Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Is Three Percent

Stop lying to yourselves folks. Blacks do not like Trump.

August 31, 2018
Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Is Three Percent
93 percent of black voters say they disapprove of the president's job performance


Aaron Homer

Donald Trump’s approval rating among black voters is three percent, the lowest among any demographic group, The Week is reporting.

As previously reported by the Inquisitr, new polling released this week by The Washington Post and ABC News shows utterly dismal poll numbers for the president. At 36 percent, his approval rating is the lowest it’s been throughout his presidency, clocking it a point lower than his previous low, 37 percent, just after his inauguration. His disapproval rating is 60 percent.

Among black voters, Trump’s approval rating is a mere three percent, according to the most recent polling numbers. Meanwhile, 93 percent of black voters disapprove of the job the president is doing. That’s a precipitous drop for his approval numbers among black voters a month ago when 20 percent approved of the job he was doing.

Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Is Three Percent

The Washington Post and ABC news sez????? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm black and I say those polls are accurate.. You are white, racist and republican so you are expected to deny this.

Stop lying to yourselves folks. Blacks do not like Trump.

August 31, 2018
Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Is Three Percent
93 percent of black voters say they disapprove of the president's job performance


Aaron Homer

Donald Trump’s approval rating among black voters is three percent, the lowest among any demographic group, The Week is reporting.

As previously reported by the Inquisitr, new polling released this week by The Washington Post and ABC News shows utterly dismal poll numbers for the president. At 36 percent, his approval rating is the lowest it’s been throughout his presidency, clocking it a point lower than his previous low, 37 percent, just after his inauguration. His disapproval rating is 60 percent.

Among black voters, Trump’s approval rating is a mere three percent, according to the most recent polling numbers. Meanwhile, 93 percent of black voters disapprove of the job the president is doing. That’s a precipitous drop for his approval numbers among black voters a month ago when 20 percent approved of the job he was doing.

Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Is Three Percent
Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds
WAPO and ABC are known for fabricated polling... I generally look into the numbers before believing anything that comes from these liars.. They generally use demographics and time to skew their bull shit.

The real rate is well above 36% approval.. They are trying like hell to scare these people and shame/force them back onto the democrat plantation with lies and deceptions.

I'm black white boy. I know for a fact we hate Trumps racist ass. The 3 percent poll is accurate.

The truth is----------->this President has more Black support than any President who was a Republican since Reagan

3 per cent dude.

You guys don't math very well, do you?

3 out of 11 is 27.2727272727272%

Almost 30%. Closer to 30% than 25%. You're derp if you cling to the 3% thing.

All 3 of you have exposed yourselves as idiots.

Except there were 96 not 11.
Lol, all the denial/false indifference in this thread from the very same group who believed and were thrilled by the fake news about tRump's approval rating being over 30% among black folks is hilarious.

Voters Think Young Blacks Doing Better Under Trump Than Obama - Rasmussen Reports®

Rasmussen is fake news.
Rasmussen is another boogeyman for anti-intellectuals while being easily the most accurate pollster for over a decade.
Republicans aren't going to get the picture until they've suffered MASSIVE losses this November...and the next.

We'll be dancing in the streets and they'll be crying in their soup, talking about "it was rigged!!!"
After 2020 you will wonder why you made dumbass posts like this. You aren’t even going to win anything this year and you are throwing everything you have at it while Republicans are largely complacent.

You will no longer be able to worship Farrakhan and cry about “racism”. Karma is going to wipe out what is left of the party.
Rasmussen is another boogeyman for anti-intellectuals while being easily the most accurate pollster for over a decade.

Rasmussen has a long history of "inaccurate polls" that favor Republicans.

Miraculously their polls get more accurate the closer we get to elections...providing cover after they have exerted their slanted influence

36% approval among blacks after they voted 8% in 2016???

Oh sure
Look at all these well dressed Trump supporters.

