freedom fighters on the march to Dallas. Now imagine that the government's response is to deploy the entire 1st Cavalry division to stop us, complete with full fighter/bomber/gunship air support. Let's even say that only half the men and women of the legendary 1st Cav division decided participate and the other half went AWOL. That's still tens of thousands of mechanized infantrymen, armor crews (tanks), self-propelled artillery—the whole shebang. Let's even say we reached Dallas first and captured the city. As soon as the US Army's 1st Cav division reached the city we're trying to occupy they would proceed to wipe us off the face of the planet with 24/7 combined arms missions and round the clock bombing runs. Finally, let's say that in order to win this one small victory against the government, we absolutely had to take and hold Dallas. There's no way we're holding a city that large with guerilla fighters, against regular US army combined arms forces who have spent the last two decades mastering urban combat.

A hit and run guerilla force is one thing—and could inflict a whole hell of a lot of damage, over time. Seizing and holding major cities and other strategic infrastructure is another thing entirely.

With all those US military forces fighting it's own citizens......who's watching / guarding Taiwan? The Philippines? Hawaii?
China would see this as a golden opportunity.
How does the military (with all those WMD's) selectively kill only republicans?

The US government could not win an armed conflict against it's citizens at this time. Too many guns in civilian hands.
Too much collateral damage. Public opinion and world opinion would turn against the US government killing it's own.
They must first vastly reduce the number of guns out there. This is probably one of the main reasons they have not gone against us much harder and more violently.

Its also why gun control /disarming Americans is a TOP priority.
No, they are too smart for that (and have run the simulations repeatedly)
They will dominate us by making us criminals, turning us against each other then passing laws that give us timelines to comply after which time they will start taking assets, bank accounts, SSI payments, Pensions etc etc etc until you comply.

At least that's the way I see it.
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With all those US military forces fighting it's own citizens......who's watching / guarding Taiwan? The Philippines? Hawaii?
China would see this as a golden opportunity.
How does the military (with all those WMD's) selectively kill only republicans?

The US government could not win an armed conflict against it's citizens at this time. Too many guns in civilian hands.
Too much collateral damage. Public opinion and world opinion would turn against the US government killing it's own.
They must first vastly reduce the number of guns out there. This is probably one of the main reasons they have not gone against us much harder and more violently.

Its also why gun control /disarming Americans is a TOP priority.
No, they are too smart for that (and have run the simulations repeatedly)
They will dominate us by making us criminals, turning us against each other then passing laws that give us timelines to comply after which time they will start taking assets, bank accounts, SSI payments, Pensions etc etc etc until you comply.

At least that's the way I see it.
And voting in Conservative Constitutionalists and Firebrand Republicans is not going to slow the Democommie onslaught ?
345 million Americans ( If you count illegals , Visa Overstayers and refugees ) and over 125 million are very Pro 2A/ RTKBA withanother 75 Million that are moderately Pro 2A/ RTKBA
nobody is against the Second Amendment, just military style weapons that drives people insane as far as we can tell. And nutjob mass murderers like to buy new

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