Drop Acid!

It seems to me that many of the people on this board really ought to take LSD. Your minds are closed. You need to open them. LSD could change your life. Unfortunately, these days I can't help you obtain any acid. But if you can get any, please let me know!
You don't know what you're missing.
Strychnine poisoning. Next!
Pure LSD does not contain strychnine. But yes, street drugs often contain contaminants. So why not make LSD legally available, maybe with a doctor's prescription? Then there wouldn't be any problem with impurities.
So that’s what happened to you. It makes complete sense now
And by the way, you still misspell "taze."
He does that ON PURPOSE. Thank you.
You're damn right I do it on purpose.
HE spells "tase" wrong PURPOSELY.
Think he can spell hallucinogenics? :auiqs.jpg:
Actually, I prefer the term "psychedelics" which means "mind-manifesting." In addition to LSD, I have taken belladonna (only once!), and that is a TRUE hallucinogen. I saw people and objects that weren't there, and a lot of other weird things. (This was almost 50 years ago.) I do NOT recommend belladonna (or its alkaloid, atropine). But I do recommend LSD. If taken under the proper circumstances, it can be life-altering. This information has been suppressed, though.
Prolly a little mescaline, too? ( a naturally occurring psychedelic)
So that’s what happened to you. It makes complete sense now
And by the way, you still misspell "taze."
He does that ON PURPOSE. Thank you.
You're damn right I do it on purpose.
HE spells "tase" wrong PURPOSELY.
Think he can spell hallucinogenics? :auiqs.jpg:
Actually, I prefer the term "psychedelics" which means "mind-manifesting." In addition to LSD, I have taken belladonna (only once!), and that is a TRUE hallucinogen. I saw people and objects that weren't ther
Prolly a little mescaline, too? ( a naturally occurring psychedelic)
No, mescaline is almost impossible to get. I had some alleged mescaline once, but it was crap. Mescaline is the active ingredient in the peyote cactus, and I think it's hard to synthesize. The cactus itself takes a long time to grow, and it may even be endangered now, due to over-harvesting. But I did take psilocybin once, and I think it was genuine, because it was a mellower trip than LSD usually was. Psilocybin is from a mushroom that grows on cow pies (among other things), and it's much easier to cultivate than peyote, and it grows faster.
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So that’s what happened to you. It makes complete sense now
And by the way, you still misspell "taze."
He does that ON PURPOSE. Thank you.
You're damn right I do it on purpose.
HE spells "tase" wrong PURPOSELY.
Think he can spell hallucinogenics? :auiqs.jpg:
Actually, I prefer the term "psychedelics" which means "mind-manifesting." In addition to LSD, I have taken belladonna (only once!), and that is a TRUE hallucinogen. I saw people and objects that weren't ther
Prolly a little mescaline, too? ( a naturally occurring psychedelic)
No, mescaline is almost impossible to get. I had some alleged mescaline once, but it was crap. Mescaline is the active ingredient in the peyote cactus, and I think it's hard to synthesize. The cactus itself takes a long time to grow, and it may even be endangered now, due to over-harvesting. But I did take psilocybin once, and I think it was genuine, because it was a mellower trip than LSD usually was. Psilocybin is from a mushroom that grows on cow pies (among other things), and it's much easier to cultivate than peyote, and it grows faster.
Albert Hofmann, born in Switzerland, joined the pharmaceutical-chemical department of Sandoz Laboratories, located in Basel, as a co-worker with professor Arthur Stoll, founder and director of the pharmaceutical department.[3] He began studying the medicinal plant squill and the fungus ergot as part of a program to purify and synthesize active constituents for use as pharmaceuticals. His main contribution was to elucidate the chemical structure of the common nucleus of Scilla glycosides (an active principle of Mediterranean Squill).[3] While researching lysergic acid derivatives, Hofmann first synthesized LSD on November 16, 1938.[1] The main intention of the synthesis was to obtain a respiratory and circulatory stimulant (an analeptic). It was set aside for five years, until April 16, 1943, when Hofmann decided to take a second look at it. While re-synthesizing LSD, he accidentally absorbed a small amount of the drug and discovered its powerful effects.[4][5] He described what he felt as being:

... affected by a remarkable restlessness, combined with a slight dizziness. At home I lay down and sank into a not unpleasant intoxicated-like condition, characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination. In a dreamlike state, with eyes closed (I found the daylight to be unpleasantly glaring), I perceived an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors. After about two hours this condition faded away.[6]

It seems to me that many of the people on this board really ought to take LSD. Your minds are closed. You need to open them. LSD could change your life. Unfortunately, these days I can't help you obtain any acid. But if you can get any, please let me know!

Louisiana State Dodgeball?
Funny! But no, it's lysergic acid diethylamide (I didn't even have to look up the spelling!). I don't know why it's not known as LAD, which would seem to make more sense, in a way.
I didn't know people still did LSD. I tried a purple micro dot in college once. It didn't really have much affect, but I was pretty drunk.
It seems to me that many of the people on this board really ought to take LSD. Your minds are closed. You need to open them. LSD could change your life. Unfortunately, these days I can't help you obtain any acid. But if you can get any, please let me know!

