EPA doing its job, no wonder so many panties in a wad!


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
EPA’s Regulation of Coal-Fired Power: Is a “Train Wreck” Coming?
Congressional Research Service report Aug. 8, 2011

from the Summary:
... The primary impacts of many of the rules will largely be on coal-fired plants more than 40 years old that have not, until now, installed state-of-the-art pollution controls. Many of these plants are inefficient and are being replaced by more efficient combined cycle natural gas plants, a development likely to be encouraged if the price of competing fuel—natural gas—continues to be low, almost regardless of EPA rules...

Now where have we heard this recently?!

So the "train wreck" for older, inefficient and was already "on the books" due to market factors, whether or not the EPA tightened and enforced its air quality regulations!

...Older, smaller, less efficient units already face a train wreck. In 2010, 48 of them with a combined capacity of 12 GW were retired, according to one source. Another source identifies 149 coal-fired units with a combined capacity of 19.7 GW whose retirement has been announced or implemented in the past few years. In recent weeks, as utilities weigh the cost of retrofitting and operating their older units, more retirements have been announced.
But this does not mean that the newer (post-1970) coal-fired facilities that have invested in
pollution controls over the years will be shuttered. Most of them already comply with many of the proposed rules, or if not, they can do so with modest modifications to their pollution control equipment. A train wreck for this group seems unlikely...


Source: Sue Tierney, “EPA Proposed Utility Air Toxics Rule –Managing Compliance in Reliable Ways,” Congressional Staff Briefing, May 9, 2011, p. 10. The chart is based on EIA Form 860 data. A similar chart produced by EIA itself can be found at http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=1830.

The CRS report acknowledges the benefits of these new EPA rules and tightening of enforcement for existing rules. In one example, the clamp down on smog-causing sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide would help prevent tens of thousands of cases of bronchitis and heart attacks, with the potential to save 30-40 thousand lives/year. That’s a quarter trillion dollars in health benefits, compared with 3 billion per year in costs by 2014.

“In most cases,” CRS concludes, “the benefits are larger.”
Those older power plants, while inefficient, were providing power. Shutting them down without newer replacement plants will stretch the power demand over fewer power plants and grids thus causing brownouts and planned rolling blackouts.

Not only will energy be more expensive but when use goes up this winter people will freeze to death due to EPA and Earth First, Eco-Fascist do-gooders forcing an agenda rather than help provide cheap energy for the masses.
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Hey, what's a few people freezing to death, after all it's for the Environment.

Al Gore says so.
Can't wait till we can get someone else in as President so we can PUT THE BRAKES on these out of control agencies.
Reality check for leftists:

There is no Magic Energy. Solar and wind will not scale up economically to replace the 45% of electrical power we get from coal.

That's just the way it is.
Yes it is true that the smaller older plants are inefficent and hard to maintian. How come the EPA makes it so hard to open new more efficent plants. Because the EPA and the Obama administration are planning on eliminating coal as a power source. They have not even tired to keep it quiet. Obama is going to bancrupt the coal industry in a America and bancrupt us all in the process.

So you enviromentalists, good luck keeping warm during the rolling blackouts. I will stay nice and warm with my coal and wood stove.
We've got a real problem with coal fired electric generation, folks.

We need the electricity but the crap that spews out of the stacks is poisoning the water with mercury.

I don't really know if we can have clean coal, but I do know we can have cleaner coal than we typically have right now, much thanks to BUSH II's assinine Clear Skys legislation.
We've got a real problem with coal fired electric generation, folks.

We need the electricity but the crap that spews out of the stacks is poisoning the water with mercury.

I don't really know if we can have clean coal, but I do know we can have cleaner coal than we typically have right now, much thanks to BUSH II's assinine Clear Skys legislation.

Yeah, keep blaming it on Bush.

That's all you can do.

Maybe the Tea Party has something to do with it too.
We've got a real problem with coal fired electric generation, folks.

We need the electricity but the crap that spews out of the stacks is poisoning the water with mercury.

I don't really know if we can have clean coal, but I do know we can have cleaner coal than we typically have right now, much thanks to BUSH II's assinine Clear Skys legislation.

Whenever you talk to enviromentalists about how inefficent solar and wind are they like to say that we Americans are inovators and inventors we can make it work. Why dont we take that inovation and make coal clean. Use science to make coal cleaner for all of us instead of using science to condem it. The truth is coal is a good source of cheap reliable energy that we can use to keep our country on top.
We've got a real problem with coal fired electric generation, folks.

We need the electricity but the crap that spews out of the stacks is poisoning the water with mercury.

I don't really know if we can have clean coal, but I do know we can have cleaner coal than we typically have right now, much thanks to BUSH II's assinine Clear Skys legislation.

One thing about our gummit. If a piece of legislation has a wonderful sounding name, bend over and spread the vaseline.
The Kentucky Departments for Environmental Protection, Health Services and Fish and Wildlife Resources jointly issue a fish consumption advisory to the public when fish are found contaminated. Trace contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and chlordane are found in some fish in Kentucky. An advisory cautions people about potential health problems that may result from eating fish caught from a particular area. An advisory does not ban eating fish; it is a guide to reduce your risk. This guide provides information on how often fish may be safely eaten. Most fish are healthy to eat and are an excellent source of low-fat protein.

Risks from eating contaminated fish can be reduced by the following:

...fillet the fish, remove the skin and trim all fat

...do not eat fish eggs

...broil, grill or bake the fillets instead of frying or microwaving

...do not eat or reuse juices or fats that cook out of the fish.

Fish consumption advisories are in effect for the following:

1) Statewide: All waters are under advisory for mercury. Women of childbearing age and children 6 years of age or younger should eat no more than one meal per week of freshwater fish. Adult men and other women are not included in the consumption notice.

This is not an emergency as organic mercury can occur naturally in the environment and does not affect swimmers, skiers or boaters. Fish can accumulate these low levels of mercury by eating plankton and other small aquatic creatures.

2) Drakes Creek: All fish from dam on W. Fork at Franklin, Ky. downstream to confluence with Barren River. (PCB)

3) Green River Lake (New Advisory):

Green River Lake is approximately 8,210 acres and impounds Robinson Creek and the Green River in Taylor and Adair counties. The current advisory for PCBs is lake-wide and lists channel catfish and common carp as “do not eat.” The advisory for both PCBs and mercury is considered lake-wide from the headwaters of the lake to the dam. Due to decreasing levels of PCBs in the Green River Lake, the advisory is modified from “do not eat” to one meal per month for the general population and six meals per year for the sensitive population. Channel Catfish are being removed from the PCB advisory.

Fish Group General Population Special Population Contaminant(s)

Suckers/Carp 1 meal per month 6 meals per year PCB

Black Bass 1 meal per month 6 meals per year Mercury

Catfish/Drum 1 meal per month 6 meals per year Mercury


We've got a real problem with coal fired electric generation, folks.

We need the electricity but the crap that spews out of the stacks is poisoning the water with mercury.

I don't really know if we can have clean coal, but I do know we can have cleaner coal than we typically have right now, much thanks to BUSH II's assinine Clear Skys legislation.

Yeah, keep blaming it on Bush.

That's all you can do.

Maybe the Tea Party has something to do with it too.

Not to worry, Mud. The only clean coal plant in operation is in China, and that is how it will remain. You guys will get to poison the rest of us and spew GHGs into the atmosphere to your hearts content. And then claim that 'them thar pointy headed scientists didn't tell us what the effects were' when the bill comes in.

Teabaggers? Willfully ignorant idiots.

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