Elizabeth Warren to Republicans Did You Fall Down Hit Your Head and Wake Up In 1950's

Warren makes sense. The Right has no answers, so they make fun of her.

We have answers, you just don't like them. Our issues are Iran, selling baby parts, illegal immigration etc.... your issues are gay marriage, African safari's, and Caitlyn Jenner.

We're more concerned about the lying African than an African lion.
You should work for Fox News. You spew bullshit very efficiently. 7 talking points in one sentence? And a corny, butthurt zinger at the end to top it off? Bravo :clap:
oh boy, another nasty crusty progressive woman in the Democrat party

we'd like to know if someone hit you over the head with an ugly stick?

oh and you can also go to hell
Warren makes sense. The Right has no answers, so they make fun of her.

We have answers, you just don't like them. Our issues are Iran, selling baby parts, illegal immigration etc.... your issues are gay marriage, African safari's, and Caitlyn Jenner.

We're more concerned about the lying African than an African lion.

The issues the progressives care about are the destruction of the middle class, poverty in America, equal rights for all Americans ect ect...

The right is more concerned about confederate flags, Mexicans picking tomatoes for $3.00 per hour, not being able to walk up and down the street with firearms, and of course any of the outright lies that Fox News presents to them. Speaking of one of these lies, planned parenthood does not sell baby parts. That was a lie. (Source below) While I don't condone abortion in most cases, the fact is that the federal money used to fund planned parenthood isn't used in abortions, rather for women's health services such as cancer screenings, and other necessities.

No Planned Parenthood wasn t caught on video selling dead baby parts
There is a difference at the moment. Republicans want to defund PP. All that does is kick the democrat Hive-mind.
In case you haven't noticed, the Rs talk a good game and do nothing. Ultimately they will do nothing about PP as they have on so many other issues.

So, once again, there is little difference in what the two parties DO. They talk differently merely to dupe their followers and this amazingly works on many Americans.
Warren makes sense. The Right has no answers, so they make fun of her.

We have answers, you just don't like them. Our issues are Iran, selling baby parts, illegal immigration etc.... your issues are gay marriage, African safari's, and Caitlyn Jenner.

We're more concerned about the lying African than an African lion.

The issues the progressives care about are the destruction of the middle class, poverty in America, equal rights for all Americans ect ect...

The right is more concerned about confederate flags, Mexicans picking tomatoes for $3.00 per hour, not being able to walk up and down the street with firearms, and of course any of the outright lies that Fox News presents to them. Speaking of one of these lies, planned parenthood does not sell baby parts. That was a lie. (Source below) While I don't condone abortion in most cases, the fact is that the federal money used to fund planned parenthood isn't used in abortions, rather for women's health services such as cancer screenings, and other necessities.

No Planned Parenthood wasn t caught on video selling dead baby parts

yeah yeah, they are for the little people. well how simple is that when it's NOT THEIR money they are using. Hillary made 141 MILLION dollars, lizzy is a millionaire, etc. BUT you see they keep their MILLIONS in the bank and expect all you little folks to PAY for all their caring of the poor, the downtrodden, blaa bla bla
you've sound like a parrot of the brainwashed
The GOP is quickly becoming a loony bin run by loonies. They really do want to run this country backwards.

Warren is one dishonest hack. The controversy with planned parenthood goes well beyond abortion at this point. What they are doing is not only immoral, but violates federal law.

Of course she uses the faux war on women red herring, again the Chief is a dishonest one. She ignores the fact that half if not more of the prolife movement is made up of women.

And I say this as a pro-choicer.

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There is a difference at the moment. Republicans want to defund PP. All that does is kick the democrat Hive-mind.
In case you haven't noticed, the Rs talk a good game and do nothing. Ultimately they will do nothing about PP as they have on so many other issues.

So, once again, there is little difference in what the two parties DO. They talk differently merely to dupe their followers and this amazingly works on many Americans.

All that does is piss people off...at the Republicans!! They are playing with peoples emotions and they know the consequences. If they think they can focus this additional anger at democrats, they miscalculated.

The Democrats are marching unabashed to the right. Democrats are looking for consolidation of their works from the last 6 years. They have turned right wingers head into a fireworks display for Liberalism!

I doubt the base could get any more infuriated than Gay marriages and Obamacare. Increase in welfare recipients, slow recovery and corporate welfare hasn't pissed them off either?

Maybe the message the Republicans are trying to send their base is "We surrender"?
There is a difference at the moment. Republicans want to defund PP. All that does is kick the democrat Hive-mind.
In case you haven't noticed, the Rs talk a good game and do nothing. Ultimately they will do nothing about PP as they have on so many other issues.

