El Paso Shooter Sentenced To 90 Life Sentences


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Patrick Crusius, the mass shooter who killed 23 people at an El Paso Walmart in one of the deadliest attacks targeting Latinos in modern US history, was sentenced to 90 consecutive life terms by a federal judge on Friday. Prosecutors had recommended Crusius, 24, receive consecutive life sentences for each of the 90 federal charges, including hate crimes and firearms offenses, to which he pleaded guilty. For Crusius, the punishment meted out Friday is just the beginning. He faces a potential death penalty in a separate state case, in which he has pleaded not guilty to capital murder.

Some victims’ family members became tearful as they confronted Crusius for the first time in court, vilifying him as an “ignorant coward,” an “evil parasite,” a “monster” and “a racist.” Authorities say Crusius rampaged through the El Paso Walmart with the sole intention of killing Mexican people and immigrants. Crusius is also believed to have posted a hate-filled screed online just minutes before the shooting in which he espoused xenophobic and White supremacist beliefs. Crusius entered the courtroom with shackled hands and feet on Wednesday and Thursday and sat in silence for much of the proceedings as survivors and victims’ families detailed their lasting pain. At least two speakers admonished Crusius for apparently rolling his eyes at them during their statements. “You can roll your eyes if you want to. It doesn’t bother me,” remarked Raymond Attaguile, whose brother-in-law David Johnson was killed while back-to-school shopping with his granddaughter."

No matter what your political beliefs are -- there has to be agreement that this guy belongs in prison for life or the death penalty. There is no need to spin it, there is no need to claim "It was a false flag" or "Antifa" -- and even tho this guy was a Trump supporter, this doesn't mean what he did is something all other Trump supporters agree with. However, if your gut reaction is to deflect or try to cast blame on everything else other than the guy who did the shooting AND the rhetoric he based his justification on -- then that makes me feel like you were in agreement with him, but just was too much of a coward to have done it yourself.

"Patrick Crusius, the mass shooter who killed 23 people at an El Paso Walmart in one of the deadliest attacks targeting Latinos in modern US history, was sentenced to 90 consecutive life terms by a federal judge on Friday. Prosecutors had recommended Crusius, 24, receive consecutive life sentences for each of the 90 federal charges, including hate crimes and firearms offenses, to which he pleaded guilty. For Crusius, the punishment meted out Friday is just the beginning. He faces a potential death penalty in a separate state case, in which he has pleaded not guilty to capital murder.

Some victims’ family members became tearful as they confronted Crusius for the first time in court, vilifying him as an “ignorant coward,” an “evil parasite,” a “monster” and “a racist.” Authorities say Crusius rampaged through the El Paso Walmart with the sole intention of killing Mexican people and immigrants. Crusius is also believed to have posted a hate-filled screed online just minutes before the shooting in which he espoused xenophobic and White supremacist beliefs. Crusius entered the courtroom with shackled hands and feet on Wednesday and Thursday and sat in silence for much of the proceedings as survivors and victims’ families detailed their lasting pain. At least two speakers admonished Crusius for apparently rolling his eyes at them during their statements. “You can roll your eyes if you want to. It doesn’t bother me,” remarked Raymond Attaguile, whose brother-in-law David Johnson was killed while back-to-school shopping with his granddaughter."

No matter what your political beliefs are -- there has to be agreement that this guy belongs in prison for life or the death penalty. There is no need to spin it, there is no need to claim "It was a false flag" or "Antifa" -- and even tho this guy was a Trump supporter, this doesn't mean what he did is something all other Trump supporters agree with. However, if your gut reaction is to deflect or try to cast blame on everything else other than the guy who did the shooting AND the rhetoric he based his justification on -- then that makes me feel like you were in agreement with him, but just was too much of a coward to have done it yourself.

He wasn't a Trump supporter.........he was a left wing, eco-fascist who blamed immigrants for destroying the environment....

"Patrick Crusius, the mass shooter who killed 23 people at an El Paso Walmart in one of the deadliest attacks targeting Latinos in modern US history, was sentenced to 90 consecutive life terms by a federal judge on Friday. Prosecutors had recommended Crusius, 24, receive consecutive life sentences for each of the 90 federal charges, including hate crimes and firearms offenses, to which he pleaded guilty. For Crusius, the punishment meted out Friday is just the beginning. He faces a potential death penalty in a separate state case, in which he has pleaded not guilty to capital murder.

Some victims’ family members became tearful as they confronted Crusius for the first time in court, vilifying him as an “ignorant coward,” an “evil parasite,” a “monster” and “a racist.” Authorities say Crusius rampaged through the El Paso Walmart with the sole intention of killing Mexican people and immigrants. Crusius is also believed to have posted a hate-filled screed online just minutes before the shooting in which he espoused xenophobic and White supremacist beliefs. Crusius entered the courtroom with shackled hands and feet on Wednesday and Thursday and sat in silence for much of the proceedings as survivors and victims’ families detailed their lasting pain. At least two speakers admonished Crusius for apparently rolling his eyes at them during their statements. “You can roll your eyes if you want to. It doesn’t bother me,” remarked Raymond Attaguile, whose brother-in-law David Johnson was killed while back-to-school shopping with his granddaughter."

