Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history

DTS,, deranged Trump supporter. You lie and deny everything trump did that failed. There is no TDS, there are Americans who oppose an asswipe who wants to destroy our democracy.
Exposing criminals and traitors will destroy the Democratic Party...but it is NOT the same as "destroying democracy". It's SAVING democracy.
There's a lot to choose from but here goes.

1. The multifaceted plot to retain power, obviously. Call it a failed coup, an insurrection, what ever you call it the unprecedented nature of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected prez is unique in US history.
This is bloated .. as many of us know.

2. Undermining faith in elections. Undermining faith in our intel agencies. Undermining faith in our bedrock institutions..........all for political gain.
Like Stacy Abrams did or the Minority House Leader? Election deniers?

3. Shattering the unwritten rules and conventions for democratic governance that are not specified in law.

4. The disorienting, constant chaos. Everything from the revolving door of cabinet appointees to firing Comey to refusing to cooperate with congressional investigations to causing a rise in politically motivated violence to routinely firing IG's to injecting himself in Fed policy...........etc.
What administration doesn't have a revolving door of officials? Sam Brinton? Press Secretary? Other?
5. Incompetent governance. The failed COVID response, the failure of the tax cut to achieve its stated goals, the alienation of allies, the failed trade war, failed immigration policy, failed gun policy, etc.
What specific examples do you have of each of these accusations? Trump was far better on Second Amendment rights than the Biden Administration -- who has setup a specific committee, headed by the incompetent VP, that will go nowhere except confiscation of firearms: implicitly and explicitly.
Trump was indeed the worst president ever. On top of that, the most corrupt. As a country we must Wake up.

Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history​

Donald Trump's efforts to arouse hate and undermine elections make him the worst president in U.S. history, according to a Washington Post columnist.

Jennifer Rubin, a self-described ex-conservative, writes that the 45th president and his MAGA mantra pines to return to a golden age back in time.

"Wielding nostalgia for a bygone era — one that is invariably mischaracterized — is a favorite weapon for fascist movements (Make America Great Again), harking back to a time before their nation was “polluted” by malign forces," she writes.

But Rubin contends too may are experiencing selective amnesia, propping up the good and erasing the bad of the 1950s, an era to which conservatives would like to see the nation return.

"What we have not had before is a president who rejected democracy, attempted to retain power by force and wound up indicted on 91 criminal counts," according to Rubin. "So yes, four-times-indicted Donald Trump was worse than every president who preceded him.

Pretty easy call.
  • Fact
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Why would I invest the time in research to disprove a questionable point you've made?
You won't, because it isn't questionable, it's factual.

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Why would I invest the time in research to disprove a questionable point you've made? Tell us the why .. instead of regurgitation of talking points.
There is nothing questionable about the fake elector scheme.

Like Stacy Abrams did or the Minority House Leader? Election deniers?
Try not ignoring that Governor Kemp purged 300,000 people from the voter rolls in that first election.

What administration doesn't have a revolving door of officials? Sam Brinton? Press Secretary? Other?
No other administration in recent times had the turnover trump did.

What specific examples do you have of each of these accusations? Trump was far better on Second Amendment rights than the Biden Administration -- who has setup a specific committee, headed by the incompetent VP, that will go nowhere except confiscation of firearms: implicitly and explicitly.

Harris is more competent than Pence. But here we see the double standard. We know why this is so, but we'll get plausible deniability.
Man, fuck you. You guys have no proof of any crime bt Joe Biden, no proof of a stolen electioon but you swear both happened and yyet you want us to show you proof of everything. The mf stood behind a podium teling his supporters the election was stolen, they were losing their country, they must fight and to go to the capital and he would go with them. That's proof.

Still acting all bad and shyte?
I'm not the delusional one. Gaslighting doesn't work here b. There was an insurrectioon on 1-6 orchestrated by trump. And that's the way it is.

Prove it, get somebody charged with it.
Trump made the agreement with the Taliban and had Biden not pulled out more than 13 soldiers would have died. Secondly Biden pulled us out of a war started by a Republican who had no exit plan and left it behind for other presidents to handle. There is proof that trump incited an insurrection. All you're doing is repeating right wing crap. The corrupt country Biden and the leaders of NATO are trying to stop is Russia. Biden did not create the inflation and his administration has not created record anything else. The immigration problem is on congress, they pass laws and this republican congress isn't doing shit but feeding people like you conspiracy theories. We don't have to walk around with masks on, and we aren't waiting in long lines for boxes of food like we were doing before trump left. We are better off now than we were 4 years ago and we do not need to re-elect a lying con man who will stand behind a podium taking credit for another economy he did not create while you dumb asses cosign his every lie.

