Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history

By repeating your lies you prove just what you are.

More projection. And you’re still off topic you appalling retard.

I understand you lack any hope of ever having any grasp on this topic. But still. You’re free not to post at all

Now, go practice dying. 👍😎
More projection. And you’re still off topic you appalling retard.

I understand you lack any hope of ever having any grasp on this topic. But still. You’re free not to post at all

Now, go practice dying. 👍😎

So you cheat on your wife, and that makes you toxic? If he did, and that is the gauge, where were you when Bill (the stud meister) Clinton was running for election? Were you even alive/born/etc?

If you were not, you are wet behind the ears. If you were, you are a phony-e-baloney. Either way, you should be discounted!
So you cheat on your wife, and that makes you toxic? If he did, and that is the gauge, where were you when Bill (the stud meister) Clinton was running for election? Were you even alive/born/etc?

If you were not, you are wet behind the ears. If you were, you are a phony-e-baloney. Either way, you should be discounted!

I don’t know if the mushrooms you’ve been smoking and eating are helping your mental state out at all.

You seem to be replying to me about a post I didn’t make and a comment I never make.

Maybe try posting sober sometime.
More projection. And you’re still off topic you appalling retard.

I understand you lack any hope of ever having any grasp on this topic. But still. You’re free not to post at all

Now, go practice dying. 👍😎
Go suck on a gas pipe after you kiss Dotard's ass goodbye, brown nose.

Go suck on a gas pipe after you kiss Dotard's ass goodbye, brown nose.

I realize you’re not smart enough to write anything intelligent. But whoever writes your material is at least as stupid as you are. If you pay him her or it, you’re being badly ripped off. 👍
The death and destruction those three assholes have caused is enormous, but few Americans seem to care.

They did do a great job of enriching the 1%, while impoverishing the rest of us.
Wait a minute, wait a minute - we ain't seen WW3 yet!

His trade war was a disaster, mostly because he choose to fight it against the whole world instead of just China.

Actually his trade was with China was starting to pay dividends. The US was in a position of strength.

His spending was no better than that of a Dem, he essentially doubled the deficit, before COVID.

Yes, spending has been an issue for every President for quite some time, though he did manage to increase tax revenue by cutting taxes, which is the appropriate way to do so.

He issued an anti-2nd amendment EO

He banned bump stocks. I didn’t like that one. However, he did some things that favored gun owners as well.

His foreign policy was chaotic at best, sucking up to dictators while pissing off our allies.

His foriegn policy put the US in a position of strength. Allies were pissed off because they were being called out when they were taking advantage of the US. Trump sucked up to dictators only in an attempt to get something from them. For every time he told Kim Jong-Un that he was brilliant, he told him that he had a bigger button and would blow him off the face of the planet if he got any ideas. Our current administration is very, very weak. Some of our allies are happier because we are back to letting them step all over us. No adversary has any fear of us whatsoever. A weak US leads to an unstable world, which is exactly why we are where we are now.

To name a few, but your question is akin to asking, "other than giving up those 12 runs, what else did the pitcher do wrong"

Continuing with your baseball analogy, COVID was like a new pitch that no hitter had seen in many decades, if ever. There were some strikeouts, which could be expected. The “fans”(Democrats) in the stands were all experts and were sure they could have hit a home run once they finished their hot dogs and beer. It also didn’t help that these same “fans” had laser pointers, attempting to disrupt the hitter with every pitch. To paraphrase Mike Tyson, everybody’s got a pan until they get hit in the mouth.
Trump was indeed the worst president ever. On top of that, the most corrupt. As a country we must Wake up.

Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history​

Donald Trump's efforts to arouse hate and undermine elections make him the worst president in U.S. history, according to a Washington Post columnist.

Jennifer Rubin, a self-described ex-conservative, writes that the 45th president and his MAGA mantra pines to return to a golden age back in time.

"Wielding nostalgia for a bygone era — one that is invariably mischaracterized — is a favorite weapon for fascist movements (Make America Great Again), harking back to a time before their nation was “polluted” by malign forces," she writes.

But Rubin contends too may are experiencing selective amnesia, propping up the good and erasing the bad of the 1950s, an era to which conservatives would like to see the nation return.

"What we have not had before is a president who rejected democracy, attempted to retain power by force and wound up indicted on 91 criminal counts," according to Rubin. "So yes, four-times-indicted Donald Trump was worse than every president who preceded him.

Sour grapes.
Worst. President. EVAH!

I am not going to waste by time debating these points. Some are valid, most are simply misinformation.

Trump policies were LIGHT years ahead of Biden’s. The country and the world are in far worse shape than Trump’s 3 years. Anybody with a lick of common sense knows this. They also know that COVID was a major curve ball. We have zero indication that dementia Joe would have had any clue what to do if presented with such a novel issue.
Trump was indeed the worst president ever. On top of that, the most corrupt. As a country we must Wake up.

Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history​

Donald Trump's efforts to arouse hate and undermine elections make him the worst president in U.S. history, according to a Washington Post columnist.

Jennifer Rubin, a self-described ex-conservative, writes that the 45th president and his MAGA mantra pines to return to a golden age back in time.

"Wielding nostalgia for a bygone era — one that is invariably mischaracterized — is a favorite weapon for fascist movements (Make America Great Again), harking back to a time before their nation was “polluted” by malign forces," she writes.

