Biden To Trump On Debates; "I Hear You're Free On Wednesdays"

that's a tough one for me.... I really want to see a woman president and I think with her experience and knowledge, she is qualified and not far out on the right wing extreme.

1. Biden would not be running if it were not trump in the race.

2. Harris doesn't appear to know enough on foreign affairs imho, at this point....but it could be that she does? So, I don't know, I'd have to see them debate. Haley would have to come out double the advantage of knowledge than Harris, because I will weight my vote for a Democrat because I support their agendas in Congress...for the most part, but NOT ALL.

3. Gosh, I think Newsome is qualified....But before I die, I'd like to see a qualified woman president....that's a toughy....but likely, because I think Republicans in Congress are bat shit crazy and nothing but rebel rousers and obstructionists.... when a dem President is in power, I'd say Newsome.... I don't want Rs in Congress having power at this point...they're nuts.

I would respect Haley if she won any of those, though.

Though I do not have anything against having a women President, it's clear that all of America's adversaries are Misogynists.

Putin, Xi, Kim, the Ayatollah.

You can bet they will do everything they can to act against the U.S. if we have a woman President. Their male egos will not allow them to lose.

More so than with any male President, I'm concerned with the qualifications for any woman as CIC.

I had a lot of confidence in Clinton in that regard - I think Putin was scared of her.

I'm not too sure of Haley and Harris.
So Biden's handlers won't let him debate in front of an audience. Interesting.

In addition, his handlers demand his opponent's microphone is cut when he's speaking.
This tells me his handlers don't want him trying to speak off the cuff if his opponent derails him from an outburst.
Though I do not have anything against having a women President, it's clear that all of America's adversaries are Misogynists.
Putin, Xi, Kim, the Ayatollah.
You can bet they will do everything they can to act against the U.S. if we have a woman President. Their male egos will not allow them to lose.
More so than with any male President, I'm concerned with the qualifications for any woman as CIC.
I had a lot of confidence in Clinton in that regard - I think Putin was scared of her.
I'm not too sure of Haley and Harris.
Hint: Cheney in 3" heels
Trump's idea of a great debate is to get a full-size poster of Biden so he can scream at it nonstop for 2 hours.
In such debates, the rules are everything. If Biden can control the rules, even he can appear coherent. Trump's best strategy would be to devise a way of real-time fact checking. Biden lies his ass off in these things, but it doesn't come out until the following morning, by which time it is too late.

I would be extremely surprised if there is a single debate, let alone three.

Trump will wipe the floor with that addled old codger.
/----/ Heavily edited video where Dementia Joe needs a teleprompter for a 14 sec video.

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