‘Explosive documents’ connect Christie, bridge scandal


Feb 14, 2011
Shades of Chicago thuggery:

Top Christie Staff Sought Lane Closings as Revenge

Using vital thoroughfares to lean on people for endorsements?


The emails indicate that Mr. Christie’s staff and his associates at the Port Authority were closely aware of the political context. Mr. Christie, a Republican, was leaning on local Democratic officials to endorse his re-election bid so that he could then seek his party’s presidential nominationby arguing that he was the candidate who could attract bipartisan support in a blue state.

Mr. Christie won re-election in November by 22 points, and instantly became a leading candidate for his party’s presidential nomination by winning across many demographic groups. His campaign boasted that he had been endorsed by more than 50 local Democratic officials.

But the documents released Wednesday underscore what Republicans as well as Democrats in New Jersey have long said about the governor: that he is a bully who wields fear and favor to get what he wants, and lashes out at even the smallest perceived slights.

During the campaign, as Mr. Christie and his associates leaned on Democratic local officials for endorsements, many mayors whispered that they feared the governor would withhold money or favor if they did not go along. Even Republican lawmakers who have supported Mr. Christie tell stories of being punished when he perceived them as not supporting him enough.

Up until now he claimed neither he or his staff had anything to do with this. Now some pretty damning emails have come out showing his staff laughing about it -- and well, it's not looking too good for the upcoming Pressy hopeful.

The Bergen Record”s Shawn Boburg published details that connect the scandal to the governor’s office in ways that raise the stakes of the controversy considerably.
A cache of private messages between Governor’s Christie’s deputy chief of staff and his two top executives at the Port Authority reveal a vindictive effort to create “traffic problems in Fort Lee,” apparent pleasure at the resulting gridlock, and insults used to refer to the borough’s mayor, who had failed to endorse Christie for re-election.

The documents obtained by The Record also raise serious doubts about months of claims by the Christie administration that the September closures of local access lanes to the George Washington Bridge were part of a traffic study initiated solely by the Port Authority. Instead, they show that one of the governor’s top aides was deeply involved in the decision to choke off the borough’s access to the bridge, and they provide the strongest indication yet that it was part of a politically-motivated vendetta – a notion that Christie has publicly denied.
In mid-August, just a few weeks before the lane closures, Bridget Anne Kelly, one of three deputies on Christie’s senior staff, emailed David Wildstein, the top Christie executive at the Port Authority who ordered the closures.

“Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,”
she told him. “Got it,” he replied.
'Explosive documents' connect Christie, bridge scandal | MSNBC

Christie cancelled his only public appearance today. He's got some splainin' to do.

To which we say: Please proceed, Governor...
Shades of Chicago thuggery:

Top Christie Staff Sought Lane Closings as Revenge

Using vital thoroughfares to lean on people for endorsements?


The emails indicate that Mr. Christie’s staff and his associates at the Port Authority were closely aware of the political context. Mr. Christie, a Republican, was leaning on local Democratic officials to endorse his re-election bid so that he could then seek his party’s presidential nominationby arguing that he was the candidate who could attract bipartisan support in a blue state.

Mr. Christie won re-election in November by 22 points, and instantly became a leading candidate for his party’s presidential nomination by winning across many demographic groups. His campaign boasted that he had been endorsed by more than 50 local Democratic officials.

But the documents released Wednesday underscore what Republicans as well as Democrats in New Jersey have long said about the governor: that he is a bully who wields fear and favor to get what he wants, and lashes out at even the smallest perceived slights.

During the campaign, as Mr. Christie and his associates leaned on Democratic local officials for endorsements, many mayors whispered that they feared the governor would withhold money or favor if they did not go along. Even Republican lawmakers who have supported Mr. Christie tell stories of being punished when he perceived them as not supporting him enough.


And this makes him different from every other politician...how?
Expect some senior staff to fall on their swords soon.
Expect some senior staff to fall on their swords soon.
This is going to smack him in his robust derriere:

"In December, Christie told reporters he'd spoken to everybody in his senior staff and that they'd assured him they were not involved in the lane closures.

"I've made it very clear to everybody on my senior staff that if anyone had any knowledge about this that they needed to come forward and tell me about it and they've all assured me that they don't," he said at that time.

Christie also said his campaign manager, Bill Stepien, also knew nothing about them—although the emails contain extensive commentary to the contrary."

