Enough with Posting what Others have Written!


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
If you want to make a point or express your opinion, fine. But simply posting articles that others have written is the height of intellectual vacuity. It is obvious that many of these posters haven't even read, much less understood, these articles. Instead, they see a catchy (and usually misleading) headline and think that this confers some sort of legitimacy to their preconceived beliefs.

Why not try composing your own thoughts first, and then post a coherent message?
Dude. You're asking people to THINK for themselves.

That's just crazy talk!
If you want to make a point or express your opinion, fine. But simply posting articles that others have written is the height of intellectual vacuity. It is obvious that many of these posters haven't even read, much less understood, these articles. Instead, they see a catchy (and usually misleading) headline and think that this confers some sort of legitimacy to their preconceived beliefs.

Why not try composing your own thoughts first, and then post a coherent message?
2-3 paragraphs, to make one's point, with a link then a personal argument for or against it. Its called "sourcing". google it :thup:. You don't source, you're not worth my time

It is true that someone who takes an entire article, or anything over the aforementioned length, and copynpaste's it here w/ very-little-to-no personal commentary IS a mouth-breather.
If you want to make a point or express your opinion, fine. But simply posting articles that others have written is the height of intellectual vacuity. It is obvious that many of these posters haven't even read, much less understood, these articles. Instead, they see a catchy (and usually misleading) headline and think that this confers some sort of legitimacy to their preconceived beliefs.

Why not try composing your own thoughts first, and then post a coherent message?
Why try to reinvent the wheel? If someone has done an excellent job of expressing your thoughts on a certain topic, why not go with it? Especially if you give the writer credit for the piece. Many times, a writer has done a much better job of expressing my thoughts and opinions than I could've done myself. But, I always give the writer credit for their work. And, many times, I add a few lines to further express my individual opinion. I see nothing wrong with admitting that someone has done a better job than I would've done myself. I see no need to reinvent the wheel.
If you want to make a point or express your opinion, fine. But simply posting articles that others have written is the height of intellectual vacuity. It is obvious that many of these posters haven't even read, much less understood, these articles. Instead, they see a catchy (and usually misleading) headline and think that this confers some sort of legitimacy to their preconceived beliefs.

Why not try composing your own thoughts first, and then post a coherent message?
2-3 paragraphs, to make one's point, with a link then a personal argument for or against it. Its called "sourcing". google it :thup:. You don't source, you're not worth my time

It is true that someone who takes an entire article, or anything over the aforementioned length, and copynpaste's it here w/ very-little-to-no personal commentary IS a mouth-breather.

90% of the "sources" your side links are lefty twat opinion pieces with the same intellectual capacity as a broken toaster.
2-3 paragraphs, to make one's point, with a link then a personal argument for or against it. Its called "sourcing". google it :thup:. You don't source, you're not worth my time

It is true that someone who takes an entire article, or anything over the aforementioned length, and copynpaste's it here w/ very-little-to-no personal commentary IS a mouth-breather.
That is not what the OP is talking about. There are a lot of topics started here in which the OP is just a copy-and-paste job of someone else's thoughts.

As for what you are saying, I absolutely agree that if one makes a claim, one should provide a link to evidence which supports that claim, or at the very least be prepared to supply that evidence upon request. Unfortunately, that is an extremely rare event here. We get a lot of manufactured bullshit which is not supported by evidence, and when evidence is requested, none is forthcoming.

Much of what is copied and pasted into OPs is also manufactured bullshit not supported by evidence.
If you want to make a point or express your opinion, fine. But simply posting articles that others have written is the height of intellectual vacuity. It is obvious that many of these posters haven't even read, much less understood, these articles. Instead, they see a catchy (and usually misleading) headline and think that this confers some sort of legitimacy to their preconceived beliefs.

Why not try composing your own thoughts first, and then post a coherent message?
2-3 paragraphs, to make one's point, with a link then a personal argument for or against it. Its called "sourcing". google it :thup:. You don't source, you're not worth my time

It is true that someone who takes an entire article, or anything over the aforementioned length, and copynpaste's it here w/ very-little-to-no personal commentary IS a mouth-breather.

90% of the "sources" your side links are lefty twat opinion pieces with the same intellectual capacity as a broken toaster.
Then fix the toaster...
If you want to make a point or express your opinion, fine. But simply posting articles that others have written is the height of intellectual vacuity. It is obvious that many of these posters haven't even read, much less understood, these articles. Instead, they see a catchy (and usually misleading) headline and think that this confers some sort of legitimacy to their preconceived beliefs.

Why not try composing your own thoughts first, and then post a coherent message?
2-3 paragraphs, to make one's point, with a link then a personal argument for or against it. Its called "sourcing". google it :thup:. You don't source, you're not worth my time

It is true that someone who takes an entire article, or anything over the aforementioned length, and copynpaste's it here w/ very-little-to-no personal commentary IS a mouth-breather.

90% of the "sources" your side links are lefty twat opinion pieces with the same intellectual capacity as a broken toaster.

Most of the sources my side quotes are not as partisanly shrill & obviously subjective as those quoted by say- the rabbi stephanie peach174 etc....

nice try on your part albeit a "swing-and-a-miss" :thup:
90% of the "sources" your side links are lefty twat opinion pieces with the same intellectual capacity as a broken toaster.

Hey now. How often have I used the expression "the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker" around here?

Are you paraphrasing me? :D

I shoulda copyrighted it...
90% of the "sources" your side links are lefty twat opinion pieces with the same intellectual capacity as a broken toaster.

Hey now. How often have I used the expression "the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker" around here?

Are you paraphrasing me? :D

No, maybe, yes, sort of, who knows?

Although by using the Toaster comparison to Dot Cum, I feel I am insulting Toasters everywhere, even the defective ones.
If you want to make a point or express your opinion, fine. But simply posting articles that others have written is the height of intellectual vacuity. It is obvious that many of these posters haven't even read, much less understood, these articles. Instead, they see a catchy (and usually misleading) headline and think that this confers some sort of legitimacy to their preconceived beliefs.

Why not try composing your own thoughts first, and then post a coherent message?
2-3 paragraphs, to make one's point, with a link then a personal argument for or against it. Its called "sourcing". google it :thup:. You don't source, you're not worth my time

It is true that someone who takes an entire article, or anything over the aforementioned length, and copynpaste's it here w/ very-little-to-no personal commentary IS a mouth-breather.

90% of the "sources" your side links are lefty twat opinion pieces with the same intellectual capacity as a broken toaster.

Most of the sources my side quotes are not as partisanly shrill & obviously subjective as those quoted by say- the rabbi stephanie peach174 etc....

nice try on your part albeit a "swing-and-a-miss" :thup:

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

Dot Cum has a sadz.

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