Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources

The woman was shot in cold blood.

that is murder.
No, she was shot in the commission of a crime.

She was somewhere she shouldn't have been doing something she shouldn't have attempted (to breach a LOCKED door by going through it's widow which had just been broken out by one of her cohorts).

That's why she was shot and shooting someone in defense of yourself or another is lawful and therefore cannot be murder.
No, she was shot in the commission of a crime.

She was somewhere she shouldn't have been doing something she shouldn't have attempted (to breach a LOCKED door by going through it's widow which had just been broken out by one of her cohorts).

That's why she was shot and shooting someone in defense of yourself or another is lawful and therefore cannot be murder.
then by this account and criteria, you'd feel oknwith shooting antifa and blm for their simular activities?
then by this account and criteria, you'd feel oknwith shooting antifa and blm for their simular activities?
When did members of antifa and BLM storm the U.S. Capital and try to get their hands on members of Congress and former Vice President Pence?

Crimes against persons are considered more grave than crimes against property and crimes against members of the presidential cabinet and congress are especially grave.
When did members of antifa and BLM storm the U.S. Capital and try to get their hands on members of Congress and former Vice President Pence?

Crimes against persons are considered more grave than crimes against property and crimes against members of the presidential cabinet and congress are especially grave.
that isn't what you said:

"She was somewhere she shouldn't have been doing something she shouldn't have attempted (to breach a LOCKED door by going through it's widow which had just been broken out by one of her cohorts)."

antifa / blm should not be burning down gov buildings, private businesses and the like. or are you saying they SHOULD be there, doing that?

antifa and blm were shooting people in the head for not daring to fully stop at their illegal protests in the middle of the streets.

you spin yourself into a lot of hypocritical corners, son.
No, she was shot in the commission of a crime.

She was somewhere she shouldn't have been doing something she shouldn't have attempted (to breach a LOCKED door by going through it's widow which had just been broken out by one of her cohorts).

That's why she was shot and shooting someone in defense of yourself or another is lawful and therefore cannot be murder.
What a defence... Wow, now why can't you and your cohort's apply the same defence when it comes to the majority of our fine police officers out their trying to save your aces ??
that isn't what you said:

"She was somewhere she shouldn't have been doing something she shouldn't have attempted (to breach a LOCKED door by going through it's widow which had just been broken out by one of her cohorts)."

antifa / blm should not be burning down gov buildings, private businesses and the like. or are you saying they SHOULD be there, doing that?

antifa and blm were shooting people in the head for not daring to fully stop at their illegal protests in the middle of the streets.

The two situations are not the same and I explained all of what you're claiming above when I stated the following:
When did members of antifa and BLM storm the U.S. Capital and try to get their hands on members of Congress and former Vice President Pence?

Crimes against persons are considered more grave than crimes against property and crimes against members of the presidential cabinet and congress are especially grave.
I have no information regarding Antifa and BLM members "shooting people in the head" during any "illegal" protests. However I would be very surprised to find that they did so WITHOUT being arrested and charged for those crimes. Are you stating that there are people going around committing murder and the police knowing who they are, are refusing to to arrest and charge them?

I thought I made it clear for you when I stated that the police are granted powers by the State that people who are not law enforcement officers do not possess. Those include the powers of investigations, arrest, detention and the use of force, up to and including deadly force, although the laws of self-defense are the same for both law enforcement and civilians. There must be a imminent (immediate) threat of gross bodily harm or death to onesself or another to lawfully use deadly force and then claim self-defense. There are a few other elements that are used to adjust whether the shooter's perception of the threat was "reasonable" or not given the set of circumstances he was in, but that's the standard that is used.

This is why a police shooting is presumed to be lawful unless and until otherwise adjudicated to the contrary because they have been granted use of force powers by the state. In the instance of the Capital shooting, the officer was investigated by two different agencies and both cleared him of any wrong doing. I'm not oblivious to the fact that many of you are unhappy with this determination, especially since the officer is a black man who shot a white woman (this has been stated by many U.S. Message Board members).

Being a part of a mob is always dangerous in my opinion, because you can get injured by being trampled, or get caught up in the frenzy and end up arrested or shot like Ashli did however she was an active participant in the mayhem.

By the way are you aware that it's a crime to intentionally scare or try to scare people?
no delusional hillbilly you lie if you claim president Trump told anyone in that crowd to attack anything
If this had been Clinton or another democrat you'd be fully able to understand how trumps words inspired the insurrection.
What a defence... Wow, now why can't you and your cohort's apply the same defence when it comes to the majority of our fine police officers out their trying to save your aces ??
This is a false equivalence. You guys have tried every lie to make yourselves victims but Babbitt was shot for trying to go through a busted window in an attempt to attack congressional members.
so, people are willing to break the law for an insurrection to overthrow the government but they won't break gun laws to have one to use in said effort.

God DAMN you are stupid.
They had guns.

The capital officers testified to congress that they were outnumbered and outgunned. That if they had shot anyone, they would have had massive casualties as result of a gun battle.
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The two situations are not the same and I explained all of what you're claiming above when I stated the following:

I have no information regarding Antifa and BLM members "shooting people in the head" during any "illegal" protests. However I would be very surprised to find that they did so WITHOUT being arrested and charged for those crimes. Are you stating that there are people going around committing murder and the police knowing who they are, are refusing to to arrest and charge them?

I thought I made it clear for you when I stated that the police are granted powers by the State that people who are not law enforcement officers do not possess. Those include the powers of investigations, arrest, detention and the use of force, up to and including deadly force, although the laws of self-defense are the same for both law enforcement and civilians. There must be a imminent (immediate) threat of gross bodily harm or death to onesself or another to lawfully use deadly force and then claim self-defense. There are a few other elements that are used to adjust whether the shooter's perception of the threat was "reasonable" or not given the set of circumstances he was in, but that's the standard that is used.

This is why a police shooting is presumed to be lawful unless and until otherwise adjudicated to the contrary because they have been granted use of force powers by the state. In the instance of the Capital shooting, the officer was investigated by two different agencies and both cleared him of any wrong doing. I'm not oblivious to the fact that many of you are unhappy with this determination, especially since the officer is a black man who shot a white woman (this has been stated by many U.S. Message Board members).

Being a part of a mob is always dangerous in my opinion, because you can get injured by being trampled, or get caught up in the frenzy and end up arrested or shot like Ashli did however she was an active participant in the mayhem.

By the way are you aware that it's a crime to intentionally scare or try to scare people?
im not playing your assumption of racism games.
I'm just saying that if he told them to do it there should be evidence beyond them simply saying so.
Yes, I would agree, in a court of law. Mafia bosses would also all get away with their coded language, without the patterns established in RICO cases. So trump is almost certainly free of legal consequences for doing exactly what we all know he did.

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