Erasing Another Obama Mistake....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
This latest failure for Obama kinda reminds me of Ozymandias....
"Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

1. "Their caliphate in ruins, IS militants melt into the desert

BEIRUT (AP) — Islamic State militants, routed from one urban stronghold after another in Syria, have recently been moving deeper into Syria’s remote desert, where experts say they are regrouping and preparing their next incarnation.

The Sunni militants’ self-proclaimed “caliphate” with its contiguous stretch of land — linking major cities such as Syria’s Raqqa and Iraq’s Mosul — may have been vanquished, but many agree this territorial defeat will not mark the end of IS.

Beyond the urban and inhabited areas lies the vast Syrian Desert, also known as Badiyat al-Sham, famous for its caves and rugged mountains. It encompasses about 500,000 square kilometers (200,000 square miles) across parts of southeastern Syria, northeastern Jordan, northern Saudi Arabia, and western Iraq.

The desolate landscape is a perfect hideout and a second home for many IS militants from the days before the birth of their caliphate.

2. Remember when Obama created ISIS?
Obama made a huge mistake in refusing to negotiate an agreement to leave US troops in Iraq.
This is the source of the problem with ISIS: they're there because we weren't.
"Obama's 2012 Debate Boast: I Didn't Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq
Obama then denied that he ever supported a status of forces agreement that would have left troops in Iraq:

MR. ROMNEY: [W]ith regards to Iraq, you and I agreed, I believe, that there should have been a status of forces agreement. Did you —

PRESIDENT OBAMA:That's not true.

MR. ROMNEY:Oh, you didn't — you didn't want a status of forces agreement?

PRESIDENT OBAMA:No, but what I — what I would not have done is left 10,000 troops in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East.

"Here's one thing I've learned as commander in chief," Obama said at the end of the exchange. "You've got to be clear, both to our allies and our enemies, about where you stand and what you mean

Obama s 2012 Debate Boast I Didn t Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq The Weekly Standard

a. "This month, Colin Kahl, the senior Pentagon official in charge of Iraq policy at the time, explained why the White House insisted on Iraq’s parliament approving the changes to the SOFA.

He wrote inPolitico Magazinethat in 2011 Iraq’s prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, “told U.S. negotiators that he was willing to sign an executive memorandum of understanding that included these legal protections.

Yet this time around, Obama is willing to accept an agreement from Iraq’s foreign ministry on U.S. forces in Iraq without a vote of Iraq’s parliament. “We believe we need a separate set of assurances from the Iraqis,” one senior U.S. defense official told The Daily Beast on Sunday. This official said this would likely be an agreement or exchange of diplomatic notes from the Iraq’s foreign ministry. “We basically need a piece of paper from them,” another U.S. official involved in the negotiations told The Daily Beast. The official didn’t explain why the parliamentary vote, so crucial three years ago, was no longer needed.”

Obama Does a U-Turn on Immunity for U.S. Troops in Iraq - The Daily Beast

Obama rejected it.


The MSM never mentioned that the court denied the lawsuit by 18 states to reinstate the Federal subsidy payments for Ocare. The rates just got very unaffordable, and with fewer policies, more insurers will bail. Why pay high premiums for high deductibles so that you have no real health insurance???
2. Remember when Obama created ISIS?

Um, no, Bush did that when he invaded Iraq on false pretenses and disenfranchised Iraq's Sunni population.

All Obama did was stop throwing American money and lives at Bush's fuckup.
Bush had them on the ropes untill impotent Obama pulled out early.... That is when the bastard child known as ISIL(ISIS) was born...
Bush had them on the ropes untill impotent Obama pulled out early.... That is when the bastard child known as ISIL(ISIS) was born...

sorry, when you have Petraeus giving them shitloads of money to not attack us, that isn't 'having them on the ropes"... that's paying protection money.

U.S. Is Paying Off Iraq's Worst War Criminals in Attempt to Ward Off Attacks

Rowley's report, which includes interviews with candid U.S. soldiers and footage of a military commander handing a Sunni leader a wad of cash, suggests the role of bribery and coercion in building alliances that serve short-term goals in Anbar province, but in the long run deepen a multisided civil war.

RR: The soldiers on the ground aren't hiding anything. They were amazingly open and honest about the whole process with us. Through a combination of threats and enticements like money and releasing their kids from prison, the U.S. military has gotten groups to join a coalition. They're paid money for small construction projects, and they're eventually incorporated into the Iraqi police force, where they're armed and paid, given a gun, a badge and the power to arrest.

There have been reports that some American army units are directly giving them weapons. I didn't see anyone give an M16 to anyone. But I did see a U.S. captain hand wads of cash to militiamen who were guarding checkpoints. Petraeus says they're not supplying guns. That might be true. But saying the U.S. military is just applauding from the sidelines and not providing material support to these militias is a lie.
2. Remember when Obama created ISIS?

Um, no, Bush did that when he invaded Iraq on false pretenses and disenfranchised Iraq's Sunni population.