No matter what your political beliefs are -- there has to be agreement that this guy belongs in prison for life or the death penalty. There is no need to spin it, there is no need to claim "It was a false flag" or "Antifa" -- and even tho this guy was a Trump supporter, this doesn't mean what he did is something all other Trump supporters agree with. However, if your gut reaction is to deflect or try to cast blame on everything else other than the guy who did the shooting AND the rhetoric he based his justification on -- then that makes me feel like you were in agreement with him, but just was too much of a coward to have done it yourself.

An environmental extremist...not a Trump supporter....

From his manifesto...

The killer’s manifesto made a couple of things clear.

  1. He is a racist who identifies with the Christchurch shooter and says that they have the same views. The New Zealand killer was a socialist/environmentalist who supported gun control.

  1. The El Paso killer is also an environmentalist. His environmentalism is also the basis for his racism and anti-immigrant views: “Our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country. The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources. This has been a problem for decades. . . . Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. . . . Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. . . . So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.”
  2. President Trump wants to let more people immigrate to the US, but he wants more people coming based on merit. Obviously, that isn’t something that this killer would agree with. Nor is Trump an environmentalist. He is also a businessman. As the killer says: “Some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that.”

An environmental extremist...not a Trump supporter....

From his manifesto...

The killer’s manifesto made a couple of things clear.

  1. He is a racist who identifies with the Christchurch shooter and says that they have the same views. The New Zealand killer was a socialist/environmentalist who supported gun control.

  1. The El Paso killer is also an environmentalist. His environmentalism is also the basis for his racism and anti-immigrant views: “Our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country. The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources. This has been a problem for decades. . . . Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. . . . Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. . . . So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.”
  2. President Trump wants to let more people immigrate to the US, but he wants more people coming based on merit. Obviously, that isn’t something that this killer would agree with. Nor is Trump an environmentalist. He is also a businessman. As the killer says: “Some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that.”

^ I rest my case ^

Nothing says "environmentalism" like driving across the state to El Paso to murder Mexicans at a Walmart, not long after posting this photo....

_00.rac008 (30).jpg

"The gunman told the trooper, "I'm the shooter," court documents state. He confessed to law enforcement that he was targeting Hispanics to dissuade Mexicans and other Hispanics from coming to the United States - he claimed the motive behind the shooting was because "they (Mexicans and other Hispanics) were to blame" and "he was trying to defend his country," federal prosecutors said."

I already knew there would be a reactionary right-winger on here trying to twist themselves into pretzels to blame it everything else other than WHAT THE SHOOTER HIMSELF SAID THE DAY HE DID IT.....

Thanks for proving me right, coward

"Patrick Crusius, the mass shooter who killed 23 people at an El Paso Walmart in one of the deadliest attacks targeting Latinos in modern US history, was sentenced to 90 consecutive life terms by a federal judge on Friday. Prosecutors had recommended Crusius, 24, receive consecutive life sentences for each of the 90 federal charges, including hate crimes and firearms offenses, to which he pleaded guilty. For Crusius, the punishment meted out Friday is just the beginning. He faces a potential death penalty in a separate state case, in which he has pleaded not guilty to capital murder.

Some victims’ family members became tearful as they confronted Crusius for the first time in court, vilifying him as an “ignorant coward,” an “evil parasite,” a “monster” and “a racist.” Authorities say Crusius rampaged through the El Paso Walmart with the sole intention of killing Mexican people and immigrants. Crusius is also believed to have posted a hate-filled screed online just minutes before the shooting in which he espoused xenophobic and White supremacist beliefs. Crusius entered the courtroom with shackled hands and feet on Wednesday and Thursday and sat in silence for much of the proceedings as survivors and victims’ families detailed their lasting pain. At least two speakers admonished Crusius for apparently rolling his eyes at them during their statements. “You can roll your eyes if you want to. It doesn’t bother me,” remarked Raymond Attaguile, whose brother-in-law David Johnson was killed while back-to-school shopping with his granddaughter."

No matter what your political beliefs are -- there has to be agreement that this guy belongs in prison for life or the death penalty. There is no need to spin it, there is no need to claim "It was a false flag" or "Antifa" -- and even tho this guy was a Trump supporter, this doesn't mean what he did is something all other Trump supporters agree with. However, if your gut reaction is to deflect or try to cast blame on everything else other than the guy who did the shooting AND the rhetoric he based his justification on -- then that makes me feel like you were in agreement with him, but just was too much of a coward to have done it yourself.
That verdict was a foregone conclusion. He will get the death penalty in the state case.
I feel sorry for the family members of the victims and even for his own family. He caused nothing but pain for ordinary people and in the end nothing he did will make a difference. America is getting browner, more woke and less religious.

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