Don't You Hate When This Happens?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I got takeout tonight with my fiancee at one of our local burger places and I specifically ordered a plain cheeseburger with nothing on it.

However, apparently this woman doesn't understand English very well since she was oriental and I got the complete opposite of what I ordered with everything on it.

I'm just going to get this out of the way right now. If you live in America and especially work at a restaurant,.. speak English. Please and thank you. 🙄
I got takeout tonight with my fiancee at one of our local burger places and I specifically ordered a plain cheeseburger with nothing on it.

However, apparently this woman doesn't understand English very well since she was oriental and I got the complete opposite of what I ordered with everything on it.

I'm just going to get this out of the way right now. If you live in America and especially work at a restaurant,.. speak English. Please and thank you. 🙄
....or...she knew a low-tipping Karen when she saw one---got her reparations in early?
I got takeout tonight with my fiancee at one of our local burger places and I specifically ordered a plain cheeseburger with nothing on it.

However, apparently this woman doesn't understand English very well since she was oriental and I got the complete opposite of what I ordered with everything on it.

I'm just going to get this out of the way right now. If you live in America and especially work at a restaurant,.. speak English. Please and thank you. 🙄
Yeah, it happens man. I hear ya though.
....or...she knew a low-tipping Karen when she saw one---got her reparations in early?

I always leave five bucks for one and for two we were getting takeout. Why would I need to tip anybody? We didn't have a server.
Things are Oriental, people are Asian.

Asian, Oriental... Either way it frustrates the heck out of me. Why get a job that requires you to both speak and understand English really well when you don't? Let alone live in a country where it is the native language?
Do you remember me telling you that you put too much personal drama on this board? This is akin to people taking a picture of their dinner and putting it on facebook.
Did you eat the burger?

Yes after I took everything off, but that isn't the point. I specifically ordered a plain cheeseburger and I didn't even stutter. My fiancee even backed me up on that one.
I got takeout tonight with my fiancee at one of our local burger places and I specifically ordered a plain cheeseburger with nothing on it.

However, apparently this woman doesn't understand English very well since she was oriental and I got the complete opposite of what I ordered with everything on it.

I'm just going to get this out of the way right now. If you live in America and especially work at a restaurant,.. speak English. Please and thank you. 🙄
people who speak English fuck up in life also.
Do you remember me telling you that you put too much personal drama on this board? This is akin to people taking a picture of their dinner and putting it on facebook.

Actually I do believe that it is a very important point that I made.
In a hundred years who is going to care? I accidentally shit my pants miles away from a bathroom today. I can guarantee I've bitched about that less than you and your burger.

It's not about the burger. It's about speaking English in an English speaking country.
Once in 1969 I ordered a hamburger at Hardees and clearly told the goofus taking my order, "No mustard." When I got home and opened it it was sodden with mustard. I was so angered and saddened that I threw it up in the air and shot it with my shotgun.

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