All Obama did was stop throwing American money and lives at Bush's fuckup.

Left Wingers are still very bitter about Bush's defeat of Saddam.
They took Saddam's side and lost.
Left Wingers are perennial traitors.
So it's Oblama's fault for a two Boosh war....A war for nothing.....

No, Obama is responsible for the rise of his jv team. Now that he is no longer funding them, they seem sort of weak. This isn't a Bush vs Obama issue. They are both UN representatives. President Trump is kicking ISIS ass because he is not UN. He is USA all the way. Let's be on his side.
Here is ISIS celebrating during the Obama regime.

Notice....not one bomb, not one attack helicopter, not one missile from the United States upset the celebration.

While Hussein Obama, the war criminal, felt it imperative to award nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, Iran, the America President has moved to push back on this error as well.

Not a single Obama supporter can explain the importance of Iran having nuclear weapons and the means to deliver same.

"House Votes To Impose New Sanctions On Iran
President Donald Trump announced he wouldn't recertify the Iran nuclear deal earlier this month. That gave Congress 60 days to decide if the U.S. would reimpose the economic sanctions on Iran that were lifted under the agreement.

....sanctions on Iran for supporting Hezbollah, an Islamic militant group."
House Votes To Impose New Sanctions On Iran
Left Wingers are still very bitter about Bush's defeat of Saddam.
They took Saddam's side and lost.
Left Wingers are perennial traitors.

Well, no, what we are bitter about is 5000 dead Americans, 35,000 injured Americans, 600,000 dead Iraqis, instability in the Middle east, and Iranian expansion of power, all of which happened because Bush had to get revenge on Saddam for humiliating his pappy.
While Hussein Obama, the war criminal, felt it imperative to award nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, Iran, the America President has moved to push back on this error as well.

Not a single Obama supporter can explain the importance of Iran having nuclear weapons and the means to deliver same.

Actually, the world's worse sponsor of Terrorism is Saudi Arabia, but never mind.

And there's no evidence that Iran has a bomb, is building a bomb or even really wants a bomb that badly.

You know, some of us can remember all your smack-talk on the right about Saddam and Mushroom Clouds... how did that turn out again?

Oh, yeah, the most threatening thing you found was expired canisters of mustard gas someone had buried a decade ago.
While Hussein Obama, the war criminal, felt it imperative to award nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, Iran, the America President has moved to push back on this error as well.

Not a single Obama supporter can explain the importance of Iran having nuclear weapons and the means to deliver same.

Actually, the world's worse sponsor of Terrorism is Saudi Arabia, but never mind.

And there's no evidence that Iran has a bomb, is building a bomb or even really wants a bomb that badly.

You know, some of us can remember all your smack-talk on the right about Saddam and Mushroom Clouds... how did that turn out again?

Oh, yeah, the most threatening thing you found was expired canisters of mustard gas someone had buried a decade ago.

You again?????

In a discussion about perverts who have sex with children, underage actually took the pervert's side.....

....that was you,wasn't it.


"But sex should be your owned damned business."
Libtard Finally Admits to Raping A Child...Then Declares The Matter Is OVER...Because He Says So.

Astounding....and revealing.

Crawl back under your rock.
You again?????

In a discussion about perverts who have sex with children, underage actually took the pervert's side.....

Naw, I took the side of constitutional rights and due process. You've heard of those, right?

If you guys are looking for perverts, I suggest you find the guy who bragged about "Grabbing them by the pussy" or the guy who got oral from Courtney Love before she developed breasts.


^^^^^You know, those guys^^^^

But duly noted you couldn't answer my points here, either.

You have no evidence that Iran is cheating on the deal, no evidence they are working on a bomb... and given your track record, no one should take you seriously.
You again?????

In a discussion about perverts who have sex with children, underage actually took the pervert's side.....

Naw, I took the side of constitutional rights and due process. You've heard of those, right?

If you guys are looking for perverts, I suggest you find the guy who bragged about "Grabbing them by the pussy" or the guy who got oral from Courtney Love before she developed breasts.


^^^^^You know, those guys^^^^

But duly noted you couldn't answer my points here, either.

You have no evidence that Iran is cheating on the deal, no evidence they are working on a bomb... and given your track record, no one should take you seriously.

Why would you imagine....I almost said 'think'.....that any "are looking for perverts"?

How.....disgusting of you.

Why is it that directly after an exchange of posts with you, I feel the need for a course of penicillin?

That's rhetorical.....please don't feel it necessary to respond.
Why would you imagine....I almost said 'think'.....that any "are looking for perverts"?

How.....disgusting of you.

You aren't looking for them, you are ignoring them as long as you think you can get them to tell ladies they can't have abortions and gays can't get married. There's all sorts of fucked up shit you are willing to go along with as long as you think you can impose your backward ass morality on others. "Do as I say, not as I do."

Why is it that directly after an exchange of posts with you, I feel the need for a course of penicillin?

I wouldn't know... do you often have exchanges with men that require penicillin afterwards? Did you hang outside the base in Inchon a lot?

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