Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Is Three Percent


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Mar 11, 2015
Stop lying to yourselves folks. Blacks do not like Trump.

August 31, 2018
Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Is Three Percent
93 percent of black voters say they disapprove of the president's job performance


Aaron Homer

Donald Trump’s approval rating among black voters is three percent, the lowest among any demographic group, The Week is reporting.

As previously reported by the Inquisitr, new polling released this week by The Washington Post and ABC News shows utterly dismal poll numbers for the president. At 36 percent, his approval rating is the lowest it’s been throughout his presidency, clocking it a point lower than his previous low, 37 percent, just after his inauguration. His disapproval rating is 60 percent.

Among black voters, Trump’s approval rating is a mere three percent, according to the most recent polling numbers. Meanwhile, 93 percent of black voters disapprove of the job the president is doing. That’s a precipitous drop for his approval numbers among black voters a month ago when 20 percent approved of the job he was doing.

Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Is Three Percent
Wait an ethnic group most closely associated with Democrats doesn't like a Republican president? Must be all those great advancements made with Obama....
They've been manipulated into a cultural contempt for schooling as (correctly) "indoctrination" but reject it outright. They ridicule their own for success. I'm not sure where that influence comes from, but it's something different than the way euroweenie mutts have morphed. We allow complete imbeciles to acquire Ivy League credentials based on family name and ability to pay along with the capacity to parrot information. That's why there are so many complete idiots like Hank Johnson asking Flag Officers if islands can capsize during congressional hearings. This isn't a high school drop out from Atlanta, this clown has "credentials" from someone who as far as I'm concerned should have theirs revoked.
Lol, all the denial/false indifference in this thread from the very same group who believed and were thrilled by the fake news about tRump's approval rating being over 30% among black folks is hilarious.
"Among black voters, Trump’s approval rating is a mere three percent, according to the most recent polling numbers."

The consequence of Trump being a bigot and racist.
only in your racist opinion
that has not be proven at all
I've asked many times for people to prove it--but they have all failed
Wait an ethnic group most closely associated with Democrats doesn't like a Republican president? Must be all those great advancements made with Obama....

Like Obama dropping black unemployment by 9 percent.

I think the poll is bullshit. I don't think they're in a hurry to go vote for some old white democrook or beaner from LA..
So what? The plantation mentality is strong with that group anyway.

That mentality only exists in you republicans.

Trump Tweets Video Of Hillary Clinton Referring To Blacks As "Super-Predators"

I've seen the video, posted the video and have asked you racists to show where Hillary specifically called blacks super predators. Those words do not exist in that video.
That is EXACTLY how she described them including the phrase "We must bring them to heal". Here you go:
Stop lying to yourselves folks. Blacks do not like Trump.
Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Is Three Percent

That's because Blacks are the Left's favorite voter control group! They send in the race-baiters (like you) and the poverty pimps to rant and rave, and soon it becomes highly socially unacceptable to step out from the group-think on your own. This is most prevalent among the slums and very low income, but as soon as you start talking to blacks with higher education, jobs and intelligence, you see more of them liking Trump.

Show me one black at a Trump rally with a hair pick in his hair, baggy, gangster jeans hanging down his ass and tattoos all over? Any black you see there is clean cut, professional and obviously willing to think for themselves.

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