There is proof that trump incited an insurrection

Show us.

President Donald Trump threatened Thursday to “put … down very quickly” riots on election night should aggrieved Democrats take to the streets in the wake of his potential victory.


“We’ll put them down very quickly if they do that. We have the right to do that. We have the power to do that, if we want,” Trump said.

“Look, it’s called insurrection,”
he added. “We just send in, and we do it very easy. I mean, it’s very easy. I’d rather not do that because there’s no reason for it, but if we had to, we’d do that and put it down within minutes.”

‘We’ll put them down very quickly’: Trump threatens to quash election night riots

So like I said, by Trump's very own definition, January 6 was an insurrection.

He also said he would "put down very quickly" an insurrection by Democrats who took to the streets in the wake of his victory.

And he yet jerked off for over three hours during the MAGA insurrection while people were dying.

The blood of the five people who died that day are on Trump's hands.

You really are an ignorant liar. Your source tells you he was only talking about Dems in the streets if he would win.

He also said he would "put down very quickly" an insurrection by Democrats who took to the streets in the wake of his victory.
Trump was indeed the worst president ever. On top of that, the most corrupt. As a country we must Wake up.

Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history​

Donald Trump's efforts to arouse hate and undermine elections make him the worst president in U.S. history, according to a Washington Post columnist.

Jennifer Rubin, a self-described ex-conservative, writes that the 45th president and his MAGA mantra pines to return to a golden age back in time.

"Wielding nostalgia for a bygone era — one that is invariably mischaracterized — is a favorite weapon for fascist movements (Make America Great Again), harking back to a time before their nation was “polluted” by malign forces," she writes.

But Rubin contends too may are experiencing selective amnesia, propping up the good and erasing the bad of the 1950s, an era to which conservatives would like to see the nation return.

"What we have not had before is a president who rejected democracy, attempted to retain power by force and wound up indicted on 91 criminal counts," according to Rubin. "So yes, four-times-indicted Donald Trump was worse than every president who preceded him.

She's a Jew, I'm surprised you do not hate her.
Actually it’s the sign of a sad and rather disturbed mind that needs to realize there is more to life than Trump. I sincerely hope they at some point come to that realization but I’m not holding out much hope for that.
That applies to Biden.
Trump was indeed the worst president ever. On top of that, the most corrupt. As a country we must Wake up.

Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history​

Donald Trump's efforts to arouse hate and undermine elections make him the worst president in U.S. history, according to a Washington Post columnist.

Jennifer Rubin, a self-described ex-conservative, writes that the 45th president and his MAGA mantra pines to return to a golden age back in time.

"Wielding nostalgia for a bygone era — one that is invariably mischaracterized — is a favorite weapon for fascist movements (Make America Great Again), harking back to a time before their nation was “polluted” by malign forces," she writes.

But Rubin contends too may are experiencing selective amnesia, propping up the good and erasing the bad of the 1950s, an era to which conservatives would like to see the nation return.

"What we have not had before is a president who rejected democracy, attempted to retain power by force and wound up indicted on 91 criminal counts," according to Rubin. "So yes, four-times-indicted Donald Trump was worse than every president who preceded him.

There's no such thing as an ex conservative. And ex Republican, maybe. But definitely not a conservative.
Four years of peace, economic prosperity and energy security. Trump was one of the two best presidents in my lifetime. I look forward to voting for him again.

Not according to historians

Each respondent was asked to grade current and former presidents on 10 characteristics, including administrative skills, moral authority and economic management.

Joe ranked 14th

Trump did get top marks in one category, though, ranking number one among "most polarizing" presidents.
Not according to historians

Each respondent was asked to grade current and former presidents on 10 characteristics, including administrative skills, moral authority and economic management.

Joe ranked 14th

Trump did get top marks in one category, though, ranking number one among "most polarizing" presidents.
When we move on from enemy democrats into objectivity, I'll pay attention to historians.

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