Dr Fauci needs to go

... germany runs auto factories in china and has employees flying back and forth constantly

Sure - howelse could we infect you with Corona and wipe you from this planet with the help of the wrong decisions of your president?

Thanks for confirming

I didnt think the chinese disease (part B) was concocted in german bio warfare labs to infect America (and europe) with
... germany runs auto factories in china and has employees flying back and forth constantly

Sure - howelse could we infect you with Corona and wipe you from this planet with the help of the wrong decisions of your president?

Thanks for confirming

I didnt think the chinese disease (part B) was concocted in german bio warfare labs to infect America (and europe) with

Is something like a negative IQ existing in the USA? Or do you do a civil war against all forms of rationality? What for heavens sake is wrong with you?
Europe has strong interaction with china
Italy for instance has a lot of low paid chinese workers up north in the garment industry
germany runs auto factories in china and has employees flying back and forth constantly
Liberal Europeans screwed us over again. They should know better than to do so much business with China.
... germany runs auto factories in china and has employees flying back and forth constantly

Sure - howelse could we infect you with Corona and wipe you from this planet with the help of the wrong decisions of your president?

Thanks for confirming

I didnt think the chinese disease (part B) was concocted in german bio warfare labs to infect America (and europe) with

Is something like a negative IQ existing in the USA? Or do you do a civil war against all forms of rationality? What for heavens sake is wrong with you?


your visa has expired on this topic with me
Europe has strong interaction with china
Italy for instance has a lot of low paid chinese workers up north in the garment industry
germany runs auto factories in china and has employees flying back and forth constantly
Liberal Europeans screwed us over again. They should know better than to do so much business with China.
They are no worse than America has been for the past 25 years till trump was elected president

china has made a lot of money from the West and uses it shrewdly to buy influence in government, business, the media and academia
... germany runs auto factories in china and has employees flying back and forth constantly

Sure - howelse could we infect you with Corona and wipe you from this planet with the help of the wrong decisions of your president?

Thanks for confirming

I didnt think the chinese disease (part B) was concocted in german bio warfare labs to infect America (and europe) with

Is something like a negative IQ existing in the USA? Or do you do a civil war against all forms of rationality? What for heavens sake is wrong with you?


Ok? ...
Europe has strong interaction with china
Italy for instance has a lot of low paid chinese workers up north in the garment industry
germany runs auto factories in china and has employees flying back and forth constantly
Liberal Europeans

The word "liberal" in Europe means something what's totally different from the word "liberal" in the USA. In a most simple view to this word it means people who love freedom - in a very sophisticated way this word is for example also able to mean people like you, who are fighting for the socialism of the poor superrich.

screwed us over again.

Good grief. What a nonsense to say so in a country full of people of European descendents.

They should know better than to do so much business with China.

We should help you to build an Atlantic wall. And China should help you to build a wall in the Pacific. And after you will have finished to build with the money of Mexico a wall against South-America, the Commonwealth could help you to build a wall against Canada too. Then you will have enough time to learn manners, until England will visit you in some milllion years.

Der Bär, der ein Bär bleiben wollte

Er lebte in den Wäldern und lebte frei und allein,
Sein Reich ging von den Hügeln bis tief ins Land hinein.
Vom Bach bis an die Ufer seines Flusses und von da
Hinab bis in die Täler, soweit sein Auge sah.
Er kannte jede Höhle und fast jeden Blaubeerstrauch,
Die Lieblingsplätze der Forellen selbstverständlich auch.
Und abends liebte er es sehr, im hohen Gras zu stehn,
An einen Fels gelehnt zu denken, und ins Land hinauszusehn.

So stand der Bär auch an jenem Nachmittag auf dem Fels,
Recht deutlich spürte er den Herbstwind schon in seinem Pelz.
Am Himmel sah er Wildgänse in Scharen südwärts ziehn,
Er gähnte oft, und er war müd', und es fröstelte ihn.
Er trottete zu seiner Lieblingshöhle durch das Laub,
Verscharrte noch den Eingang hinter sich und sprach:
"Ich glaub' - es riecht nach Schnee",
Während er letzte Vorkehrungen traf.
Legte sich auf sein Lager und begann den Winterschlaf.

