Elizabeth Warren to Republicans Did You Fall Down Hit Your Head and Wake Up In 1950's

These people know all about traitorous treaty makers...should we give them their country back!


Like the phrases your kind use...."we want our country back" that is stupid trash talk.
Only if you thought hope and change made a good campaign promise.
These people know all about traitorous treaty makers...should we give them their country back!


Like the phrases your kind use...."we want our country back" that is stupid trash talk.
Only if you thought hope and change made a good campaign promise.

It wasn't their country, there was no country. There were many tribes, not united and stuck in the stone age. Plus they were immigrants. Many were quite barbaric, you must be wearing blinders.
These people know all about traitorous treaty makers...should we give them their country back!


Like the phrases your kind use...."we want our country back" that is stupid trash talk.
Only if you thought hope and change made a good campaign promise.

It wasn't their country, there was no country. There were many tribes, not united and stuck in the stone age. Plus they were immigrants. Many were quite barbaric, you must be wearing blinders.
There were many tribes each with their own land, they owned it, they may have fought each other, as expected, regardless, it doesn't change the fact that white capitalists came in and took it.
Funny how the resident right wingers have nothing to offer on this thread but retarded pictures.

Funny how mindless drones believe that Lizzy 's Cheekbones make her Cherokee.

How funny is that?
No one believes that apart from you guys who seem to be obsessed with it, just like you are with uteruses and gays.

So you believe she lied about being Cherokee
You need to realize the context of the story, no one thinks she is cherokee.
Did Elizabeth Warren check the Native American box when she applied to Harvard and Penn - The Washington Post
How Imbecilic can you be. LOL!
They were Immigrants and you are not?

These people know all about traitorous treaty makers...should we give them their country back!


Like the phrases your kind use...."we want our country back" that is stupid trash talk.
Only if you thought hope and change made a good campaign promise.

It wasn't their country, there was no country. There were many tribes, not united and stuck in the stone age. Plus they were immigrants. Many were quite barbaric, you must be wearing blinders.
Yes they do sell baby parts.

No they don't. They provide for the optional donation of fetus tissue to research firms and schools. They are reimbursed for their efforts by the firms and schools with set fees.

Yep, that's the lie they're going with. Yet the video's doesn't support that narrative.

If what you say were true, which it's not, explain why one body part cost more than another?

What law was broken by the establish procurement procedures.

But the 1993 law also makes allowances for "reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue."

The fees Nucatola discusses in the video likely fall under that definition, experts told PolitiFact.

3. Nothing specifies how much appropriate fees should be.

What counts as a "reasonable payment" is not explicitly outlined in the law. Organizations don’t have to publicly report how much they are charging buyers that process the tissue and isolate specific cells before selling them to researchers. Activists in the videos were posing as brokers and went back and forth with Nucatola to get her to disclose Planned Parenthood’s fees.

"The amounts she cites do not appear to be out of the ordinary, but no one knows because there is no registry or compendium of fees charged by organizations (or) institutions supplying fetal tissue," said Arthur Caplan, director of the Division of Medical Ethics at New York University’s Langone Medical Center. "When she haggles about fees, that does not appear to me to be trying to profit."

4. There are no regulations for what brokers charge researchers, either.

While abortion clinics or hospitals sometimes provide tissue directly to researchers, organizations or private companies like the tissue brokers mentioned above often act as middlemen. Profiteering may be occurring on this level, Caplan said.


PolitiFact Sheet 8 things to know about the Planned Parenthood controversy PolitiFact

I'll let you know how Texas' investigation into PP goes.
Yes they do sell baby parts.

No they don't. They provide for the optional donation of fetus tissue to research firms and schools. They are reimbursed for their efforts by the firms and schools with set fees.

Set fees? You idiot they were negotiating fees in the videos. You all need to stop the lying, most certainly when we know you are lying
Those fees are between 30 and 100 dollars. The only ones who are lying are the ones claiming Planned Parenthood did something illegal. It's an O'keefe plan. But it didn't work.

It's the story of a boy crying "Wolfe"



I have no idea what your silly videos are all about. I assume it's just a way to deflect from the fact that PP is selling baby parts. The State of Texas has launched an investigation into PP. I'll let you when they start prosecuting.

Indiana already tried and came up with zip, so good luck with that.


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