election night 2021 broke 7 Racial Records


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
deport them all!

just kidding

i mean...congrats to all!







basquebromance you people are RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!god fkn DAMN!!!!!!!
..first POC to:
shit to the right
piss in the pisser
tie their shoes
look at a bird
etc etc etc
AND, terrorism is part of the mulsim culture--I've linked it many times before
AND, black culture is a shithole culture--for many reasons --putting them in office is just DUMBING down America-
1. they are only 13% of the population
2. they graduat high school at lower levels - less qualified for college where the graduate at lower levels
a. blacks commit crimes at higher levels -more in prison
--it all ADDS up to NOT MANY at all are qualified --for any high level positions

blacks base their thinking on RACE--only- not what is good for ALL
basquebromance you people are RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!god fkn DAMN!!!!!!!
..first POC to:
shit to the right
piss in the pisser
tie their shoes
look at a bird
etc etc etc
AND, terrorism is part of the mulsim culture--I've linked it many times before
AND, black culture is a shithole culture--for many reasons --putting them in office is just DUMBING down America-
1. they are only 13% of the population
2. they graduat high school at lower levels - less qualified for college where the graduate at lower levels
a. blacks commit crimes at higher levels -more in prison
--it all ADDS up to NOT MANY at all are qualified --for any high level positions

blacks base their thinking on RACE--only- not what is good for ALL
That was my first thought when I opened up this thread.

I had no idea Basqebro was such a piece of crap racist.

He's as bad as brokeloser
i'm the least racist person in the history of the world
then why bring up RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????
RACIAL records?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first POC:
to tie his shoe
eat a pickle
sleep upside down
...blacks are so obsessed with RACE that it warps their thinking [ where's Unko to call me racist???? ]
i'm the least racist person in the history of the world
but we are racist BIGOTs.......those RACIST at CNN/MSNBC are calling Youngkin a White nationalist...BULLSHIT
THEY are Black Nationalists .Black national anthem in the MLB!!!!!!!!

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