Er sollte recht behalten, es begann noch nachts zu schnei'n.
Der Winter zog in seinen Wald, der Boden fror zu Stein.
Ein eisiger Wind sang in den klaren Nächten im Geäst.
Dem Bär'n in seinem Unterschlupf war warm, und erschlief fest.
Doch mit dem Winter kamen auch die Menschen in den Wald.
Sie fällten Baum um Baum, vermaßen, zäunten ein und bald
Brachten sie Kräne, Bagger, Rohre, Stahlbeton. Schon stand
Genau über der Höhle eine Fabrik im Land.

Der Frühling kam, und gut gelaunt erwachte auch der Bär
Tief unten in der Höhle, nur das Aufstehn fiel noch schwer.
Und als er dann schlaftrunken durch den engen Ausgang stieg,
Stand er ungläubig mitten auf dem Vorhof der Fabrik.
Da kam auch schon ein Pförtner brüllend auf ihn zumarschiert,
"Los Du da, an die Arbeit, statt hier 'rumzustehn, kapiert."
"Verzeihung", sprach der Bär verstört, "aber ich bin ein Bär."
"Jetzt reicht's mir", schrie der Mann, "Zum Personalchef und kein Wort mehr!"

Der Personalchef war ein muffiger, verhärmter Mann.
"Ich bin ein Bär", sagte der Bär, "das sieht man mir doch an."
"Was ich sehe, ist meine Sache" sprach der Mann, "und Du
Bist ein dreckiger Faulpelz und noch unrasiert dazu."
Dann schubste er ihn zum Vizedirektor, der aktiv
Und sehr ergeben unterwürfig den Direktor rief.
Der sprach und ließ dabei seinen Managersessel drehn,
"Unser Herr Präsident wünscht das faule Subjekt zu seh'n."

"Soso", sagte der Präsident, "Sie sind also ein Bär."
Er hatte das größte Büro und langweilte sich sehr.
Er war so mächtig, daß er keinen Schreibtisch mehr besaß,
Keine Krawatte tragen mußte und nur Comics las.
"Wenn Sie ein Bär sind, bitte, dann beweisen Sie das auch."
Der Bär kratzte sich vor Verlegenheit über den Bauch.
"Nein, Bären gibt es nur in Zoo und Zirkus kurz und klein.
Genau dort hol'n wir jetzt ein Gutachten über Sie ein."

Die Präsidentenlimousine fuhr den Bär'n zum Zoo,
Und seine Artgenossen musterten ihn schadenfroh.
Und einstimmig erklärten sie, wer Auto fährt, und wer
Nicht hinter Gittern lebt, sei alles andere als ein Bär.
Die Tanzbären im Zirkus urteilten genauso prompt,
Weil wer nicht tanzt und radfährt, nicht als Bär infrage kommt.
Die Heimfahrt über dachte er "und ich bin doch ein Bär,
Ich weiß es doch, ich weiß es", doch er wehrte sich nicht mehr.

Er ließ sich Arbeitszeug anzieh'n, und als man ihm befahl,
Sich zu rasier'n, rasierte er sich seine Schnauze kahl.
Stempelte seine Stechkarte wie jeder andere Mann
Und lernte, daß der Tag mit einem Hupsignal begann.
Er ließ sich an eine Maschine setzen, wo ein Griff
Von rechts nach links zu dreh'n war, wenn eine Sirene pfiff.
Und wenn man das versäumte, leuchtete ein rotes Licht,
Das zeigte, der Mann daran, der arbeitet grade nicht.

So stand er Tag für Tag an der Maschine, drehte stumm
Den Griff von rechts nach links und danach wieder rechts herum.
Nur in der Mittagspause mußt' er zum Fabrikzaun gehn,
Um durch Maschinen und Stacheldraht ins Land hinauszuseh'n.
Die Osterglocken blühten und verblühten vor dem Zaun.
Ein Sommer kam und ging, der Herbst färbte die Wälder braun.
Am Himmel sah er Wildgänse in Scharen südwärts ziehn.
Er gähnte oft, und er war müd', und es fröstelte ihn.

