Environmentalists Using "Greenmail"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Those nasty, atavistic right-wingers!
Those darn conservatives!
And, of course, Republicans!
All of ‘em: standing in the way of altruistic, forward-looking, caring-for-the-earth (and, of course, the children), the good guys: environmentalists…you know, Obama voters.

Ya' think?
Are you sure…..?
Read on.....

2. “Besides the fact that federal grants and loans are distorting the market for renewable energy, we now have another reason to be concerned about the proposed solar and wind projects for the desert: Union groups are attempting to block projects unless they get hiring agreements with the developers.

3. Observers are calling it “greenmail,” as these groups are using the lengthy, complicated environmental regulations that already make any sort of development difficult in order to challenge the approval of energy projects, but apparently only the projects that don’t have labor agreements.

a. “Greenmail”—a spin on the term “blackmail” under environmental law—is one aspect of this top-down format that achieves union organizing objectives by persuading employers, rather than employees, to recognize a union as its employees’ exclusive representative.”

4. … a challenge by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Unions to stop the approval of a solar project in Kramer Junction. Their representatives claimed their concerns were about water use for the project, a claim that nobody with half a brain believes.

a. “…construction unions use CEQA to block permits for projects until the developers agree to force their contractors to sign project labor agreements (PLAs)…” California

5. Brightsource, the company developing the massive Ivanpah solar project near the border to Nevada, did not face such environmental challenges. Coincidentally, they signed agreement with labor groups for the construction jobs, jobs that will actually be paid for with a $1.37 billion in guaranteed federal loans.

6. …not only have the jobs already been promised non-competitively to a small group within a larger pool of potentially qualified candidates, we all get to pay for it.

7. … these tactics are not new and not confined to energy projects. Walmart has to deal with environmental challenges to pretty much every single project they attempt to build….pointless environmental challenge…

8. The irony that the people hurt most by these labor actions are other laborers is lost on these folks. They don’t grasp that if their actions keep causing projects to be canceled or delayed, this ultimately reduces demand for construction workers,…” 'Greenmail' a threat to energy projects | projects, energy, calling - Desert Dispatch

9. ‘Three California unions criticize CURE for challenging construction projects on environmental grounds, then dropping objections after CURE's affiliate wins contracts to supply workers. CURE says it aims to protect people and the environment.

10. ‘State Energy Commissioner Jeffrey Byron said …"It does strain credibility when you have an organization called CURE that is concerned with the desert tortoise and wildlife habitat and turns around and disappears when a project labor agreement is signed.” ‘Labor coalition's tactics on renewable energy projects are criticized - Los Angeles Times

So….what have we learned?

The 'environmental movement' can best be represented as a matryoshka doll, a Russian nesting/nested doll, refers to a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside the other.

But, rather than dolls....they are a series of SCAMS.

Yup....convince simpletons that 'it's to save the planet (all hail mother-Gaia!)' you can tell people what bulbs and toilets they can have, take their lands, demand feather-bed union contracts, huge academic study grants....heck, the sky's the limit!

And who are the 'bad guys'? Why traditional Americans who believe in individualism over the collective, and property rights over confiscation.….it is often the ‘environmentalists’ of one stripe or another who pretend pristine motives, but are merely using the simps that the environmentalism has fooled.

‘Save the earth’ is no different than convincing folks there's a Santa Clause….in reality, folks just want 'presents'.
Oh the shame of it all. Unions using the same tactics as corperations. What a terrible, terrible thing.

¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ The irony!

Leftists hide behind environmentalism to abridge the rights of individuals….and their very methods are co-opted and used against them!

“… business, political, and community leaders in San Diego have essentially surrendered to the organizing agenda of union leaders. Unions and their lawyers have effectively exploited the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to block proposed projects…”
Dayton Public Policy Institute, a project of Labor Issues Solutions, LLC » CEQA Greenmail Still Effective for Unions in San Diego: Just a Cost of Doing Business for Pragmatic Civic Leaders

“…Nashville-based Gaylord Entertainment exposed and resisted the union environmental extortion in 2007 and 2008 against the proposed $1.2 billion Chula Vista Bayfront Hotel and Convention Center.” Ibid.


“…This extortion that unions use on projects that do not agree to use union labor is astounding. The silence form (sic) developers and the press on this is equally astounding.”

So, it’s extortion if used by unions?
How is it not extortion when used by the ‘greennuts’?

Here is he correct definition of environmentalism: “… suddenly buried under legal demands to ensure the project won't interfere with dozens of different species, face hostile testimony at public hearings, and are forced to conduct lengthy, barely relevant environmental studies.”
Are Labor Unions 'Greenmailing' Solar Power Companies? : TreeHugger
Granny says, "Dat's right - dem lib'ral tree-huggers onna decline...

Percentage of Americans Who Identify as 'Environmentalists' Down 36 Points Since 1991
April 26, 2016 – A Gallup poll released on Friday shows that the number of Americans who identify as environmentalists has dropped 36 points, from 78 percent in 1991 to 42 percent in 2016. There has also been a decline in Americans expressing concern about environmental problems, such as pollution.
The Earth Day poll is conducted annually by Gallup. The polling firm cites the politicization of environmental issues as one possible reason for the decline, highlighting the growing partisan gap in those who identify as environmentalists. A large percentage of Americans (Republicans and Democrats) – 78 percent – considered themselves environmentalists in 1991. That number today is 42 percent. Also, only 27 percent of Republicans identify as environmentalists, compared with 56 percent of Democrats, a partisan gap of 29 percentage points.

However, Gallup notes the “broader decline in personal environmentalism at the same time that the environment has turned into more of a Democratic than Republican issue,” citing the large decline in Democrats who consider themselves environmentalists -- 56 percent today versus 78 percent 25 years ago. Gallup also notes a decline in Americans’ concern over environmental problems, such as air pollution and pollution of rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Concern over polluted drinking water is down from 65 percent in 1989-1990 to 61 percent today.

Concern over air pollution is down from 61 percent to just 43 percent today. While concern over climate change has risen slightly (from 33 percent to 37 percent) since 1990, Gallup notes that, “on a relative basis, global warming is still of less concern than most of the other problems.” Gallup’s poll results are based on telephone interviews conducted March 2-6, 2016, with a random sample of 1,019 adults, aged 18 and older.

Percentage of Americans Who Identify as 'Environmentalists' Down 36 Points Since 1991

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