Europe Sours on Biden

Just a few months ago, the honeymoon seemed in full bloom. President Biden arrived in Brussels in June and was treated like a long-lost friend, happily home after a sojourn in the Trumpian wilderness. “America is back on the global scene,” Charles Michel, president of the European Council, said to Biden in front of the media. “It’s great news. It’s great news for our alliance. It’s also great news for the world.”

As the summer wanes, so too has the transatlantic romance that accompanied Biden’s ascent to power earlier this year.

Monday, the European Union removed the United States from its “safe list” of nations whose residents should not face travel restrictions amid the coronavirus pandemic.

In addition, the sense of catastrophe hanging over the situation in Afghanistan has only added to the long-running discussion over Europe’s need for greater strategic autonomy.

As U.S. leaves Afghanistan, Europe sours on Biden - Quest FmTV
I'd agree if the criticism of Biden was his "sort of saying" America was back to lead the world. We are no longer a superpower with an army that could defeat a cold war power in conventional arms. We are much more in debt than we were when HW confronted Saddam. Or army is a fraction of the size, but we spend more on it. Our dollar is poised for a tanking. And some, if not most, Muslims don't believe in democracy as we do, and some 20% of us don't believe votes are counted.
Because RWNJs won't wear masks or get their shots, not because of anything president Joe did.
Quit fellating The Scamdemic. No Scamdemic has a 99% recovery rate. It only kills the morbidly obese, and unhealthy left tards. Same as the flu or any other illness.
Because RWNJs won't wear masks or get their shots, not because of anything president Joe did.

According to Democrats, we aren't seeing nearly as much flu because people are wearing masks but then, on the other hand, the reason we are seeing an uptick in COVID is that we aren't wearing our masks. That is a conundrum for those of us with IQs higher than our shoe sizes. No worries, ardent Biden worshippers don't fall into this category.
That won't happen, sorry.
We have to care. We have to coordinate responses to China's predatory trade. The EU emits about the same amt of greenhouse gasses as we do. We trade.

But the EU led us into libya and by extension syria. And we led them into Afghan. All but the brits were wise enough to sit out W's Iraq war.

But it's not 1980, and we really don't have that much political/social influence with Muslim countries. I'm not sure Biden's views on world affairs aren't ..... old. But he's the only one in the last three president who actually got us out of that place.
I'll bet Good Old Joe still rates higher than Ol Trumpyberra in most of the world.
Now the Trumpsters are all worried about what Europe thinks.


Not worried, just pointing out the hypocrisy. You don't seem to care what they think now. I wonder why?

Let me put it in simple terms for simple minds. Europe wants what is best for their countries. When Trump asked several of those countries to pitch in their fair share to NATO, they didn't like it because it wasn't good for their countries. Now, they don't like Biden because he left EU soldiers in a lurch because he is a puppet controlled by hard-core lefties and China. In the first case, we applauded Europe's dislike of Trump because we recognized Trump did what was best for the US. In the latter case, we agree with Europe's dislike because Biden's actions aren't good for the US.

Biden supporters are true simpletons that have convinced themselves that they are geniuses. In reality, they only regurgitate what they have been spoon-fed as the gospel truth by the MSM and like-minded, group-thinking professors without applying critical thinking skills. They are obedient, useful idiots.
I'll bet Good Old Joe still rates higher than Ol Trumpyberra in most of the world.

That would only appear to be the case to those with similar IQ levels as ole' demented Joe.
Just a few months ago, the honeymoon seemed in full bloom. President Biden arrived in Brussels in June and was treated like a long-lost friend, happily home after a sojourn in the Trumpian wilderness. “America is back on the global scene,” Charles Michel, president of the European Council, said to Biden in front of the media. “It’s great news. It’s great news for our alliance. It’s also great news for the world.”

As the summer wanes, so too has the transatlantic romance that accompanied Biden’s ascent to power earlier this year.

Monday, the European Union removed the United States from its “safe list” of nations whose residents should not face travel restrictions amid the coronavirus pandemic.

In addition, the sense of catastrophe hanging over the situation in Afghanistan has only added to the long-running discussion over Europe’s need for greater strategic autonomy.

As U.S. leaves Afghanistan, Europe sours on Biden - Quest FmTV

Too bad it took this for the Europeans to realize that they had a good thing in Donald after all!


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