Every Classroom Should Have Heavily Armed Teachers In It

Um, well, I wish it was pure fantasy. I can assure you that it's not.

And that's as far as I'll go in trying to convince you of the validity of my experience. I honestly don't give a flying fuck if you believe me or not.

The simple truth is that you don't want to hear about people using guns to protect themselves. You're afraid of guns. I get it. Well, no need to worry that little pointed head of yours, Kitten; no one's going to ask you to carry a gun. In fact, it would probably be wise if they insisted that you don't.

The reality is that people use guns to protect themselves all the time. t happened to me, and it happens to people a lot more often than you think. Your posts in this thread make it clear that you're content with becoming a victim, and that you have little interest in protecting the children in your charge. What's worse, is that you don't want other teachers to be in a position to do that, either. Well, fuck you. It's not your place to tell someone that they can't protect children when you won't. Get out of their way and leave them alone.

You're disgusting...
You’re a certifiable nut job. If you passed a background check then the background check process is seriously flawed. Put your bullet back in your pocket Barney. Seek help.
You are a gun humper. And a Mod Delete/White 6. That's why you're a gun humper, in fact.

thats why you think arming teachers is a good idea. You are so much of an intellectual sissy, that this is the only idea you can even tolerate, in your gun humping brain.
Deleted content as part of double complaint
Gun humper? Boy that's stupid.

Personal attack line delete / White 6

My kid, who's a democrat by the way, has made the decision to arm herself. She was raised around guns. She was taught to use them safely and to respect them. She routinely visits her local gun range to help stay proficient. She has a concealed carry permit in Washington State...

Well, what manner would they choose to try to protect the children in their charge? Harsh language?
Delete line of content in post, Personal attack in zone.
Teachers should want some armed in their schools for their own protection. These don't happen that often, but should it happen HISTORY shows you will wait too long on the police.

To those who are OFFENDED by us saying this.........I don't care.........Our opinion is based on our concern for your safety and the children. Some need to be armed to HOPEFULLY have a better outcome WHEN IT HAPPENS AGAIN..............IT WILL.
You’re a certifiable nut job. If you passed a background check then the background check process is seriously flawed. Put your bullet back in your pocket Barney. Seek help.

So, since you obviously know what every single teacher in America should be allowed to do, I've got a question.

You believe that arming teachers is a bad idea. Okay, I don't agree with that, but I can respect that you have a different opinion than I do. Obviously, you believe that police should do the job. Okay, I get that, too.

The tragic, inescapable reality is that, in Texas, the police didn't do their job. They waited for over an hour to confront Ramos. During that time, Ramos killed 21 people.

My question to you is this: How would having an armed teacher have been a detriment?

Do you really believe it's preferable to allow a crazed gunman to continue his shooting spree unabated? Because that's essentially the position you've taken, and that's why no one here believes you're even remotely interested in protecting the children you allegedly teach...
So, since you obviously know what every single teacher in America should be allowed to do, I've got a question.

You believe that arming teachers is a bad idea. Okay, I don't agree with that, but I can respect that you have a different opinion than I do. Obviously, you believe that police should do the job. Okay, I get that, too.

The tragic, inescapable reality is that, in Texas, the police didn't do their job. They waited for over an hour to confront Ramos. During that time, Ramos killed 21 people.

My question to you is this: How would having an armed teacher have been a detriment?

Do you really believe it's preferable to allow a crazed gunman to continue his shooting spree unabated? Because that's essentially the position you've taken, and that's why no one here believes you're even remotely interested in protecting the children you allegedly teach...
So you believe that educators would do a better job than the police? How do you know this? Yes, this police force did screw up, but that is a separate issue. If 19 cops trained on active shooter responses screw up, a person with an education degree may not be the answer.

To me adding teachers with guns and crossfire is not the right answer.
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So you believe that educators would do a better job than the police? How do you know this? To me adding guns and crossfire is not the right answer.

Pay attention, the math on this is pretty simple:

Had there been an armed teacher, there wouldn't have been any crossfire, because the police waited outside for over an hour.

How would an armed teacher made the situation at Robb Elementary worse?
So you believe that educators would do a better job than the police? How do you know this? Yes, this police force did screw up, but that is a separate issue. If 19 cops trained on active shooter responses screw up, a person with an education degree may not be the answer.

