Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Duncan flew from Belgium ... a west African country don't cha know ?

Where did his Passport checked by Customs when he entered the US say he was from? Did he get a visa from the US Embassy in the country that he lived in? Or, did he get a Belgium passport when he changed airplanes or refueled the one he was on?

I really don't know, but I have traveled to 28 foreign countries and they checked my US passport when I got to my destination and when I returned to the US.

The fucking moron has no clue how VISAS or passports work. Can you fucking believe these pieces of shit think they are so smart?

and you trust people who check passports in Africa don't you prison mouth ?

no such thing as a fake passport either , right ?

You are seriously going to use the "fake passport" angle here? Come now, that is a just a little silly, even for a liberal. :D
Oh....so some liberals believe Africans from "Ebola countries" will just find fake passports (European of course) but a cross check with those countries couldn't figure them out. Are they going to fake visas too?

So that is like saying a teen here can find a fake ID, well that means we need to throw away all laws that prevent teens from getting tobacco and booze......insane logic.
And yet the FACTS are that the Government got more money for its CDC. There was no reduction at all. Unless of course you believe things like a person wants a 30 percent raise and gets a 20 percent raise then claims his pay was cut 10 percent. Do you? Further the facts are that Obama wanted LESS money then the Republicans gave him.

Oh, is that a fact? Note the date.

Dec 19, 2011

NIH Spending Barely Budges, CDC Stays Flat as Congress Finalizes FY 2012 Budget

NIH will see a 1% increase and CDC a 0.6% increase over FY ’11 under a $1 trillion spending plan passed by the House and Senate.

NIH will see its budget for the current federal fiscal year inch up about 1% over FY 2011, while CDC funding will be flatter year-over-year at 0.6% higher in FY 2012, under a $1 trillion spending plan that has passed both the House of Representatives and Senate.

In its press release trumpeting the compromise, House Appropriations stated: “This bill assumes NIH will support the same number of scientifically meritorious research project grants as last year.” That language is expected to appear in the eventual Conference Report on the spending plan, though, it was not in the legislation itself or in a manager’s report highlighting details.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

CDC will see its budget barely change, moving up to $6.1 billion, an increase of just $38 million from FY 2011. President Obama sought a $269 million spending hike for the agency, to $6.393 billion.

Within CDC, the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases would receive $253.919 million, up $1.476 million, or 0.6%, from $252.443 million in FY 2011 but below the $289.118 million sought by President Obama. However, conferees urged CDC to expand efforts to develop improved diagnostic tools and tests for Lyme disease, study the feasibility of developing a national reporting system on Lyme disease, and expand public and physician education efforts to prevent Lyme and tick-borne diseases.

GEN Insight Intelligence 153 NIH Spending Barely Budges CDC Stays Flat as Congress Finalizes FY 2012 Budget

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