Either America Or Government School

13. The sad result of the mischief by the Roosevelt/HugoBlack Axis and Leftists:

[In 2000] on June 19th, the US Supreme Court announced a landmark decision on one of the most controversial topics in American jurisprudence: school prayer. In Santa Fe v. Doe, the Court ruled that public schools cannot permit student-led, student-initiated prayer at football games without violating the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The Court concluded that the football game prayers were public speech authorized by a government policy and taking place on government property at government-sponsored school-related events, and that the District’s policy involved both perceived and actual government endorsement of the delivery of prayer at important school events. Such speech is not properly characterized as “private,” wrote Justice Stevens for the majority.In dissent, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, joined by Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, noted the “disturbing” tone of the Court’s opinion that “bristle[d] with hostility to all things religious in public life.”
Public schools may not allow prayers before football games » LII Announce

14. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, or vice versa?”
Ben Shapiro

The evidence is in.

"... the "separation of Church and State" metaphor has been used to remove God and religion, piece by piece, from American public life. Are we a better society for it? It’s hard to argue that we are. Almost every cultural and ethical indicator—marriage rates, birthrates, the number of Americans giving to charity—has declined since God and religion have faded from American life.

Meanwhile, children without fathers in their lives, behavioral problems in schools, and crime have gone up dramatically. And all because of one vote, in one court case, based on one sentence in one letter. On such things do nations and history turn.” Law Professor John Eastman, Prager U
8. From the 1790 Massachusetts Constitution, written by John Adams, includes: [the] good order and preservation of civil government essentially depend(s) upon piety, religion, and morality…by the institution of public worship of God and of the public instruction in piety, religion, and morality…”
Constitution of Massachusetts - Wikipedia

The Declaration of Independence mentions five references to God, and the Constitution contains a clear reference to Jesus Christ.

9. 1947…”in the case of Everson v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that under the First Amendment, neither a state nor the Federal Government could "pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another."

For the first time in American history, the First Amendment was not only about the prohibition of establishing a national religion, it was also about not giving any encouragement to any religion.

The modern “strict separation” view was born. And where did the five Justices look for support for their argument? Not the Constitution, because there was nothing in the Constitution to help them, but to that one phrase Thomas Jefferson wrote back in 1802.

How ironic, that the author of the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the proposition that human beings have inalienable rights from their “Creator,” and not from government, was now being used to separate religion from the public square.”
Prager U, Op.Cit.

What is your reference for this? In you are trying to use a date as reference to the Jesus Christ, just STFU because that is the way ALL dates were written! Many of the founders were Deists, and did not acknowledge JC at all.
8. From the 1790 Massachusetts Constitution, written by John Adams, includes: [the] good order and preservation of civil government essentially depend(s) upon piety, religion, and morality…by the institution of public worship of God and of the public instruction in piety, religion, and morality…”
Constitution of Massachusetts - Wikipedia

The Declaration of Independence mentions five references to God, and the Constitution contains a clear reference to Jesus Christ.

9. 1947…”in the case of Everson v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that under the First Amendment, neither a state nor the Federal Government could "pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another."

For the first time in American history, the First Amendment was not only about the prohibition of establishing a national religion, it was also about not giving any encouragement to any religion.

The modern “strict separation” view was born. And where did the five Justices look for support for their argument? Not the Constitution, because there was nothing in the Constitution to help them, but to that one phrase Thomas Jefferson wrote back in 1802.

How ironic, that the author of the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the proposition that human beings have inalienable rights from their “Creator,” and not from government, was now being used to separate religion from the public square.”
Prager U, Op.Cit.

What is your reference for this? In you are trying to use a date as reference to the Jesus Christ, just STFU because that is the way ALL dates were written! Many of the founders were Deists, and did not acknowledge JC at all.

I love getting under the scales of you militant secularists......

Soooo upset because there is a clear reference to Jesus Christ in the Constitution.....the document that you Leftists claim demands that religion be kept out of the public arena.

Every time this paragon of the low level lying sycophants of the Left posts, he is the argument for the immediate reformation of what is laughingly called the 'education' system.

And there were no 'deists' among the Founders.

belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind.Google

Here’s what we can say for certain about their religious beliefs.

a) All of the Founders believed in a transcendent God, that is, a Creator who exists outside of nature.
b) All the Founders believed in a God who imposes moral obligations on human beings
c) All the Founders believed in a God who punishes bad behavior and rewards good behavior in an afterlife."

Let's see what we've learned about you: you are a vulgar, foul mouthed lying dunce.
You need be kept away from all or our children.
8. From the 1790 Massachusetts Constitution, written by John Adams, includes: [the] good order and preservation of civil government essentially depend(s) upon piety, religion, and morality…by the institution of public worship of God and of the public instruction in piety, religion, and morality…”
Constitution of Massachusetts - Wikipedia

The Declaration of Independence mentions five references to God, and the Constitution contains a clear reference to Jesus Christ.

9. 1947…”in the case of Everson v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that under the First Amendment, neither a state nor the Federal Government could "pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another."