Er wurde immer müder, je näher der Winter kam.
Er gähnte immer mehr, je mehr er sich zusammennahm.
Vom Wachen taten ihm oft mittags schon die Augen weh.
Er stand am Zaun und sagte vor sich hin: "Es riecht nach Schnee."
An dem Nachmittag schlief er glatt an der Maschine ein,
Hörte nicht die Sirene, nur den Personalchef schrei'n,
"He, Du da, raus, Du bist entlassen, hier ist Dein Restlohn."
"Entlassen?", jubelte der Bär und er machte sich davon.

Sein Bündel auf den Schultern, wanderte er ohne Ziel
Einfach gradaus im Schnee, der schon in dicken Flocken fiel.
So ging er einen Tag, eine Nacht und noch einen Tag
Auf der Standspur der Autobahn, wo nicht so viel Schnee lag.
Mal zählte er die Autos, die er sah, doch ihm viel ein,
Daß er nur bis fünf zählen konnte, und so ließ er's sein.
Und dann am zweiten Abend sah er in der Ferne hell,
Im dichten Schneegestöber Neonbuchstaben: "Motel".

Durchfroren, naß und müde trat der Bär an den Empfang.
Der Mann hinter dem Tresen musteret ihn und schwieg lang.
Tat unheimlich beschäftigt, um beiläufig zu erklär'n:
"Wir haben keine Zimmer frei für Landstreicher und Bär'n."
Habe ich das Wort 'Bär' gehört, sagten Sie 'Bär' vorhin?
Das heißt, Sie sind der Meinung, daß ich wirklich einer bin."
Der Mann griff kreidebleich zum Telefon, der Bär ging schnell
Zur Tür, und er verschwand im Wald, gleich hinter dem Motel.

Er stapfte durch den Wald, der ihm jetzt fremd und feindlich schien.
Er ging, und nach und nach verließen seine Kräfte ihn.
Ich muß jetzt darüber nachdenken, dachte sich der Bär,
Was mit mir werden soll, wenn ich nur nicht so müde wär'.
Er setzte sich vor eine Höhle und starrte noch lang
Ins Leere, hörte, wie der Schneesturm in den Bäumen sang.
Er spürte ihn nicht mehr und ließ sich ganz und gar zuschnei'n, und vor
Dem dritten Morgen seiner Reise schlief er ein.

Reinhard Mey
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The word "liberal" in Europe means something what's totally different from the word "liberal" in the USA.
There are many differences between euros and Americans

which is why you should stay out of our politics
The word "liberal" in Europe means something what's totally different from the word "liberal" in the USA.
here are many differences between euros and Americans

Both are idiots - specially the Europeans, who are Americans?

which is why you should stay out of our politics

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?
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Zaang, I forgot did you say you were a Muzzie invader or simply a low class, ignorant, uneducated German?

Apparently this song alludes to a dude from the UK who looked like Elvis, went the the USA, and came back. Not really sure!

Not to get technical, all the guitar part are chunks lifted from many other songs. David Bowie actually had a couple of decent songs before he did the crazy punk thing.

This one is pretty cool before he adopted the fake punk persona.

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Some (¿or most?) US-Americans seem to forget faster than they percept. Alcohol? Drugs? Medicaments?

did you say you were a Muzzie invader or simply a low class, ignorant, uneducated German?

Ahem - what for heavens sake do you know about "education"? You are an US-American.

Apparently this song alludes to a dude from the UK who looked like Elvis, went the the USA, and came back. Not really sure!

Aha - David Bowie - what an artists. Always fascinating as long as he lived - in many ways. He died in NY. Lots of people die in the federal state New York now. Why has the City and the state the same name? That's confusing.

Whatever. l do not like this video. Don't know why now. And what do you compare when you compare David Bowie with Elvis Presley? Elvis was a crooner. The only song I loved from Elvis was "In the ghetto".