So, once again, there is little difference in what the two parties DO. They talk differently merely to dupe their followers and this amazingly works on many Americans.

All that does is piss people off...at the Republicans!! They are playing with peoples emotions and they know the consequences. If they think they can focus this additional anger at democrats, they miscalculated.

The Democrats are marching unabashed to the right. Democrats are looking for consolidation of their works from the last 6 years. They have turned right wingers head into a fireworks display for Liberalism!

I doubt the base could get any more infuriated than Gay marriages and Obamacare. Increase in welfare recipients, slow recovery and corporate welfare hasn't pissed them off either?

Maybe the message the Republicans are trying to send their base is "We surrender"?

really, and saying the Republicans are wanting us to go back to the 50's doesn't piss people off? with you on the left you pick and chose what is acceptable. the PEOPLE are the ones ASKING our tax dollars be defunded from PP. WE KNOW that doesn't fit in how that works in the Democrat party because you all just march in lockstep to what YOUR masters want without questioning if it's GOOD or BAD for us and our country
There is a difference at the moment. Republicans want to defund PP. All that does is kick the democrat Hive-mind.
In case you haven't noticed, the Rs talk a good game and do nothing. Ultimately they will do nothing about PP as they have on so many other issues.

So, once again, there is little difference in what the two parties DO. They talk differently merely to dupe their followers and this amazingly works on many Americans.

All that does is piss people off...at the Republicans!! They are playing with peoples emotions and they know the consequences. If they think they can focus this additional anger at democrats, they miscalculated.

The Democrats are marching unabashed to the right. Democrats are looking for consolidation of their works from the last 6 years. They have turned right wingers head into a fireworks display for Liberalism!

I doubt the base could get any more infuriated than Gay marriages and Obamacare. Increase in welfare recipients, slow recovery and corporate welfare hasn't pissed them off either?

Maybe the message the Republicans are trying to send their base is "We surrender"?

really, and saying the Republicans are wanting us to go back to the 50's doesn't piss people off? with you on the left you pick and chose what is acceptable. the PEOPLE are the ones ASKING our tax dollars be defunded from PP. WE KNOW that doesn't fit in how that works in the Democrat party because you all just march in lockstep to what YOUR masters want without questioning if it's GOOD or BAD for us and our country

A democrat pissing off republicans is big news? It is startling? It is never heard of?
You are kidding, right? 6 years of run-away liberalism did not piss off republicans--that would be news!!

Like I said early, the republicans attempts to defund PP are going to fail. It will piss off their base. From there, the GOP has nowhere to go politically.

Yes, some people want PP defunded.
Also, some people want to keep PP funded.
And some don't give a flying F### about the issue.
No need for programming, PP is beneficial to some, dreaded by others.
PP is no longer needed as health insurance is mandatory and b/c, abortion, exams, etc. are all mandatory coverage and those too poor to afford it are subsidized.

Defund it? Get rid of the damn thing altogether.

Most of the funding that covers Planned Parenthood services is Medicaid funding. You want to defund Medicaid?

Warren makes sense. The Right has no answers, so they make fun of her.

We have answers, you just don't like them. Our issues are Iran, selling baby parts, illegal immigration etc.... your issues are gay marriage, African safari's, and Caitlyn Jenner.

We're more concerned about the lying African than an African lion.

The issues the progressives care about are the destruction of the middle class, poverty in America, equal rights for all Americans ect ect...

The right is more concerned about confederate flags, Mexicans picking tomatoes for $3.00 per hour, not being able to walk up and down the street with firearms, and of course any of the outright lies that Fox News presents to them. Speaking of one of these lies, planned parenthood does not sell baby parts. That was a lie. (Source below) While I don't condone abortion in most cases, the fact is that the federal money used to fund planned parenthood isn't used in abortions, rather for women's health services such as cancer screenings, and other necessities.

No Planned Parenthood wasn t caught on video selling dead baby parts

yeah yeah, they are for the little people. well how simple is that when it's NOT THEIR money they are using. Hillary made 141 MILLION dollars, lizzy is a millionaire, etc. BUT you see they keep their MILLIONS in the bank and expect all you little folks to PAY for all their caring of the poor, the downtrodden, blaa bla bla
you've sound like a parrot of the brainwashed

The Clintons paid an effective tax rate of over 30%.

Every Republican in the race would like to cut the Clintons' taxes.

PP is no longer needed as health insurance is mandatory and b/c, abortion, exams, etc. are all mandatory coverage and those too poor to afford it are subsidized.

Defund it? Get rid of the damn thing altogether.

Most of the funding that covers Planned Parenthood services is Medicaid funding. You want to defund Medicaid?

So it sounds like you are admitting that the government is paying....

Make up your mind.

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