Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history

When we move on from enemy democrats into objectivity, I'll pay attention to historians.
You mean when America is taken over by the new Nazi party Trump's heading? Yes, then you can rewrite history like suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russia. He just didn't get caught. Same way Michael Cohen and Sidney Powell were caught breaking the law for Trump but Trump himself has yet to answer for it.

And now he's asking the Supreme Court if he can be above the law?

And Mitch McConnell who said he was responsible for the insurrection, is now backing him? Wow! Nazi's. Or, you remind me a lot of Putin supporters. I suspect 45% of Russians love Putin just like 45% of Americans love Trump. See you in November bitch!
You mean when America is taken over by the new Nazi party Trump's heading? Yes, then you can rewrite history like suggesting Trump didn't collude with Russia. He just didn't get caught. Same way Michael Cohen and Sidney Powell were caught breaking the law for Trump but Trump himself has yet to answer for it.

And now he's asking the Supreme Court if he can be above the law?

And Mitch McConnell who said he was responsible for the insurrection, is now backing him? Wow! Nazi's. Or, you remind me a lot of Putin supporters. I suspect 45% of Russians love Putin just like 45% of Americans love Trump. See you in November bitch!
Putin is better than Biden. Russians are better than democrats. Hell, Nazis were better than democrats. Democrats need to be buried under salted earth so that nothing grows in the purification. We start in November.
Putin is better than Biden. Russians are better than democrats. Hell, Nazis were better than democrats. Democrats need to be buried under salted earth so that nothing grows in the purification. We start in November.
So.............What are you waiting for?


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You might get to meet your dear leader's daddy.

Putin is better than Biden. Russians are better than democrats. Hell, Nazis were better than democrats. Democrats need to be buried under salted earth so that nothing grows in the purification. We start in November.

Yes we know you like Putin and his ways better than Democracy.

Now, not only do I see how the Nazi's took over, or how Putin manages to stay in power, but I also see now why or how we got into a civil war with each other. I would totally shoot at you in a war and not be sorry when my bullet hit you. Just being honest.

The sad thing is my nephew would be on your side. And I love him.
Yes we know you like Putin and his ways better than Democracy.

Now, not only do I see how the Nazi's took over, or how Putin manages to stay in power, but I also see now why or how we got into a civil war with each other. I would totally shoot at you in a war and not be sorry when my bullet hit you. Just being honest.

The sad thing is my nephew would be on your side. And I love him.
While I would enjoy shooting you. I find a knife more personal. So, knee shots only. Whoever would have thought that democrats would become so evil that they actually worshipped Satan and killed babies?
While I would enjoy shooting you. I find a knife more personal. So, knee shots only. Whoever would have thought that democrats would become so evil that they actually worshipped Satan and killed babies?

Who ever thought Republicans would move so far to the right. Remember Nixon admitted there were times when abortion was necessary. He said:

I know there are times when abortions are necessary, he tells an aide, I know that - when you have a black and a white, or a rape.
Yes we know you like Putin and his ways better than Democracy.

Now, not only do I see how the Nazi's took over, or how Putin manages to stay in power, but I also see now why or how we got into a civil war with each other. I would totally shoot at you in a war and not be sorry when my bullet hit you. Just being honest.

The sad thing is my nephew would be on your side. And I love him.
When the time comes the smart people will know on who and who not to trust. In that time, many will die due to adoration to the party propaganda.
When we're gone and it's just you and Putin supporters left in the world, then you'll go after them. When it's just Trump supporters left then you'll start taking out anyone like Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis.
When you're gone America will be great again.
When you're gone America will be great again.

Trump lost the popular vote twice. You better get started. Also you lost elections to Democrats in Ohio, Virginia and Kentucky last year. Not a good sign for you.

I suspect you guys will rage after you lose but like the Civil War, we control the Federal Government. Lincoln then, Biden now. You tried to insurrect when Trump was in charge but the military, Pence, Secret service, even most of Trump's inner circle wouldn't go along. It was too obvious Trump lost bad to go along. Perhaps it will be closer and they'll go along this year. We know Mitch will go along with a criminal president. mitch said Trump was guilty of insiting the insurrection but he wasn't president so he wouldn't convict him. But ff to today Mitch is no endorsing him? What a slimeball.
Trump lost the popular vote twice. You better get started. Also you lost elections to Democrats in Ohio, Virginia and Kentucky last year. Not a good sign for you.

I suspect you guys will rage after you lose but like the Civil War, we control the Federal Government. Lincoln then, Biden now. You tried to insurrect when Trump was in charge but the military, Pence, Secret service, even most of Trump's inner circle wouldn't go along. It was too obvious Trump lost bad to go along. Perhaps it will be closer and they'll go along this year. We know Mitch will go along with a criminal president. mitch said Trump was guilty of insiting the insurrection but he wasn't president so he wouldn't convict him. But ff to today Mitch is no endorsing him? What a slimeball.
Yes yes yes. We all know that democrats rig votes.
Yes yes yes. We all know that democrats rig votes.

I think Kentucky is rigged. How else do you explain this?

Office: Governor of Kentucky since 2019
Party: Democratic Party

Andy Beshear

In 1992 and 1996, Kentucky went in favor of the Democratic nominee for president. That person was former governor of Arkansas and the 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton.

But since then they vote GOP? I don't buy it. Bush rigged 2000, 2004 and why shouldn't we believe Kentucky is rigged too? So Ohio, Florida and Kentucky. Rigged.
Democrats can't win a fair election.
Not even Bill Clinton? Why? Ask yourself why that is.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
Not even Bill Clinton? Why? Ask yourself why that is.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
What has Clinton got to do with democrats destroying the country today?

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