Louisiana State Dodgeball?
Funny! But no, it's lysergic acid diethylamide (I didn't even have to look up the spelling!). I don't know why it's not known as LAD, which would seem to make more sense, in a way.
I didn't know people still did LSD. I tried a purple micro dot in college once. It didn't really have much affect, but I was pretty drunk.
Unfortunately, I haven't done any acid in quite a while. I don't have the contacts any more! Most of the events that I describe happened in the late 60s or 1970s, although a few were more recent.
It seems to me that many of the people on this board really ought to take LSD. Your minds are closed. You need to open them. LSD could change your life. Unfortunately, these days I can't help you obtain any acid. But if you can get any, please let me know!

Louisiana State Dodgeball?
Funny! But no, it's lysergic acid diethylamide (I didn't even have to look up the spelling!). I don't know why it's not known as LAD, which would seem to make more sense, in a way.
I didn't know people still did LSD. I tried a purple micro dot in college once. It didn't really have much affect, but I was pretty drunk.
Don't take the brown acid.
It seems to me that many of the people on this board really ought to take LSD. Your minds are closed. You need to open them. LSD could change your life. Unfortunately, these days I can't help you obtain any acid. But if you can get any, please let me know!
You don't know what you're missing.
Strychnine poisoning. Next!
That's why those in the know prefer windowpane.
It seems to me that many of the people on this board really ought to take LSD. Your minds are closed. You need to open them. LSD could change your life. Unfortunately, these days I can't help you obtain any acid. But if you can get any, please let me know!
You don't know what you're missing.
Strychnine poisoning. Next!
That's why those in the know prefer windowpane.
I know that you know that I know that you know you're in the know.
So that’s what happened to you. It makes complete sense now
And by the way, you still misspell "taze."
He does that ON PURPOSE. Thank you.
You're damn right I do it on purpose.
HE spells "tase" wrong PURPOSELY.
Think he can spell hallucinogenics? :auiqs.jpg:
Actually, I prefer the term "psychedelics" which means "mind-manifesting." In addition to LSD, I have taken belladonna (only once!), and that is a TRUE hallucinogen. I saw people and objects that weren't ther
Prolly a little mescaline, too? ( a naturally occurring psychedelic)
No, mescaline is almost impossible to get. I had some alleged mescaline once, but it was crap. Mescaline is the active ingredient in the peyote cactus, and I think it's hard to synthesize. The cactus itself takes a long time to grow, and it may even be endangered now, due to over-harvesting. But I did take psilocybin once, and I think it was genuine, because it was a mellower trip than LSD usually was. Psilocybin is from a mushroom that grows on cow pies (among other things), and it's much easier to cultivate than peyote, and it grows faster.
I chewed mescaline back when it was readily available. It is the most bitter god awful tasting stuff imaginable, but what a fun trip.
It seems to me that many of the people on this board really ought to take LSD. Your minds are closed. You need to open them. LSD could change your life. Unfortunately, these days I can't help you obtain any acid. But if you can get any, please let me know!
You don't know what you're missing.
Strychnine poisoning. Next!
That's why those in the know prefer windowpane.
I know that you know that I know that you know you're in the know.
It's 3 in the morning. Whatever you just said, okay.
I don't encourage LSD use. It may be helpful for some people, and it's too bad it's not used for psychological treatment research. I did my share, I have no inclination to use it since.

That said I did start to reject leftist philosophy on a hard trip wandering around Niagara Falls during the Festival of Lights nearly 30 years ago when some cops walked up and asked for my papers.


You see though, even back then when I was a communist hippie dipshit I knew the National Socialist Workers Party was not some German libertarian political association that exalted Constitutional rights to speech, gun ownership, private property or free markets.

Sad how bed wetting liberals STILL can't get that through the incredible density of ignorance in their skulls.

I don't know if LSD will help them grow a frontal lobe, like I said it needs to be studied.

So that’s what happened to you. It makes complete sense now
And by the way, you still misspell "taze."
He does that ON PURPOSE. Thank you.
You're damn right I do it on purpose.
HE spells "tase" wrong PURPOSELY.
Think he can spell hallucinogenics? :auiqs.jpg:
Actually, I prefer the term "psychedelics" which means "mind-manifesting." In addition to LSD, I have taken belladonna (only once!), and that is a TRUE hallucinogen. I saw people and objects that weren't ther
Prolly a little mescaline, too? ( a naturally occurring psychedelic)
No, mescaline is almost impossible to get. I had some alleged mescaline once, but it was crap. Mescaline is the active ingredient in the peyote cactus, and I think it's hard to synthesize. The cactus itself takes a long time to grow, and it may even be endangered now, due to over-harvesting. But I did take psilocybin once, and I think it was genuine, because it was a mellower trip than LSD usually was. Psilocybin is from a mushroom that grows on cow pies (among other things), and it's much easier to cultivate than peyote, and it grows faster.

