Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

The head of the NIH thinks so:

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts NIH Director

Just another way Conservatives and TeaBaggers are screwing up America!

You stupid libs:cuckoo:

Budget 'Cuts' Aren't Why CDC Fumbled Ebola

The CDC's budget today is 25% bigger than it was in 2008 and 188% bigger than in 2000. The NIH budget has been flat for the past few years, but at a level that's more than double what it was 14 years ago.

Plus, spending at both of these agencies has actually been higher than President Obama himself proposed (see chart). The 2014 NIH budget, in fact, is almost $1 billion bigger than Obama sought in his budget plan, released in early 2010.

True, the heads of these agencies are decrying cuts. But that's what government officials always do, even as their budgets continue to grow. Besides, the CDC and NIH are desperate to point the finger of blame somewhere other than their own incompetence.

Even if there has been some cutting here and there at these agencies, it's not as if there isn't plenty of fat to trim.

If the NIH was really so concerned about developing an Ebola vaccine, for example, it could have directed more grant money to that effort, rather than wasting it researching such things as diseases among male sex workers in Peru ($400,000), why chimps throw feces ($600,000) and sexual attraction among fruit flies (nearly $1 million).

The CDC isn't much better at husbanding its resources. A few years ago, it dumped $106 million into a swanky visitors' center in Atlanta, even though it already had one. It bought $10 million worth of furniture for its lavish new headquarters and spent $1.7 million to advise Hollywood on medical plots.

Yes, the federal government has blown it on Ebola. But that's not because the relevant agencies have too little money to spend. It's the result of unfocused missions, bureaucratic bloat and a shameful lack of accountability.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/101314-721520-cdc-failures-on-ebola-are-not-from-phantom-budget-cuts.htm#ixzz3GPBn0Dvc
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No one from Honduras has broght Ebola in; a Liberian with a passport was not dignosed promptly, the hospital admitted that DAYS ago. So how is "border jumping" relevent? This is a TEXAS problem, CDC was not sent blood work until five DAYS after the first victim was refused treatment. Accept reality.

ok now you're a frikken expert in who carries it. got it
No one from Honduras has broght Ebola in; a Liberian with a passport was not dignosed promptly, the hospital admitted that DAYS ago. So how is "border jumping" relevent? This is a TEXAS problem, CDC was not sent blood work until five DAYS after the first victim was refused treatment. Accept reality.

No one from Honduras has brought Ebola in

Treatment would sure be nice, shame all the trials were delayed, lack of funds. BOTH major parties are to blame for THAT.
No one from Honduras has broght Ebola in; a Liberian with a passport was not dignosed promptly, the hospital admitted that DAYS ago. So how is "border jumping" relevent? This is a TEXAS problem, CDC was not sent blood work until five DAYS after the first victim was refused treatment. Accept reality.

ok now you're a frikken expert in who carries it. got it

Readily available in RELIABLE news sources, a lot of information from the Med school hits my inbox.
The lies from the left never cease to amaze me. They are all worthless pieces of shit.

Ebola was discovered in the 70s and there has been a search for a "vaccine" since.

The left are miserable fucking morons who say in one statement that we need to contain it in Africa then in the very next sentence claim it is "racist" to block flights from west Africa.

One person got through as a result (if we closed flights he would not have got through) and you see how it can possibly spread.

Everything the cdc has said has been totally untrue. Now these fucks want to blame the fucking sequester. We are inthis together conservatives. That is all I can say.

Liberals can all go fucking die as far as I am concerned.
The lies from the left never cease to amaze me. They are all worthless pieces of shit.

Ebola was discovered in the 70s and there has been a search for a "vaccine" since.

The left are miserable fucking morons who say in one statement that we need to contain it in Africa then in the very next sentence claim it is "racist" to block flights from west Africa.

One person got through as a result (if we closed flights he would not have got through) and you see how it can possibly spread.

Everything the cdc has said has been totally untrue. Now these fucks want to blame the fucking sequester. We are inthis together conservatives. That is all I can say.

Liberals can all go fucking die as far as I am concerned.

This attitude created the small infection rate in ONE hospital; "NOT OUR PROBLEM, NO US MONEY FOR AFRICA DISEASE!".
The head of the NIH thinks so:

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts NIH Director

Just another way Conservatives and TeaBaggers are screwing up America!

The Sequester Scam Continues
Laurence M. Vance

Some show on NPR had a story today about how funding was going to be cut by the NIH for some major heart study because of the sequester. And yet we are to believe that the government has the money to launch hundreds of million-dollar cruise missiles at Syria.

5:28 pm on September 11, 2013

I don't think anyone in the government even knows they can shift money from one program to another one. They must not, since they ALWAYS come to the taxpayer with hat in hand for any new initiative. Even now, they'll insist on borrowing or taxing to get any additional monies to fight Ebola instead of pulling funds from some of the more ridiculous expenditures.

Sure they do. They do it all the time.
This time in 2013 the funds for the CDC was used for the new Health Care enrollment.

page 14 explains it.
The decreased availability of FY 2013 PPHF funds for CDC (and other PHS agencies) was due mainly to a large one time PPHF distribution to CMS for enrollment activities for ACA - mandated health insurance exchanges rather than to sequestration.

Funds page 15.
More money was given in each year.
2010 - 721 million
2011- 748 million
2012- 779 million
2013 - 679 million - less amount because of ACA enrollment
2014- 754 million

So, what you're saying is the CDC lost money so Obama could prop up Obamadon'tcare?
We've been trying to find a vaccine for HIV/AIDS for decades without success, I believe close to a billion dollars into research on a yearly basis. Sometimes vaccines just aren't possible.
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We have 21 days to know the real extent of the problem....8-9 is the first window....and if any of the passengers on that jet, if they were on her flight or the ones after, get the disease....things are,going to change...and I don't know how the media protects obama....that idea to not ban flights from the infected countries....that might end his Presidency in all but name....
. That would almost be worth a planeload of victims to have obozo thrown out of office finally.
What budget cuts?
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Duncan flew from Belgium ... a west African country don't cha know ?

Where did his Passport checked by Customs when he entered the US say he was from? Did he get a visa from the US Embassy in the country that he lived in? Or, did he get a Belgium passport when he changed airplanes or refueled the one he was on?

I really don't know, but I have traveled to 28 foreign countries and they checked my US passport when I got to my destination and when I returned to the US.
I really don't know, but I have traveled to 28 foreign countries and they checked my US passport when I got to my destination and when I returned to the US.

That's because you are not an illegal alien coming across the Mexican border.

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