For the first time in American history, the First Amendment was not only about the prohibition of establishing a national religion, it was also about not giving any encouragement to any religion.

The modern “strict separation” view was born. And where did the five Justices look for support for their argument? Not the Constitution, because there was nothing in the Constitution to help them, but to that one phrase Thomas Jefferson wrote back in 1802.

How ironic, that the author of the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the proposition that human beings have inalienable rights from their “Creator,” and not from government, was now being used to separate religion from the public square.”
Prager U, Op.Cit.

What is your reference for this? In you are trying to use a date as reference to the Jesus Christ, just STFU because that is the way ALL dates were written! Many of the founders were Deists, and did not acknowledge JC at all.

I love getting under the scales of you militant secularists......

Soooo upset because there is a clear reference to Jesus Christ in the Constitution.....the document that you Leftists claim demands that religion be kept out of the public arena.

Every time this paragon of the low level lying sycophants of the Left posts, he is the argument for the immediate reformation of what is laughingly called the 'education' system.

And there were no 'deists' among the Founders.

belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind.Google

Here’s what we can say for certain about their religious beliefs.

a) All of the Founders believed in a transcendent God, that is, a Creator who exists outside of nature.
b) All the Founders believed in a God who imposes moral obligations on human beings
c) All the Founders believed in a God who punishes bad behavior and rewards good behavior in an afterlife."

Let's see what we've learned about you: you are a vulgar, foul mouthed lying dunce.
You need be kept away from all or our children.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, you lying sack of shit! Your source is inaccurate. Show me a quote by a Founding Father referencing Jesus Christ. Never mind, you will do what you always do. I knew you would deflect and not answer my question. You are pathetic!

Religion and education need to be mutually exclusive. I say this as a strong believer in religion. Many of the other church members and I butt heads over this on occasion, but I win. Having teachers involved in religious instruction or prayer is like taking your car to the plumber to get fixed.
8. From the 1790 Massachusetts Constitution, written by John Adams, includes: [the] good order and preservation of civil government essentially depend(s) upon piety, religion, and morality…by the institution of public worship of God and of the public instruction in piety, religion, and morality…”
Constitution of Massachusetts - Wikipedia

The Declaration of Independence mentions five references to God, and the Constitution contains a clear reference to Jesus Christ.

9. 1947…”in the case of Everson v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that under the First Amendment, neither a state nor the Federal Government could "pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another."

For the first time in American history, the First Amendment was not only about the prohibition of establishing a national religion, it was also about not giving any encouragement to any religion.

The modern “strict separation” view was born. And where did the five Justices look for support for their argument? Not the Constitution, because there was nothing in the Constitution to help them, but to that one phrase Thomas Jefferson wrote back in 1802.

How ironic, that the author of the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the proposition that human beings have inalienable rights from their “Creator,” and not from government, was now being used to separate religion from the public square.”
Prager U, Op.Cit.

What is your reference for this? In you are trying to use a date as reference to the Jesus Christ, just STFU because that is the way ALL dates were written! Many of the founders were Deists, and did not acknowledge JC at all.

I love getting under the scales of you militant secularists......

Soooo upset because there is a clear reference to Jesus Christ in the Constitution.....the document that you Leftists claim demands that religion be kept out of the public arena.

Every time this paragon of the low level lying sycophants of the Left posts, he is the argument for the immediate reformation of what is laughingly called the 'education' system.

And there were no 'deists' among the Founders.

belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind.Google

Here’s what we can say for certain about their religious beliefs.

a) All of the Founders believed in a transcendent God, that is, a Creator who exists outside of nature.
b) All the Founders believed in a God who imposes moral obligations on human beings
c) All the Founders believed in a God who punishes bad behavior and rewards good behavior in an afterlife."

Let's see what we've learned about you: you are a vulgar, foul mouthed lying dunce.
You need be kept away from all or our children.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, you lying sack of shit! Your source is inaccurate. Show me a quote by a Founding Father referencing Jesus Christ. Never mind, you will do what you always do. I knew you would deflect and not answer my question. You are pathetic!

Religion and education need to be mutually exclusive. I say this as a strong believer in religion. Many of the other church members and I butt heads over this on occasion, but I win. Having teachers involved in religious instruction or prayer is like taking your car to the plumber to get fixed.

I put you in your place once again, with the same response as always:

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.
Having teachers involved in religious instruction or prayer is like taking your car to the plumber to get fixed.

Interesting. I was taught by Catholic nuns, and later priests. The same people teaching biology, history, arts and languages as taught religious studies.

Even I in my intrinsic laziness managed an A-B average through it all against standards much higher than those set in the public system.

Your statement seems ... oddly defensive.
8. From the 1790 Massachusetts Constitution, written by John Adams, includes: [the] good order and preservation of civil government essentially depend(s) upon piety, religion, and morality…by the institution of public worship of God and of the public instruction in piety, religion, and morality…”
Constitution of Massachusetts - Wikipedia

The Declaration of Independence mentions five references to God, and the Constitution contains a clear reference to Jesus Christ.

9. 1947…”in the case of Everson v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that under the First Amendment, neither a state nor the Federal Government could "pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another."