And grape koolaid doesn't make it taste any better, no matter how much you want it to.
So that’s what happened to you. It makes complete sense now
And by the way, you still misspell "taze."
He does that ON PURPOSE. Thank you.
You're damn right I do it on purpose.
HE spells "tase" wrong PURPOSELY.
Think he can spell hallucinogenics? :auiqs.jpg:
Actually, I prefer the term "psychedelics" which means "mind-manifesting." In addition to LSD, I have taken belladonna (only once!), and that is a TRUE hallucinogen. I saw people and objects that weren't ther
Prolly a little mescaline, too? ( a naturally occurring psychedelic)
No, mescaline is almost impossible to get. I had some alleged mescaline once, but it was crap. Mescaline is the active ingredient in the peyote cactus, and I think it's hard to synthesize. The cactus itself takes a long time to grow, and it may even be endangered now, due to over-harvesting. But I did take psilocybin once, and I think it was genuine, because it was a mellower trip than LSD usually was. Psilocybin is from a mushroom that grows on cow pies (among other things), and it's much easier to cultivate than peyote, and it grows faster.
I'd be willing to try mushrooms, but the only time the opportunity ever presented itself, I was armed and had no place or way to secure my firearm other than keeping it with me. And taking 'shrooms while I had a gun on me just seemed like a bad idea.
It seems to me that many of the people on this board really ought to take LSD. Your minds are closed. You need to open them. LSD could change your life. Unfortunately, these days I can't help you obtain any acid. But if you can get any, please let me know!
Don't take the brown acid

Tiny little stamps and in sugar cubes

Shroooms on the 4th and a village Halloween parade .....when it wasnt commercialized and over run with asshole intolerant progressives leftwing retards like you

My teenage years weren't exactly wholesome

Come to think of it most of my adult life to .....derp
Half the senior class dropped mesc one day .....people were tripping balls by 2nd period ...holy shit the froggin 80s

Ya know but then you grow up
I WOULD PROBABLY stroke out an die if I did that shit today lol
Hallucinations are an interesting phenomenon. They can be positive (seeing, hearing, etc. things that are not there) or negative (not seeing things that are there). One problem is, how to know what a hallucination is? If there are two people present and one sees something the other doesn't, who is hallucinating? It takes at least a third party to decide, and even that may not be regarded as certain.
Now, apply that on a social scale. How much of what is going on is not seen by too many people?
So that’s what happened to you. It makes complete sense now
And by the way, you still misspell "taze."
He does that ON PURPOSE. Thank you.
You're damn right I do it on purpose.
HE spells "tase" wrong PURPOSELY.
Think he can spell hallucinogenics? :auiqs.jpg:
Actually, I prefer the term "psychedelics" which means "mind-manifesting." In addition to LSD, I have taken belladonna (only once!), and that is a TRUE hallucinogen. I saw people and objects that weren't there, and a lot of other weird things. (This was almost 50 years ago.) I do NOT recommend belladonna (or its alkaloid, atropine). But I do recommend LSD. If taken under the proper circumstances, it can be life-altering. This information has been suppressed, though.
I heard about people microdosing LSD and apparently, when it's taken like this, has many benefits, including for people who have ADHD? (don't quote me on that though. I'll try and find that article. ) I believe it was when I was reading up on nootropics and their benefits...different people's recommendations on stacking.
It seems to me that many of the people on this board really ought to take LSD. Your minds are closed. You need to open them. LSD could change your life. Unfortunately, these days I can't help you obtain any acid. But if you can get any, please let me know!
You don't know what you're missing.
Strychnine poisoning. Next!
That's why those in the know prefer windowpane.
Yes, actually, LSD is extremely powerful, so dosage is measured in micrograms instead of milligrams, and you can put a good dose on a thin sheet, usually either of either gelatin (windowpane) or paper (blotter). That helps assure that there aren't any impurities (such as strychnine) in it. In fact, I still have a couple of hits of blotter acid from the 1970s depicting Mickey Mouse as the Sorcerer's Apprentice. I sucked out all the LSD (of course!) but then I saved the paper squares.
So that’s what happened to you. It makes complete sense now
And by the way, you still misspell "taze."
He does that ON PURPOSE. Thank you.
You're damn right I do it on purpose.
HE spells "tase" wrong PURPOSELY.
Think he can spell hallucinogenics? :auiqs.jpg:
Actually, I prefer the term "psychedelics" which means "mind-manifesting." In addition to LSD, I have taken belladonna (only once!), and that is a TRUE hallucinogen. I saw people and objects that weren't ther
Prolly a little mescaline, too? ( a naturally occurring psychedelic)
No, mescaline is almost impossible to get. I had some alleged mescaline once, but it was crap. Mescaline is the active ingredient in the peyote cactus, and I think it's hard to synthesize. The cactus itself takes a long time to grow, and it may even be endangered now, due to over-harvesting. But I did take psilocybin once, and I think it was genuine, because it was a mellower trip than LSD usually was. Psilocybin is from a mushroom that grows on cow pies (among other things), and it's much easier to cultivate than peyote, and it grows faster.
I chewed mescaline back when it was readily available. It is the most bitter god awful tasting stuff imaginable, but what a fun trip.
Yes, peyote is supposed to taste awful. Did you throw up? Many people do. Where did you get it? And when?

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