Ed Koch Saved New York City from Union Thugs


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Oct 10, 2009
In your head
Mayor Ed Koch Saved New York City from Public Unions & their thugs.

On July 13th, 1977, the bankrupt city reached its nadir when a 24-hour blackout gave way to mass looting. Bushwick, a working-class neighborhood in Brooklyn, was practically burned to the ground. The Overpaid Unionized Police & Fire Fighters told citizens & business owners "Why should we risk our lives for you. What have you done for us?"

Then in 1978, Edward Irving Koch became New York’s 105th Mayor. He put an end to that shit!

We need an Ed Koch to save the USA from Obama & his Overpaid Public Union Thugs.
The union thugs held this country back. They prevented the US from building hypersonic commercial aircraft like the concord. They even protested the British & French Concords landing at New York's JFK airport because they perceived it as a privilege of the rich. It just does not get any stupider than that folks.
Unions were created to improve working conditions & keep the executives from robbing all the wealth from the workers who created it. Now the public unions prey upon the lower wage citizens by increasing our taxes & debt. They are against progress for the masses. They have become the elite who harm the citizens.
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Mayor Ed Koch Saved New York City from Public Unions & their thugs.

On July 13th, 1977, the bankrupt city reached its nadir when a 24-hour blackout gave way to mass looting. Bushwick, a working-class neighborhood in Brooklyn, was practically burned to the ground. The Overpaid Unionized Police & Fire Fighters told citizens & business owners "Why should we risk our lives for you. What have you done for us?"

Then in 1978, Edward Irving Koch became New York’s 105th Mayor. He put an end to that shit!

We need an Ed Koch to save the USA from Obama & his Overpaid Public Union Thugs.

Just curious ..... Have you ever been to Bushwick? After dark? Just sayin.
Worthy of a continuation of Union domination?

I wasn't aware we still had unions (other than those that exist only in the minds of Big Business when they want to use a strawman to justify fucking workers over).

I'm pretty sure all of those jobs are gone now. Most now in China where they commit suicide at the Apple factory.
Worthy of a continuation of Union domination?

I wasn't aware we still had unions (other than those that exist only in the minds of Big Business when they want to use a strawman to justify fucking workers over).

I'm pretty sure all of those jobs are gone now. Most now in China where they commit suicide at the Apple factory.

Apple is finally giving their employees at stores across the U.S. a 25% pay raise.

From the article, it appears the pay raise was in response to Microsoft luring away Apple employees with higher wages. Good ol' competition, not the result of Union strong-arm tactics.
Worthy of a continuation of Union domination?

I wasn't aware we still had unions (other than those that exist only in the minds of Big Business when they want to use a strawman to justify fucking workers over).

I'm pretty sure all of those jobs are gone now. Most now in China where they commit suicide at the Apple factory.

Apple is finally giving their employees at stores across the U.S. a 25% pay raise.

This 25% increase apparently will not be received by all employees as it is reportedly performance base
Gee performace based, just like we get in union....oh we dont......I'm for a meritocracy, unions arent.
There have been some reports that newly opened Windows retail locations have been luring away Apple Store employees with higher wages and better benefits.

Capitalism, aint it awesome!
Because firemen, policemen, and teachers are evil.

Oil companies and billionaires are good.
Because firemen, policemen, and teachers are evil.

Oil companies and billionaires are good.

you have an issue with oil companies or billionaires? Oh wait you hate Buffet, Gates and Soros?

And no firemen, policemen and teachers arent evil, just the democrat ones.
Mayor Ed Koch Saved New York City from Public Unions & their thugs.

On July 13th, 1977, the bankrupt city reached its nadir when a 24-hour blackout gave way to mass looting. Bushwick, a working-class neighborhood in Brooklyn, was practically burned to the ground. The Overpaid Unionized Police & Fire Fighters told citizens & business owners "Why should we risk our lives for you. What have you done for us?"

Then in 1978, Edward Irving Koch became New York’s 105th Mayor. He put an end to that shit!

We need an Ed Koch to save the USA from Obama & his Overpaid Public Union Thugs.

Just curious ..... Have you ever been to Bushwick? After dark? Just sayin.

Yes I have been there at 1:00AM back in the 80's during the trash strike. It looked like a trash dump thanks to the unions.

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