For the first time in American history, the First Amendment was not only about the prohibition of establishing a national religion, it was also about not giving any encouragement to any religion.

The modern “strict separation” view was born. And where did the five Justices look for support for their argument? Not the Constitution, because there was nothing in the Constitution to help them, but to that one phrase Thomas Jefferson wrote back in 1802.

How ironic, that the author of the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the proposition that human beings have inalienable rights from their “Creator,” and not from government, was now being used to separate religion from the public square.”
Prager U, Op.Cit.

What is your reference for this? In you are trying to use a date as reference to the Jesus Christ, just STFU because that is the way ALL dates were written! Many of the founders were Deists, and did not acknowledge JC at all.

I love getting under the scales of you militant secularists......

Soooo upset because there is a clear reference to Jesus Christ in the Constitution.....the document that you Leftists claim demands that religion be kept out of the public arena.

Every time this paragon of the low level lying sycophants of the Left posts, he is the argument for the immediate reformation of what is laughingly called the 'education' system.

And there were no 'deists' among the Founders.

belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who interacts with humankind.Google

Here’s what we can say for certain about their religious beliefs.

a) All of the Founders believed in a transcendent God, that is, a Creator who exists outside of nature.
b) All the Founders believed in a God who imposes moral obligations on human beings
c) All the Founders believed in a God who punishes bad behavior and rewards good behavior in an afterlife."

Let's see what we've learned about you: you are a vulgar, foul mouthed lying dunce.
You need be kept away from all or our children.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, you lying sack of shit! Your source is inaccurate. Show me a quote by a Founding Father referencing Jesus Christ. Never mind, you will do what you always do. I knew you would deflect and not answer my question. You are pathetic!

Religion and education need to be mutually exclusive. I say this as a strong believer in religion. Many of the other church members and I butt heads over this on occasion, but I win. Having teachers involved in religious instruction or prayer is like taking your car to the plumber to get fixed.

I put you in your place once again, with the same response as always:

Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.

Profanity is required when an idiot lies, deflects, and then makes excuse why she is fucked up!

Yu still could not answer the question, which is what anyone else reading your ignorant responce will see!
The rejection was based on the pieces of shit at the Vatican and the church of England. Had they been wiped out(as should have been) The Christian bible and 10 commandments would still stand. All others are invalid. I don't do "interpretations and doctrines". It's to be read, re-read and self interpreted or you wind up with "opinion agreed upon". Please leave money in that Walmart platter that appears silver
8. From the 1790 Massachusetts Constitution, written by John Adams, includes: [the] good order and preservation of civil government essentially depend(s) upon piety, religion, and morality…by the institution of public worship of God and of the public instruction in piety, religion, and morality…”
Constitution of Massachusetts - Wikipedia

The Declaration of Independence mentions five references to God, and the Constitution contains a clear reference to Jesus Christ.

9. 1947…”in the case of Everson v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that under the First Amendment, neither a state nor the Federal Government could "pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another."

For the first time in American history, the First Amendment was not only about the prohibition of establishing a national religion, it was also about not giving any encouragement to any religion.

The modern “strict separation” view was born. And where did the five Justices look for support for their argument? Not the Constitution, because there was nothing in the Constitution to help them, but to that one phrase Thomas Jefferson wrote back in 1802.

How ironic, that the author of the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the proposition that human beings have inalienable rights from their “Creator,” and not from government, was now being used to separate religion from the public square.”
Prager U, Op.Cit.

What is your reference for this? In you are trying to use a date as reference to the Jesus Christ, just STFU because that is the way ALL dates were written! Many of the founders were Deists, and did not acknowledge JC at all.
Maybe that's why it's sometimes referred to as The Great Satan ? I mean. Look at the layout of DC ?
8 Secret Symbols Hidden in Plain Sight in Washington, DC

Washington D.C. and its Satanist Ties
So is the premise here all kids must become Christians? I'm all for kids praying if they want. I'm not for a religious school teaching my kids about Christianity when they are clearly NOT as qualified as I am. That is a HUUUUGE issue. There is NO person out there except me who is qualified to do this. So can my kids be exempted from religious classes even if they are Christian?
So is the premise here all kids must become Christians? I'm all for kids praying if they want. I'm not for a religious school teaching my kids about Christianity when they are clearly NOT as qualified as I am. That is a HUUUUGE issue. There is NO person out there except me who is qualified to do this. So can my kids be exempted from religious classes even if they are Christian?

"So is the premise here all kids must become Christians?"

In which state is Prager University? Never heard of it. How many students attend?

It's not a school. However, you can learn many things there.
The "U" stands for "United".

In which state is Prager University? Never heard of it. How many students attend?

It's not a school. However, you can learn many things there.
The "U" stands for "United".

PragerU, short for Prager University, is an American non-profit organization that creates videos on various political, economic and philosophical topics from an American conservative or right-wing perspective. The organization was co-founded by talk show host and writer Dennis Prager and Allen Estrin.
Founders: Dennis Prager
Geographic scope: American

PragerU - Wikipedia

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Prager's motto...'we teach things that aren't 'taught.

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