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The word "liberal" in Europe means something what's totally different from the word "liberal" in the USA.
here are many differences between euros and Americans

Both are idiots - specially the Europeans, who are Americans?

which is why you should stay out of our politics

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?
Its your country

do as you please
The word "liberal" in Europe means something what's totally different from the word "liberal" in the USA.
here are many differences between euros and Americans

Both are idiots - specially the Europeans, who are Americans?

which is why you should stay out of our politics

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?
Its your country

do as you please

We never had a problem with your soldiers. But it's interesting to hear for me that you suddenly change into an anti-american course. What's your real nationality? Are you a Russian?

The word "liberal" in Europe means something what's totally different from the word "liberal" in the USA.
here are many differences between euros and Americans

Both are idiots - specially the Europeans, who are Americans?

which is why you should stay out of our politics

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?
Its your country

do as you please

We never had a problem with your soldiers. But it's interesting to hear for me that you suddenly change into an anti-american course. What's your real nationality? Are you a Russian?

I’m not anti American

but I suspect you might be
The word "liberal" in Europe means something what's totally different from the word "liberal" in the USA.
here are many differences between euros and Americans

Both are idiots - specially the Europeans, who are Americans?

which is why you should stay out of our politics

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?
Its your country

do as you please

We never had a problem with your soldiers. But it's interesting to hear for me that you suddenly change into an anti-american course. What's your real nationality? Are you a Russian?

I’m not anti American

but I suspect you might be

Aha. You are not an anti-American. And you don't care about the death toll of US-Americans in context Corona.

Last edited:
The word "liberal" in Europe means something what's totally different from the word "liberal" in the USA.
here are many differences between euros and Americans

Both are idiots - specially the Europeans, who are Americans?

which is why you should stay out of our politics

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?
Its your country

do as you please

We never had a problem with your soldiers. But it's interesting to hear for me that you suddenly change into an anti-american course. What's your real nationality? Are you a Russian?

I’m not anti American

but I suspect you might be

Aha. You are not an anti-American. And you don't care about the death toll of US-Americans in context Corona.

I dont care haw many germans die because its not my country to worry about

you should try minding your own business too
The word "liberal" in Europe means something what's totally different from the word "liberal" in the USA.
here are many differences between euros and Americans

Both are idiots - specially the Europeans, who are Americans?

which is why you should stay out of our politics

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?
Its your country

do as you please

We never had a problem with your soldiers. But it's interesting to hear for me that you suddenly change into an anti-american course. What's your real nationality? Are you a Russian?

I’m not anti American

but I suspect you might be

Aha. You are not an anti-American. And you don't care about the death toll of US-Americans in context Corona.

I dont care haw many germans die

That's s what all anti-German extremists say worldwide - and many people in Europe, in the world of the Slaws and in the English speaking world are educating anti-German extremists. I remember in this context a German, who was robbed in Australia from an Australian aborigine with the words "Gimme your money, Nazi". Very amusing. Still I have to laugh about this story. I hope he survived (he=the aborigene) but even if he got the money, I guess he will not be rich now. Wrong method. But in all primitive cultures men waste their money and time with weapons and with hate propaganda.

because its not my country to worry about

So your logic without heart says the USA is not your country, because you don't worry about the survival and you don't care about the lifes of the people in the USA. It's even in the opposite. You risk the life of US-Americans. In your form of logic I am an US-American, because I care. But you don't see your own logic objectively because you are not experienced in philosophy.

you should try minding your own business too

That's not a problem for a German. Many of us do what they do no reason they do what we do. What we do is our business - even if it means to do nothing. I'm sure no one - perhaps except a Japanese - is as perfect in doing nothing as a German, who decides to do nothing. But that's not my way. ... Ahem: And what do you say is your real nationality now? Who is most far from perfectionism - even from the very perfect perfectionism not to be perfect, because the perfect is not perfect? ... Difficult to say - but you are far from any form of serios spirituality - you don't believe in god, isn't it? Do you hate god? God gives rules.