To me adding teachers with guns and crossfire is not the right answer.
So you believe that educators would do a better job than the police?


after all, they are onsite.

Cops are either minutes away, or outside the building.
Well, now that you've edited your post, I'll respond again...

So you believe that educators would do a better job than the police? How do you know this?

How do I know this? Well, because I'm intelligent enough to know that ANY response to the shooter would've been preferable to no response...

Yes, this police force did screw up, but that is a separate issue. If 19 cops trained on active shooter responses screw up, a person with an education degree may not be the answer.

Well, when those 19 cops never even enter the building, a person with an education degree might be the only answer.

And this begs another question (which you'll likely dodge, as well): Why do you believe a teacher can't be properly trained in the use of a firearm? It's not like it's a difficult thing...

To me adding teachers with guns and crossfire is not the right answer.

You continue to be a complete failure at explaining why that is. You talked about crossfire, but that wouldn't have been an issue at all in Texas, simply because the only person shooting would've been the teacher.

So, again, how would an armed teacher have been a detriment at Robb Elementary?
Pay attention, the math on this is pretty simple:

Had there been an armed teacher, there wouldn't have been any crossfire
And you know this, HOW?
, because the police waited outside for over an hour.

How would an armed teacher made the situation at Robb Elementary worse?
Likely made it worse............for her.
That is, unless, IF she was brandishing an AK or AR, herself.
And you know this, HOW?

Wow. Please tell me you're not this goddamn stupid.

The police weren't even in the building. The only person who would've been in a position to shoot at Ramos would've been an armed teacher...

Likely made it worse............for her.
That is, unless, IF she was brandishing an AK or AR, herself.

HOW would it have made it worse?

You people keep saying that it would be bad, but you're utter failures at explaining how or why...
Well, now that you've edited your post, I'll respond again...

How do I know this? Well, because I'm intelligent enough to know that ANY response to the shooter would've been preferable to no response...

Well, when those 19 cops never even enter the building, a person with an education degree might be the only answer.

And this begs another question (which you'll likely dodge, as well): Why do you believe a teacher can't be properly trained in the use of a firearm? It's not like it's a difficult thing...

You continue to be a complete failure at explaining why that is. You talked about crossfire, but that wouldn't have been an issue at all in Texas, simply because the only person shooting would've been the teacher.

So, again, how would an armed teacher have been a detriment at Robb Elementary?
Because, numbnuts.
The first officer o encounter the shooter drove by and was searching for a teacher.
Now you want a teacher who has yet to accurately figure out the personality of a child they have had in their classroom for months to make a snap decision about an armed perpetrator?

I'm just having a hard time believing that they will not add to the mess.

HOW?? How would they "add to the mess"? There were 21 people killed in Texas. It doesn't get much messier than that.

And do you honestly believe that an armed teacher who is properly trained wouldn't know how to react when someone walks into their classroom and starts killing students?
Because, numbnuts.
The first officer o encounter the shooter drove by and was searching for a teacher.

How long was Ramos on his shooting spree before being confronted by law enforcement? I think it's somewhere around 78 minutes.

The police did nothing for over an hour.

We don't know if an armed teacher might have been able to stop Ramos; maybe, maybe not. What we DO know is that armed police officers didn't for over an hour...
Wow. Please tell me you're not this goddamn stupid.
I can believe you are THAT brain dead.
The police weren't even in the building. The only person who would've been in a position to shoot at Ramos would've been an armed teacher...
AND get her gun, get the first shot in , while trying to keep her students safe and "barricaded"?
Retarded want SWAT/teachers?
Should she have made another pot of coffee , whilst she was doing all that?
HOW would it have made it worse?
One more dead body.
You people keep saying that it would be bad, but you're utter failures at explaining how or why...
I can believe you are THAT brain dead.

AND get her gun, get the first shot in , while trying to keep her students safe and "barricaded"?
Retarded want SWAT/teachers?
Should she have made another pot of coffee , whilst she was doing all that?

One more dead body.

You're a fucking moron. Seriously, you're the dumbest, most ignorant asshole on this forum...

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