Emails Tie Top Christie Aides to GW Bridge Scandal - WNYC
Up until now he claimed neither he or his staff had anything to do with this. Now some pretty damning emails have come out showing his staff laughing about it -- and well, it's not looking too good for the upcoming Pressy hopeful.

The Bergen Record”s Shawn Boburg published details that connect the scandal to the governor’s office in ways that raise the stakes of the controversy considerably.
A cache of private messages between Governor’s Christie’s deputy chief of staff and his two top executives at the Port Authority reveal a vindictive effort to create “traffic problems in Fort Lee,” apparent pleasure at the resulting gridlock, and insults used to refer to the borough’s mayor, who had failed to endorse Christie for re-election.

The documents obtained by The Record also raise serious doubts about months of claims by the Christie administration that the September closures of local access lanes to the George Washington Bridge were part of a traffic study initiated solely by the Port Authority. Instead, they show that one of the governor’s top aides was deeply involved in the decision to choke off the borough’s access to the bridge, and they provide the strongest indication yet that it was part of a politically-motivated vendetta – a notion that Christie has publicly denied.

In mid-August, just a few weeks before the lane closures, Bridget Anne Kelly, one of three deputies on Christie’s senior staff, emailed David Wildstein, the top Christie executive at the Port Authority who ordered the closures.

“Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” she told him. “Got it,” he replied.
'Explosive documents' connect Christie, bridge scandal | MSNBC

Christie cancelled his only public appearance today. He's got some splainin' to do.

To which we say: Please proceed, Governor...
Christie lost me when he had two state elections about a month apart. Elections are not free. They cost money and Christie could have saved the state of New Jersey a bunch of money by combining the two elections. However, Christie did not want to be on a ballot with Cory Booker despite the fact Christie and Booker were not running against each other. If he would throw away the state of New Jersey's money without any concern, why should I trust him with my tax money
The absolutely last thing this country needs is a vindictive president who can put his finger on the "button" if he gets pissed!
The republicans better warm up the clown car.

there is a lot of clowns in line for this next show
Shades of Chicago thuggery:

Top Christie Staff Sought Lane Closings as Revenge

Using vital thoroughfares to lean on people for endorsements?


The emails indicate that Mr. Christie’s staff and his associates at the Port Authority were closely aware of the political context. Mr. Christie, a Republican, was leaning on local Democratic officials to endorse his re-election bid so that he could then seek his party’s presidential nominationby arguing that he was the candidate who could attract bipartisan support in a blue state.

Mr. Christie won re-election in November by 22 points, and instantly became a leading candidate for his party’s presidential nomination by winning across many demographic groups. His campaign boasted that he had been endorsed by more than 50 local Democratic officials.

But the documents released Wednesday underscore what Republicans as well as Democrats in New Jersey have long said about the governor: that he is a bully who wields fear and favor to get what he wants, and lashes out at even the smallest perceived slights.

During the campaign, as Mr. Christie and his associates leaned on Democratic local officials for endorsements, many mayors whispered that they feared the governor would withhold money or favor if they did not go along. Even Republican lawmakers who have supported Mr. Christie tell stories of being punished when he perceived them as not supporting him enough.


And this makes him different from every other politician...how?

So cynical. Obama's legacy was supposed to be so much more. :(
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"I've made it very clear to everybody on my senior staff that if anyone had any knowledge about this that they needed to come forward and tell me about it and they've all assured me that they don't," he said at that time.

He covered his derriere with that statement. Now he will fire the senior staffer.
The only politics in Jersey is corruption. You don't become governor just because you have off-the-cuff oratory skills. A buddy of mine owns a large scale contracting firm and has divulged that the way he got contracts was by handing over envelopes of cash. That's how you win a bid. That's Jersey.
"I've made it very clear to everybody on my senior staff that if anyone had any knowledge about this that they needed to come forward and tell me about it and they've all assured me that they don't," he said at that time.

He covered his derriere with that statement. Now he will fire the senior staffer.
I don't think so. His top staff were obviously way involved and it shows poor management skills if people he picked were dishonest to him like that. Not to mention some of the horrible things they said. Those emails are pretty damaging.

Also, his "nothing to see here, move along" attitude about it -- on either side of it, will add 150 pounds to the weight around his ankles.

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