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We should help you to build an Atlantic wall. And China should help you to build a wall in the Pacific. And after you will have finished to build with the money of Mexico a wall against South-America, the Commonwealth could help you to build a wall against Canada too. Then you will have enough time to learn manners, until England will visit you in some milllion years.
Did you pay attention to the last election? Americans voted for Trump because he promised to build a wall. And I'd have no problem building walls or passing new immigration laws to keep the people from third world countries out of America. If we had kept all low life from third world countries out of America, we would also have kept Coronavirus out.
We should help you to build an Atlantic wall. And China should help you to build a wall in the Pacific. And after you will have finished to build with the money of Mexico a wall against South-America, the Commonwealth could help you to build a wall against Canada too. Then you will have enough time to learn manners, until England will visit you in some milllion years.
Did you pay attention to the last election? Americans voted for Trump

Trump got less than 50% of the votes and now he is president.

because he promised to build a wall.

He promised he will build a wall (between the people from the South of America and the North of America) not with the money of the rich USA - but with the money of the poorer country Mexico. Such a racism call lots of US-Americans "clever".

And I'd have no problem building walls or passing new immigration laws to keep the people from third world countries out of America.

You have a problem building walls - because others hate this idea. For example Catholics or Germans. I am both - and in the USA live lots of people, who have German ancestors and people, who are traditional Christians.

If we had kept all low life from third world countries out of America, we would also have kept Coronavirus out.

No. It were rich people, who transported Corona all over the planet - drunken tourists for example, who had celebrated in a Corona atmosphere - and not the poor people of third world countries. And one of the problems in this context now is: the health care system of the USA is not working in the "third world USA".
Last edited:
The word "liberal" in Europe means something what's totally different from the word "liberal" in the USA.
here are many differences between euros and Americans

Both are idiots - specially the Europeans, who are Americans?

which is why you should stay out of our politics

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?
Its your country

do as you please

We never had a problem with your soldiers. But it's interesting to hear for me that you suddenly change into an anti-american course. What's your real nationality? Are you a Russian?

I’m not anti American

but I suspect you might be

Aha. You are not an anti-American. And you don't care about the death toll of US-Americans in context Corona.

I dont care haw many germans die

That's s what all anti-German extremists say worldwide - and many people in Europe, in the world of the Slaws and in the English speaking world are educating anti-German extremists. I remember in this context a German, who was robbed in Australia from an Australian aborigine with the words "Gimme your money, Nazi". Very amusing. Still I have to laugh about this story. I hope he survived (he=the aborigene) but even if he got the money, I guess he will not be rich now. Wrong method. But in all primitive cultures men waste their money and time with weapons and with hate propaganda.

because its not my country to worry about

So your logic without heart says the USA is not your country, because you don't worry about the survival and you don't care about the lifes of the people in the USA. It's even in the opposite. You risk the life of US-Americans. In your form of logic I am an US-American, because I care. But you don't see your own logic objectively because you are not experienced in philosophy.

you should try minding your own business too

That's not a problem for a German. Many of us do what they do no reason they do what we do. What we do is our business - even if it means to do nothing. I'm sure no one - perhaps except a Japanese - is as perfect in doing nothing as a German, who decides to do nothing. But that's not my way. ... Ahem: And what do you say is your real nationality now? Who is most far from perfectionism - even from the very perfect perfectionism not to be perfect, because the perfect is not perfect? ... Difficult to say - but you are far from any form of serios spirituality - you don't believe in god, isn't it? Do you hate god? God gives rules.

Now your feelings are hurt

no one invited you to stick your nose into American domestic issues

but you did

even going so far as to ask me what I think about kicking all the Americans out of germany

to which I reply “go ahead”

its your country after all and none of my business what you do

and that upset you even more

all of which could have been avoided if you were not sticking your german nose into our business
The word "liberal" in Europe means something what's totally different from the word "liberal" in the USA.
here are many differences between euros and Americans

Both are idiots - specially the Europeans, who are Americans?

which is why you should stay out of our politics

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?
We landed on the moon first. ;)

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