Empty Suit Wanna Be's


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Politicians Have Used This Crisis to Remind Us They're Mostly Wannabe Dictators

Years ago, I was a petite (possibly petty as well) elected official. I witnessed “the worst” rise to higher office. I always wondered how my fellow school board members would have acted if provided a slightly longer leash. For some, I think, Taylor serves as an example.

Maybe I would have acted the same way with a longer leash, or, better yet, a longer leash and a “crisis” with panicked, loud voices crying for leadership and action.

Yes, Hayek was right, “the worst” rise to the top. However, I believe that there is a codicil as well. Many of “the worst” on their way up are constrained by their current office. Likely, they will not see the top. But that doesn’t mean that, given the opportunity, they would not mimic those who have made it all the way.

The solution, even in a time of “crisis,” is not a haunting state and its officials, petite or otherwise. It is liberty.

I wonder how many petite (and petty) politicians have actually read their state constitution. It's pretty obvious that at the national level "it's nothing but a goddamn piece of paper" per that "compassionate conservative", Bush jr.

Better yet, I wonder how many won't read this article but might weigh in with an asinine, attention whore comment.

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