But Rubin contends too may are experiencing selective amnesia, propping up the good and erasing the bad of the 1950s, an era to which conservatives would like to see the nation return.

"What we have not had before is a president who rejected democracy, attempted to retain power by force and wound up indicted on 91 criminal counts," according to Rubin. "So yes, four-times-indicted Donald Trump was worse than every president who preceded him.

Trump was indeed the worst president ever. On top of that, the most corrupt. As a country we must Wake up.

Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history​

Donald Trump's efforts to arouse hate and undermine elections make him the worst president in U.S. history, according to a Washington Post columnist.

Jennifer Rubin, a self-described ex-conservative, writes that the 45th president and his MAGA mantra pines to return to a golden age back in time.

"Wielding nostalgia for a bygone era — one that is invariably mischaracterized — is a favorite weapon for fascist movements (Make America Great Again), harking back to a time before their nation was “polluted” by malign forces," she writes.

But Rubin contends too may are experiencing selective amnesia, propping up the good and erasing the bad of the 1950s, an era to which conservatives would like to see the nation return.

"What we have not had before is a president who rejected democracy, attempted to retain power by force and wound up indicted on 91 criminal counts," according to Rubin. "So yes, four-times-indicted Donald Trump was worse than every president who preceded him.

How was Trump corrupt?
Actually his trade was with China was starting to pay dividends. The US was in a position of strength.

Neither of those were true, it was not doing anything but hurting the US and we were not in a position of strength because instead of getting the rest of the world to join in on our trade war with China Trump started a trade war with the whole fucking world.

Yes, spending has been an issue for every President for quite some time, though he did manage to increase tax revenue by cutting taxes, which is the appropriate way to do so.

Tax revenue goes up 9 years out of 10, tax cuts or not. Revenue went up slower each year after the tax cuts than before.

His foriegn policy put the US in a position of strength.

The US cannot be in a position of strength when we stand alone and tell everyone else to fuck off and die.

Trump sucked up to dictators only in an attempt to get something from them. For every time he told Kim Jong-Un that he was brilliant, he told him that he had a bigger button and would blow him off the face of the planet if he got any ideas

But he never got anything from them. He sucked up to Un and got nothing in return, he canceled training exercises and got nothing in return. What Trump did was give Un legitimacy and put himself and Un on the same level.

Continuing with your baseball analogy, COVID was like a new pitch that no hitter had seen in many decades, if ever. There were some strikeouts, which could be expected.

Yet somehow the hitters in other countries were able to know what to do and limit the strikeouts.
Trump was indeed the worst president ever. On top of that, the most corrupt. As a country we must Wake up.

Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history​

Donald Trump's efforts to arouse hate and undermine elections make him the worst president in U.S. history, according to a Washington Post columnist.

Jennifer Rubin, a self-described ex-conservative, writes that the 45th president and his MAGA mantra pines to return to a golden age back in time.

"Wielding nostalgia for a bygone era — one that is invariably mischaracterized — is a favorite weapon for fascist movements (Make America Great Again), harking back to a time before their nation was “polluted” by malign forces," she writes.

But Rubin contends too may are experiencing selective amnesia, propping up the good and erasing the bad of the 1950s, an era to which conservatives would like to see the nation return.

"What we have not had before is a president who rejected democracy, attempted to retain power by force and wound up indicted on 91 criminal counts," according to Rubin. "So yes, four-times-indicted Donald Trump was worse than every president who preceded him.

This wench needs to explain just how the left tards are going to fund their socialist UTOPIA when they succeed at tearing down the republic. Democrats Tear down with no idea for the future because they are dreamers.
Why was Trump the worst president ever? What are your top 5 reasons that qualify him for this outcome?
There's a lot to choose from but here goes.

1. The multifaceted plot to retain power, obviously. Call it a failed coup, an insurrection, what ever you call it the unprecedented nature of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected prez is unique in US history.

2. Undermining faith in elections. Undermining faith in our intel agencies. Undermining faith in our bedrock institutions..........all for political gain.

3. Shattering the unwritten rules and conventions for democratic governance that are not specified in law.

4. The disorienting, constant chaos. Everything from the revolving door of cabinet appointees to firing Comey to refusing to cooperate with congressional investigations to causing a rise in politically motivated violence to routinely firing IG's to injecting himself in Fed policy...........etc.

5. Incompetent governance. The failed COVID response, the failure of the tax cut to achieve its stated goals, the alienation of allies, the failed trade war, failed immigration policy, failed gun policy, etc.
There's a lot to choose from but here goes.

1. The multifaceted plot to retain power, obviously. Call it a failed coup, an insurrection, what ever you call it the unprecedented nature of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected prez is unique in US history.

2. Undermining faith in elections. Undermining faith in our intel agencies. Undermining faith in our bedrock institutions..........all for political gain.

3. Shattering the unwritten rules and conventions for democratic governance that are not specified in law.

4. The disorienting, constant chaos. Everything from the revolving door of cabinet appointees to firing Comey to refusing to cooperate with congressional investigations to causing a rise in politically motivated violence to routinely firing IG's to injecting himself in Fed policy...........etc.

5. Incompetent governance. The failed COVID response, the failure of the tax cut to achieve its stated goals, the alienation of allies, the failed trade war, failed immigration policy, failed gun policy, etc.
All adding up to BLAH.

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