Earth currently experiencing a sixth mass extinction, according to "scientists"

More like.....Earth is experiencing a mass stupidity event in believing in that horse shit.. ;)

Actually it is true.

Humans are polluting the hell out of the planet and are causing a tremendous stress on the biosphere.

That is the consequence of having a population of eight billion.

However, humans are not effecting the climate. Absolutely no credible proof of that.
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Actually it is true.

Humans are polluting the hell out of the planet and are causing a tremendous stress on the biosphere.

That is the consequences of having a population of eight billion.

However, humans are not effecting the climate. Absolutely no credible proof of that.
Deagle 2025. They're working on that "problem"
What we are experiencing is a culling of the masses through psyops & next generation warfare.
Covid, clot shots, AGW, etc is all intertwined & designed to bring down the population to manageable numbers of scared & compliant sheeple for those pulling the strings on the NWO reset
Actually it is true. Humans are polluting the hell out of the planet and are causing a tremendous stress on the biosphere. That is the consequences of having a population of eight billion.
I'm still watching the video but the first claim about salmon populations dwindling because they have been crowded out of rivers because of habitat destruction, warming and pollution seems intentionally misleading because no mention was made of over fishing which would seem to me to be the leading cause.
However, humans are not effecting the climate. Absolutely no credible proof of that.
I have a slightly different take... humans are affecting climate but not because of the GHG effect of CO2 - which is over exaggerated due to flawed models which more than triple the GHG effect of CO2 through nebulous claims of net positive feedback - but because of deforestation and urbanization which affect albedo. But there's no money to be made off of that because no one has the stomach to swallow that medicine or the courage to speak out about it. So instead they preach to western industrialized nations about the evils of CO2 when their emissions have been declining for almost two decades and ignore where the real growth of carbon emissions are occurring; developing and emerging countries with low per capita carbon emissions. There's way too much bias and emotion in the climate science community which is clouding their ability to be objective.
These mass extinction events just kill me.
Historically natural climate change has been the cause of species extinction.

Nowadays it is the stress eight billion humans are putting on the biosphere.

It was bound to happen once the human population began to grow.

When my grandfather was born there was a little over a billion humans on earth.

When I was born in 1947 there were about three billion. The population has almost tripled during my lifetime.

It will soon be ten billion.

That equates to a lot of pollution and lost of habitat for both flora and fauna. Species extinction was bound to happen.
Historically natural climate change has been the cause of species extinction.

Nowadays it is the stress eight billion humans are putting on the biosphere.

It was bound to happen once the human population began to grow.

When my grandfather was born there was a little over a billion humans on earth.

When I was born in 1947 there were about three billion. The population has almost tripled during my lifetime.

It will soon be ten billion.

That equates to a lot of pollution and lost of habitat for both flora and fauna. Species extinction was bound to happen.
Mass extinctions have happened in the past without overpopulation being the cause.

That said, to feed all the people, we need to harvest more and more food and catch more and more fish. The planet probably can’t sustain the population explosion for long since we are already over fishing and so forth.

I don’t believe in Malthusian type remedies. So, we need to come up with better ways to feed humanity. And I do believe (however impractical it may presently be) that part of the “answer” is probably to be found in space. We need room to grow.
Actually it is true.

Humans are polluting the hell out of the planet and are causing a tremendous stress on the biosphere.

That is the consequence of having a population of eight billion.

However, humans are not effecting the climate. Absolutely no credible proof of that.
You just tricked yourself into acknowledging AGW!
Mass extinctions have happened in the past without overpopulation being the cause.

That said, to feed all the people, we need to harvest more and more food and catch more and more fish. The planet probably can’t sustain the population explosion for long since we are already over fishing and so forth.

I don’t believe in Malthusian type remedies. So, we need to come up with better ways to feed humanity. And I do believe (however impractical it may presently be) that part of the “answer” is probably to be found in space. We need room to grow.

The problem will be self correcting as the populations most able to take care of themselves and others are under-reproducing, and the ones over-reproducing will self limit once the first world countries go into an aging death spiral.
Mass extinctions have happened in the past without overpopulation being the cause.

That said, to feed all the people, we need to harvest more and more food and catch more and more fish. The planet probably can’t sustain the population explosion for long since we are already over fishing and so forth.

I don’t believe in Malthusian type remedies. So, we need to come up with better ways to feed humanity. And I do believe (however impractical it may presently be) that part of the “answer” is probably to be found in space. We need room to grow.
In space eh?

This is a thread that climate change denialists should have left alone.
I'm still watching the video but the first claim about salmon populations dwindling because they have been crowded out of rivers because of habitat destruction, warming and pollution seems intentionally misleading because no mention was made of over fishing which would seem to me to be the leading cause.
It did mention might be a little later?

The 3 billion to 8 billion people part also stressed the point, and how sustaining this population is causing the extinctions in all kinds of different ways.
You just tricked yourself into acknowledging AGW!
Probably worth mentioning again and emphasizing... humans are affecting climate but not to the extent claimed and not because of the GHG effect of CO2 - which is over exaggerated due to flawed models which more than triple the GHG effect of CO2 through nebulous claims of net positive feedback - but because of deforestation and urbanization which affect albedo. But there's no money to be made off of that because no one has the stomach to swallow that medicine or the courage to speak out about it. So instead they preach to western industrialized nations about the evils of CO2 when their emissions have been declining for almost two decades and ignore where the real growth of carbon emissions are occurring; developing and emerging countries with low per capita carbon emissions. There's way too much bias and emotion in the climate science community which is clouding their ability to be objective.
Mass extinctions have happened in the past without overpopulation being the cause.

That said, to feed all the people, we need to harvest more and more food and catch more and more fish. The planet probably can’t sustain the population explosion for long since we are already over fishing and so forth.

I don’t believe in Malthusian type remedies. So, we need to come up with better ways to feed humanity. And I do believe (however impractical it may presently be) that part of the “answer” is probably to be found in space. We need room to grow.
I said that. In the past it has almost always been natural climate change that caused the extinctions.

Unfortunately there are to many humans for the earth to buffer and we are causing damage.

For instance, I live in a an area that use to be a heavily wooded Florida upland forest. That was the home to wildlife. Now it is a subdivision. The only wild life we have are those damn squirrels running around getting acorns off the oak trees that were left and the ones we planted in our yards. Occasionally I will see a snake or a grove rat but that is about it.

Each year the earth loses an area about the size of North and South Carolina (combined) to deforestation. This is year after year after year and it is not going to stop soon. That is a lot of wildlife habitation. Species are bound to go extinct in that situation.

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