And imagine if this had been an Obama rally and in the midst of black supporters he spotted a white person and had said

"Look at my caucasian".

I wonder what the reaction to that would have been?

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Stop lying to yourselves folks. Blacks do not like Trump.

August 31, 2018
Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Is Three Percent
93 percent of black voters say they disapprove of the president's job performance


Aaron Homer

Donald Trump’s approval rating among black voters is three percent, the lowest among any demographic group, The Week is reporting.

As previously reported by the Inquisitr, new polling released this week by The Washington Post and ABC News shows utterly dismal poll numbers for the president. At 36 percent, his approval rating is the lowest it’s been throughout his presidency, clocking it a point lower than his previous low, 37 percent, just after his inauguration. His disapproval rating is 60 percent.

Among black voters, Trump’s approval rating is a mere three percent, according to the most recent polling numbers. Meanwhile, 93 percent of black voters disapprove of the job the president is doing. That’s a precipitous drop for his approval numbers among black voters a month ago when 20 percent approved of the job he was doing.

Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Is Three Percent

The Washington Post and ABC news sez????? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm black and I say those polls are accurate.. You are white, racist and republican so you are expected to deny this.
I don’t know about that — 3% sounds a bit high
Republicans aren't going to get the picture until they've suffered MASSIVE losses this November...and the next.

We'll be dancing in the streets and they'll be crying in their soup, talking about "it was rigged!!!"
After 2020 you will wonder why you made dumbass posts like this. You aren’t even going to win anything this year and you are throwing everything you have at it while Republicans are largely complacent.

You will no longer be able to worship Farrakhan and cry about “racism”. Karma is going to wipe out what is left of the party.

I doubt that junior.
Lol, all the denial/false indifference in this thread from the very same group who believed and were thrilled by the fake news about tRump's approval rating being over 30% among black folks is hilarious.

Voters Think Young Blacks Doing Better Under Trump Than Obama - Rasmussen Reports®

Rasmussen is fake news.
Rasmussen is another boogeyman for anti-intellectuals while being easily the most accurate pollster for over a decade.

Look at all these well dressed Trump supporters.

And imagine if this had been an Obama rally and in the midst of black supporters he spotted a white person and had said

"Look at my caucasian".

I wonder what the reaction to that would have been?


That would have been the end of his campaign.
Stop lying to yourselves folks. Blacks do not like Trump.

August 31, 2018
Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Is Three Percent
93 percent of black voters say they disapprove of the president's job performance


Aaron Homer

Donald Trump’s approval rating among black voters is three percent, the lowest among any demographic group, The Week is reporting.

As previously reported by the Inquisitr, new polling released this week by The Washington Post and ABC News shows utterly dismal poll numbers for the president. At 36 percent, his approval rating is the lowest it’s been throughout his presidency, clocking it a point lower than his previous low, 37 percent, just after his inauguration. His disapproval rating is 60 percent.

Among black voters, Trump’s approval rating is a mere three percent, according to the most recent polling numbers. Meanwhile, 93 percent of black voters disapprove of the job the president is doing. That’s a precipitous drop for his approval numbers among black voters a month ago when 20 percent approved of the job he was doing.

Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Is Three Percent

But that doesn't stop Republicans from lying. Apparently lying works for them.

President Trump recently bragged about his support among African Americans, saying his poll numbers had "doubled." His claim has been repeated thousands of times on TV and online. Some media figures have treated it as fact.
But it's not. The news organization responsible for the poll, Reuters, says its data is being misconstrued.

Here's the story of how it happened -- showing how right-wing web sites, Trump supporters on social media, and the president spread misleading information so easily.

This matters because Trump supporters were left with the impression that the president is gaining support from African Americans, an idea that is not backed up by data.

(CNN's latest poll conducted by SSRS has Trump at just 7% approval among African Americans. The last time CNN polled, in March, it was at 11%.)

Stelter: How Trump's false claim about African American support happened

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