Don’t Call It Climate Change. Red States Prepare For ‘Extreme Weather’

Speaking of the sun....

Nicola Scafetta, Professor of Oceanography and Atmospheric Physics at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy): “The possible contribution of the sun to the 20th-century global warming greatly depends on the specific solar and climatic records that are adopted for the analysis. The issue is crucial because the current claim of the IPCC that the sun has had a negligible effect on the post-industrial climate warming is only based on global circulation model predictions that are compared against climatic records, which are likely affected by non-climatic warming biases (such as those related to the urbanization), and that are produced using solar forcing functions, which are obtained with total solar irradiance records that present the smallest secular variability (while ignoring the solar studies pointing to a much larger solar variability that show also a different modulation that better correlates with the climatic ones). The consequence of such an approach is that the natural component of climate change is minimized, while the anthropogenic one is maximized."

Gregory Henry, Senior Research Scientist in Astronomy, from Tennessee State University’s Center of Excellence in Information Systems (U.S.A.): “During the past three decades, I have acquired highly precise measurements of brightness changes in over 300 Sun-like stars with a fleet of robotic telescopes developed for this purpose. The data show that, as Sun-like stars age, their rotation slows, and thus their magnetic activity and brightness variability decrease. Stars similar in age and mass to our Sun show brightness changes comparable to the Sun’s and would be expected to affect climate change in their own planetary systems.”

Valery M. Fedorov, at the Faculty of Geography in Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia: “The study of global climate change critically needs an analytical review of scientific studies of solar radiation variations associated with the Earth's orbital motion that could help to determine the role and contributions of solar radiation variations of different physical natures to long-term climate changes.

Richard C. Willson, Principal Investigator in charge of NASA’s ACRIM series of Sun-monitoring Total Solar Irradiance satellite experiments (U.S.A.):
“Contrary to the findings of the IPCC, scientific observations in recent decades have demonstrated that there is no ‘climate change crisis’. The concept that’s devolved into the failed CO2 anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) hypothesis is based on the flawed predictions of imprecise 1980’s vintage global circulation models that have failed to match observational data both since and prior to their fabrication. The Earth’s climate is determined primarily by the radiation it receives from the Sun. The amount of solar radiation the Earth receives has natural variabilities caused by both variations in the intrinsic amount of radiation emitted by the Sun and by variations in the Earth-Sun geometry caused by planetary rotational and orbital variations. Together these natural variations cause the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) at the Earth to vary cyclically on a number of known periodicities that are synchronized with known past climatic changes.”

Willie Soon, at the Center for Environmental Research and Earth Sciences (CERES), who also has been researching sun/climate relationships at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (U.S.A.) since 1991: “We know that the Sun is the primary source of energy for the Earth’s atmosphere. So, it always was an obvious potential contributor to recent climate change. My own research over the last 31 years into the behavior of stars that are similar to our Sun, shows that solar variability is the norm, not the exception. For this reason, the Sun’s role in recent climate change should never have been as systematically undermined as it was by the IPCC’s reports.
Like I said the IPCC's opinion is for sale.
When the human race almost went extinct. Not exactly a glowing endorsement of your position.
And remember...when they say "we" will adapt, they mean other people. Not themselves. The mean anonymous, faceless people in another place and time.
There is no avoiding an increase in global temperature. The nay sayers
pooh-poohers who continue to insist that it's billions of years in the future are simply sticking their heads in the sand to the reality of our solar system and its mechanics. Moving away from hydrocarbon combustion towards cleaner forms of energy production is a great goal. Trying to Henny Penny everybody into that move so that a few green thieves can profit from it richly simply isn't going to fly; And once again what will you do about China and please don't hand me the tired old line that they're making changes. Telling me that they're changing their energy identity is no different than telling me that a rapist has moved on from 20-year-old women to 40 year old women and so he has now made progress.

There is no avoiding an increase in global temperature.
Yes, the scientists taught you that. The ones you now accuse of being frauds for sale. You cite their life's work as fact, then call them frauds and liars. How fucking dumb of you.

No need to continue further with this exchange. Your first statement shows how delusional you are on this topic. So I won't waste my time.
The scientists? Based on what? I would love to hear your argument on this steaming gpile of crap.
No. You are the one who is confused.

Who was? About what? Be specific. And then also step up to the plate and tell me why I should care.

Oh look, a link you never read and don't understand. Am I supposed to sift through that and spoonfeed it back to you? Search for your point?

If you care about the science, defer to IPCC. If you prefer staying ignorant and attempting to score emotional points on message boards, defer to the NY Post.
Yes, the scientists taught you that. The ones you now accuse of being frauds for sale. You cite their life's work as fact, then call them frauds and liars. How fucking dumb of you.

No need to continue further with this exchange. Your first statement shows how delusional you are on this topic. So I won't waste my time.
Oh please..... Do not run and hide from well established astronomical fact.
My biggest complaint with the anthropogenic priests of nonsense is that they always ignored astronomy..
A science that is much older and much more well established than the recent Henny Penny global warning/warming sect.

The Chinese of building coal fired factories all over the planets at a blistering pace. Your buddy Biden and his best buddy Buffett are moving like a little jackasses to fill the coal carrying cars being sold to xi.

I want what you want.... But I don't want to screw anybody to get there.
Do not run and hide from well established astronomical fact.
I'm not. The scientists who discovered and taught you that have reached consensus on climate change. You are the one who cites their life's work as fact and then calls them frauds for sale. Very fucking dumb. And a definitve illustration of your delusional stance and of your dishonest campaign, fueled only by childish political fetishes.
Which makes them more valuable than your "anthropogenicclimate" models....
Mine? Yes, I sit around all day, making climate models for the global scientific community. Listen to yourself. As if you know fuck all about any of the models or the science. Stop embarrassing yourself and go find another topic to be wrong on. Your work is done, here.
Well, you might want to consider separating the ideas in your head of what the science says and what people say we should do about it. To avoid embarrassment.
/———/ OK. Here’s what science says:
John Shewchuk
Certified Consulting Meteorologist
Lt Col, USAF, Retired – Advanced Weather Officer

/———/ OK. Here’s what science says:
John Shewchuk
Certified Consulting Meteorologist
Lt Col, USAF, Retired – Advanced Weather Officer

That is not what science says. Show me his published science. That's what science is.

wait... he doesn't have any? he has no experience or education in climatology whatsoever?

Huh, what a bizarre post by you. It's as if you had to go find someone with no actual published science, in order to find a contrarian, and then present his unevidenced opinion as 'what all the science actually says". But that would be pretty stupid, dishonest, and anti-intellectual. Surely you are better than that. ;)
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The right is waking up to the reality of climate change.
Science tells us last ice age lasted from 120,000 BC to 10,000 BC. Then a dramatic warm-up. I doubt a sincere effort to reduce our carbon footprint would have changed the results by even 0.0002%.
Intelligence is wasted on the proud and the greedy. Instead spend our trillions on taking care of the most needy in this country and around the globe. God will thank you for it. And we all know He, not science, controls the weather.
The Earth is 4.5 Billion years old. Of course the climate changes and there is extreme weather. What a crock of shit to think SUV drivers in Red States are impacting global climate change.

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